View Full Version : Apparently 40k is the root of evil

Stormlord Aeirling
01-05-2010, 04:35 PM
Edit: sorry, the article was taken down because of copywrite issues.

01-05-2010, 04:52 PM
Can you at LEAST provide a summary of the article?

Stormlord Aeirling
01-05-2010, 05:00 PM
My apologies, i was just taking a few minutes to find out why my link had died. (All it said was there had been a issue with copywrite and the article had been removed)

Basically, it was a long description of how 40k was made to corrupt our children into genetically altering themselves and becoming government hit men who believed in a single god empereor. i can't remember it word by word, but thats a basic summary.

mods, you can go ahead and lock this. sorry.

01-05-2010, 05:07 PM
there was actually a BOLS article on this ages ago, freaky stuff :D

01-06-2010, 02:16 AM

01-06-2010, 03:34 AM
Sod it, I'm up for some genetic enhancement. Is there a tickbox for that in the forum control panel?

Lord Azaghul
01-06-2010, 07:41 AM
My apologies, i was just taking a few minutes to find out why my link had died. (All it said was there had been a issue with copywrite and the article had been removed)

Basically, it was a long description of how 40k was made to corrupt our children into genetically altering themselves and becoming government hit men who believed in a single god empereor. i can't remember it word by word, but thats a basic summary.

mods, you can go ahead and lock this. sorry.

I think I've seen that movie before!

Stormlord Aeirling
01-06-2010, 07:52 AM
Yep, Thats been around for quite a while. The Lady in question pops up every couple of months or so, spouts off that we're all derainged psyco's, has the site shut down by somebody (GW?) and disapaers for a while. If I remember the article is called "Games Workshop, Death Toys!" and does indeed claim that GW is in colusion with the Goverment to turn all our kids into genetically enhansed killers for the various wars we're fighting at the moment. It is so stupid its quite funny....

Yeah, thats exactly what she/he/it said.

heres the article http://www.pbsblog.com/pbsBlog/SpaceMarines/deathtoys.html

01-06-2010, 08:28 AM
Crazy people are so funny, mostly because they are so stupid/ignorant.

My favourite part is where she talks about the Horus Heresy, and how GW makes civil war cool and fun; clearly ignorant about how tragic the fluff actually makes is sound. It was brother against brother, no one did it gleefully. It was heartbreaking; the Emperor seeing one of his sons kill another, then having to stop him in return.

And Angel of Death, clearly she isn't religious otherwise she'd know that most western religions DO have angels of deaths: like the Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Samael.

Stormlord Aeirling
01-06-2010, 09:11 AM
Yeah i know. I had a similar reaction when somebody posted it over at 40k online. I typed up a good, long post about it

my exact words upon reading the article.

this is the most ridiculous thing i've seen in some time.

First of all, they are not toys, and they are not designed for children under the age of 13.

Secondly, it'd just a game. Gw is not out to make people run around slaughtering hordes of innocents. They are just trying to make a fun and tactically challenging miniature wargame.

Thirdly: Have these people ever read the bible? It says very clearly there a whole bunch of things about killing and murdering and raping and god smiting those who he does not like and all sorts of horrible things. Yet children are often encouraged to read the bible as it is supposedly the book of the lord.

Fourthly; if this dude's kids are idiotic enough to think that because it says horus killed a whole bunch of people and the space marines kill all heretics etc, etc, that they should do the same, then he obviously has been neglecting to teach them properly about life and the difference between reality and fiction. This is not GWs fault, this is the fault of the parent who has not been raising his child right.

fifthly: most of the people who play 40k are over the age of 16. A very, very small margin of 40k players are of a younger age, and i've never known any under 13 years of age. None of the gamers i've ever known have been rampaging lunatics who run around murdering everyone because the space marines did it.

sixthly: If he thinks the stuff that happens in 40k is any worse than what happens in real life (And is broadcasted on TV) then he is an total idiot. I mean, people get bombed to death in Iraq everyday by terrorist groups while corrupt CIA agents are jailed for life for taking bribes to commit horrendous crimes. all this can be watched on the evening news.

seventhly: IT IS A GAME. did everyone understand that. A GAME it is not designed for people under the age of 13, nor for people who cannot tell reality from fiction.

