View Full Version : The Tau Empire and the Forces of Chaos

Chapter Master Jake
04-17-2014, 06:44 AM
I have questions for the Magos Biologis and the Adeptus Mechanicus out there. :)

My first question is, why are the Tau seemingly immune to Chaos influence since we haven't heard any true report in the lore about a chaos worshiping Tau?

My second question is theoretically, are Tau currently technologically capable of reducing and eliminating warp breaches in space-time? Perhaps a series of colossal space-born structures that repel ambient warp energy back to the source, effectively shielding the material universe from the immaterial. Or maybe on a smaller scale, a black hole device fired into the immaterium and literally sucks the warp anomalies closed.

My third question is, what do the Tau do when they encounter something as dangerous and infectious as a Chaos Demon incursion or a full fledged Demon World? Since they don't have any Exterminatus procedures, do they just say meh and move around it or do they find a means to engage and save the world from Demon infestation?

My fourth and final question is, what do the Tau see Chaos as in a philosophical way? Like Confucius say, man who go to bed worshiping Nurgle wake up with rotty finger.

04-17-2014, 07:48 AM
1st) From what lore we have been given over the course of the past several years since the Tau release, it has been made fairly clear that the Tau simply do not have a presence within the Warp. If you think of Human souls as being little balls of light walking around a dark room being attracted by daemons, then its an easy concept to see. The Tau has no presence within the Warp like humans do and are thus not directly affected.

2nd) I do not believe so. The only race that has shown evidence of that kind of power are the Necrons.

3rd) The Battle of Arthas Moloch seems to be the best situation to describe what they do. But then that is the Farsight Enclaves.

4th) From what I've gleaned, the Tau view daemons as just aliens from another dimensional plane. Farsight apparently believes that the Ethereals know more than they are telling about them.

04-17-2014, 08:00 AM
1 - the Tau have little or no soul signature in the warp as they have no psychic presence. They dont adhere to religions and follow the greater good which is a life choice. There is evidence that Farshight is potentialy corrupted by chaos, but not in the manner that say humans are. I suggest reading the farsight book, lots of interesting bit in there.

2 - its more likely that Tau scientists would use space anomaly creating devices, or maby experiments with stolen imperial/alien warp tech. The Tau themselves dont have access to the warp really as they lack the psychic power to navigate it or open it.

3- if memory serves the Tau dont comprehend demons as demonic enitys, more that they are dimensional aliens. its likely they would quarantine planets that have been lost in combat to full scale demonic incursions or are demon planets. I think the Tau have the power to exterminate a planet if need be, but given their nature will possibly not do so. They would rather fight to reclaim it if they can.

4 - i think i answered this earlier - Tau have no concept of personal gods, that stuff is for primative races. in fact there is a story where they encounter slannesh marines , they think slannesh is their warlord. The Tau look to science and the gods have no intrest in Tau, as their souls are barely crumbs to feed on. unlike a farseer who is a giant banquet.