01-06-2010, 09:18 AM
wow that was just dumb she took every thing completely out of context. if you are going to attack something at least know what you are talking about

01-06-2010, 09:41 AM
I wonder if she's a troll, or dead serious. I mean some trolls can really try too hard.

01-06-2010, 10:02 AM

Stormlord Aeirling
01-06-2010, 10:06 AM
It's truly amazing. A combination of left wing extremism and right wing paranoia. I thought the two could never mix, but apparently they can.

01-06-2010, 10:16 AM

01-06-2010, 10:19 AM
Holy ****, I just looked at the rest of the PBSBlog sight.

PBS blog? Ain't got nothin' to do with the actual PBS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Broadcasting_Service). This PBS is just Public Bull**** :P

01-06-2010, 11:06 AM

That is sad if there are people out there really like that....

Well it is time to go off killing the enemys of the Emperor...lol.

Vaddok Sek
01-06-2010, 11:21 AM
Amazing she displays a combination of stupidity, paranoia, and vigour rarely seen out of Jack Thompson's ilk.

Mike X
01-06-2010, 11:59 AM
This "lady" would make the worst mom ever.

And I say "would" with full belief that she's not a mom - no guy in existence would impregnate this kind of nutterbutter!

01-06-2010, 02:05 PM
Reminds me of the screeds against Dungeons and Dragons back in the '80's. Also the works of Jack Chick, another paranoid conspiracy theorist.

I have a simple question to ask about all this. If everyone who plays 40K becomes a psychopathic killer, (just like with video games,) why isn't this country knee deep in bodies? If their theories are true, I shouldn't be able to walk out the door to get the mail without someone shooting at me.(Just for the record, this hasn't happened to me lately.)

Maybe they should read William Gaines' speech to the Senate Subcommitte Hearings into Juvenile Delinquency (Comic Books). Granted, that was in 1954, but his response is still as relevant if not more so today.

The attacks stay the same, just the target changes. Depressing, isn't it.

01-06-2010, 02:07 PM
For those interested on that speech, here's the transcript:


01-06-2010, 03:19 PM
Does anyone know where she is from or where she may have studied?

She sounds a proper crack pot. I doubt she is from the UK, I suspect she is from the US.

I wonder why GW havent had her up for defamation? I am kind of sick of the comments made about the game being evil, it seems that if its not the religious nut jobs then its people like this. Its not like GW hesitate when its their IP, but when its a nut jobs they do nothing. Its irritating!

I'm off to get myself enhanced and become a killing machine, see you lot at the special centre for 40K geek enhancement. :rolleyes:

01-06-2010, 06:38 PM
It's fine to worry about kids becoming accustomed to violence, as if violent video games needed any help...
It's fine to worry about governments taking advantage of the country's youth for nefarious purposes.
It's fine to discuss these worries.
However, you should probably stop short of hypocritical statements about Angels of Death.
And if you ever bring up the idea of a "world government" I will tune out instantly.
And some things are just too strange to be true.
And, as plenty of people have already pointed out, if you cannot tell the difference between a made-up story and real life, then you should seek help.

Mike X
01-06-2010, 07:08 PM
It's fine to worry about kids becoming accustomed to violence, as if violent video games needed any help...

Uh... violent video games is on par with any other media. The news can freely air real videos of people being killed, or the aftermath of suicide bombs... but heaven-forbid someone says a cuss word on live television, or a breast is exposed, or a sex scene contains "too many pelvic thrusts".

01-06-2010, 07:13 PM
She sounds a proper crack pot. I doubt she is from the UK, I suspect she is from the US.

I dearly want to argue with you about this statement but part of knows you are absolutely right....

Mike X
01-06-2010, 07:52 PM
I have to say, of all the cultures, societies, and countries on the planet, the US has the most psychotically overprotective parents.

I don't think other countries make their kids wear body-leashes, attempt to censor sex education, cry bloody murder if a Victoria's Secret mannequin is on display in a window, or flip out like the world is ending if their teenager is porking.

It really shames me every time I see a news article or video about American parents getting upset about the stupidest of things.

01-06-2010, 08:46 PM
Apparently you've never seen a rural middle-easterner then... I recall stories of men being killed for looking at their daughters wrong. Probably was exaggeration mind you, but hte point is that it's not the only culture. Even if it is hilariously bad in our culture.

01-06-2010, 09:29 PM
Much as I'm sure everyone else who plays warhammer (of any kind) feels, that person is seriously reading too much into things and is either a really over the top troll or just loopy. I don't normally like to post negetive things about people but just. Wow.

The hobby is all fun, I've played for three years and never once thought about going out to go "kill people who don't agree with me or my opinions" or getting some loopy gene enhancement. People are always poking at video games being too violent and blah blah blah; but maybe its people like this that are really the problem, trying to censure things they don't feel fit their taste.

I liked the line in William Gaines' speech that says "Once you start to censor you must censor everything. You must censor comic books, radio, television, and newspapers.Then you must censor what people may say."

If you censor all the horrible things that happen in the world then what becomes of those citizens? They live in a bubble of sorts that blocks out all the bad and they learn nothing from it or see how horrid it is and see that committing these crimes are deserving of punishment. If you never see or hear of stealing and how it affects the victims, but knew that it was against the law, how is that discouraging you from committing that crime? You don't know what you've done to the people you stole from.

01-06-2010, 09:58 PM
Oh my, I've just discovered that I'm a homicidal psychopath with a penchant for razing cities and purging those of opposing opinions. And to think, if I had never read this fantastic article, I might have killed Billions with my multi-stage-armour-piercing-mini-rocket-launching-submachine-gun. :rolleyes:

I remember when this was on the BoLS mainpage, lulz ensued. It's obvious that the author just quickly skimmed some random pages, decided they (she?) was offended, and went from there, looking for things they could rant about and over analyze. They then proceeded to climb the highest pedestal, and sit there being pretentious so they can act important around their friends.

The funny thing is, if they'd actually read the fluff, they'd (hopefully) see why the Imperium is like it is. Or they'd think it'd be a good idea to negotiate with a Tyranid (something I would pay to see >:] ).

01-06-2010, 10:09 PM
Anyone else recall this person putting a shallow attempt at an apology/defense of their position at the end of the horribly formatted page? It went along the lines of "Oh ho, I know there are plenty of people who play these games and are perfectly normal, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong." You could practically see her reflection on the screen rolling her eyes as she typed it.

I notice that's gone now. Probably removed it once the angry e-mails petered out. She still doesn't know anything about website formatting because there's a huge blank space where it used to be.

I'm halfway tempted to email her myself a few times as a wake-up call.

01-06-2010, 11:51 PM
wow this is sad. you see the same thing people like jack thompson and glen beck spouting of saying halo and grand theft auto are murder simulators and theyre corrupting our children. what none of them realize is that these games are NOT MEANT FOR CHILDREN. sure some kids play 40k like my little brother but they are pretty rare and i dont see them being brainwashed!!! what they are saying is completely ridiculous but we live in a free country and these people are free to state their opinions even if their heads are completely up their *****

01-07-2010, 12:05 AM

Mike X
01-07-2010, 01:58 AM
Apparently you've never seen a rural middle-easterner then... I recall stories of men being killed for looking at their daughters wrong. Probably was exaggeration mind you, but hte point is that it's not the only culture. Even if it is hilariously bad in our culture.

Of all the things the Middle East is ridiculous about, I've never heard of their parents being overprotective. Oppressive, sure, but never overprotective.

01-07-2010, 07:30 AM
You learn something new every day then, Mike X.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-07-2010, 11:08 PM
its true 40k DOES corrupt. Iv always wanted to have lots of tentacles, a single cyclopean eye and float around the galaxy enslaving other lifeforms to do my bidding!!!! or failing that, just put my mind into a robot skeleton with green glowy eyes. Hell yeah!

01-08-2010, 12:18 AM
Man i would love to see thier letter to rockstar games... Ok little jimmy have sex with that hooker to feel better than back over her in your stolen cop car to get your money back

01-08-2010, 01:16 AM
Sod it, I'm up for some genetic enhancement. Is there a tickbox for that in the forum control panel?

Same here, and I don't know, but believe me I've been looking. I will let you know when I find it :D.

And if you ever bring up the idea of a "world government" I will tune out instantly..

How very true, given that we can barely get one county's government to work right, the idea of a "world government" is just laughable. Conspiracy debunkers call it the "myth of the super-competent government," and then usually go on to point out that it would be nice if actual governments were even half as effective and on top of things they are made out to be in these sorts of myths.

I dearly want to argue with you about this statement but part of knows you are absolutely right....

I had the exact same thought :p.

... my multi-stage-armour-piercing-mini-rocket-launching-submachine-gun. :rolleyes:

Yours worked? I think I messed up when following the secret building instructions and missed a step somewhere between walkers in CC and the vehicle damage tables...

its true 40k DOES corrupt. Iv always wanted to have lots of tentacles, a single cyclopean eye and float around the galaxy enslaving other lifeforms to do my bidding!!!! or failing that, just put my mind into a robot skeleton with green glowy eyes. Hell yeah!

Same, just to shake up the day you know? :cool:

I remember when BoLS first brought our attention to this, and the saddest part about the whole article is the blatant superficiality and ignorance demonstrated in all aspects. One of the beauties of the 40k universe is that in many ways it is a dark comedy, a parody of all that is worst about religion, government, industry, and human nature. I is clear that there is no real understanding of the underlying richness and depth of the lore, just surface details taken terribly out of context of just plain in error. The "Angels of Death" thing for instance, just about every culture I have ever heard of (every single one) has had some personification of Death, equating "death" and "divine messenger" is not only not inherently sinister in the least, but not even close to being something original on the part of GW.

This sort of article is equal parts sad, infuriating, and hilarious.

Anyway, it has been too long since my last brain-washed murder spree at the behest of the Bilderberg Club, so I'm off to juice up on steriods to further boost my genetically enhanced strength and aggression so I can commit some horrible empty violence...

01-08-2010, 11:17 AM
I'd join you, Just_Me, but I'm out of sanctified napalm.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-08-2010, 11:42 AM
I'd join you, Just_Me, but I'm out of sanctified napalm.

You still have your faith.

01-08-2010, 11:44 AM
Right you are! *goes on holy crusade to get some hot wings*

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-08-2010, 11:55 AM
Right you are! *goes on holy crusade to get some hot wings*

With your outspoken nature you certainly sound like you could kick off a crusade or seventy. :D

01-08-2010, 11:59 AM
A pity I'm also apparently under a vow of poverty right now or I really would be crusading for some hot wings. Mmm... Wingstop's hotwings...

Also, is it bad that the first thing I think of every time I see this thread's title is that I want to respond with "apparently your FACE is the root of evil!"

01-08-2010, 01:19 PM
A pity I'm also apparently under a vow of poverty right now or I really would be crusading for some hot wings. Mmm... Wingstop's hotwings...

lolz! ty!

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-08-2010, 02:17 PM
A pity I'm also apparently under a vow of poverty right now or I really would be crusading for some hot wings. Mmm... Wingstop's hotwings...

problem solved ;

there, im sure you'll be flying across the galaxy burning heretics with those brutal feathered.. things!

01-08-2010, 02:19 PM
I think looking at those makes me want to vomit.

01-08-2010, 02:20 PM

01-09-2010, 01:22 PM
Parents are always going to find something to blame the behavior of their kids on because it absolves them of any responsibility when little johnny kills the neighbors cat or shoots up a school. I wonder what army Hitler played....or what music Jack the Ripper listened too.... and I am sure all of the blood shed in Darfur can be traced to Grand Theft Auto or HALO. Sorry to go off on a tangent but parents not taking responsibility for their actions/lack of action is one of my hot button issues.

01-09-2010, 01:34 PM

01-09-2010, 01:46 PM
you sure jack didnt listen to mylee cyrus? of whatever her name is. hannah montana my left foot! honestly, theirs more evil in the pop charts these days than a taliban suggestion box!( Credit to bill bailey on that last bit).
any way, back on topic. the catholics churches official standing on warhammer/40k is that its all good. the churches dont care, so why should some individuals decide they know more about their faiths standpoint on subjects than the heads of their faith. its like all the die hard, militant christians shouting rage at homosexuals and blacks in church, then go home and eat a leg of ham. just silly

01-09-2010, 01:50 PM

01-09-2010, 02:08 PM
they have an official standing on everything. most of the major faiths do.

01-09-2010, 02:09 PM

01-09-2010, 02:21 PM
The Catholic Church has an official postion on 40k???????????? Really???????

I dont find it that surprising. They have a position on and for everything else. (I'm going to stop there before I get into trouble)

Strange how games can effect some people...

Commissar Lewis
01-10-2010, 12:08 PM
Just when I thought I have seen the most asinine thing out there, I am proven wrong.

01-10-2010, 01:23 PM
This explains that 666 + 616 birthmark i have.

01-13-2010, 03:40 PM
this woman make me fear for the human race

Subject Keyword
01-13-2010, 06:13 PM
its true 40k DOES corrupt. I've always wanted to have lots of tentacles, a single cyclopean eye and float around the galaxy enslaving other lifeforms to do my bidding!!!! or failing that, just put my mind into a robot skeleton with green glowy eyes. Hell yeah!

Hmmm... That's strange...
That was my first thought too...

I think I'll go put on my Grim Reaper costume and terrorize children through their bedroom windows...

Asymmetrical Xeno, have I mentioned that I think you're a baddass?

Akimbo Lizard
01-14-2010, 08:07 PM
I feel sorry for saying this but " of corse she would be british! " Anti-US flaming in 3...2...

03-18-2010, 03:54 AM

The Madman
03-18-2010, 07:22 AM

you mean "goodbye" :D

anyway i didn't read the whole thing but i got the idea.

its pretty silly how much people sometimes read into things or blow it out of proportion.

03-18-2010, 09:35 PM
I feel sorry for saying this but " of corse she would be british! " Anti-US flaming in 3...2...

Then why even say it? Do you know how hard it is to make friends outside of US because of stupid bull**** like this? Do you have any clue how traumatizing it is for a little kid to have to grow up overseas on a military base where everyone in his school hates his country because of bull**** like that?* Maybe she's crazy because shes ****ing crazy, did you ever think of that?

*And possibly because no one like the US military base said kid is growing up on in their country.....

04-03-2010, 02:35 AM
I can understand why folk get annoyed about things like this but lets be honest, she is a fruitloop. Nothing more, nothing less. There will always be people taking offence to things like 40k. Just like the loony tunes that said Poemon was promoting witchcraft ect.

As for the anti US thing, whats wrong with the US? I am in England but i don't see the US as some kind of evil super power.

As for 40k corrupting. My pet rabbit was supposed to be a female but now the vet says its a male, crappy pet store or Slannesh at work? I really hope it turns into a spawn! Be a much more interesting pet to take for a walk lol.