View Full Version : Necron thoughts 1750 points

04-17-2014, 01:28 AM
Hello everyone!

I'll be attending a tournament in about 3 weeks and will be finishing up my Necron army for that. Since I am still very new to the Necrons (and 6th Ed 40k in general, really), I am looking for some hints and tips from you 40k-overlords.

Here's the list I have in mind now:

Overlord (warlord) - 240p
-Mindshackle Scarabs
-Phase Shifter
-Command Barge

Destroyer Lord - 160p
-Mindshackle Scarabs
-Sempiternal Weave

10 Immortals - 170p
-Gauss Blasters

10 Immortals - 170p
-Tesla Carbines

5 Immortals - 85p
-Tesla Carbines
Night Scythe - 100p

5 Immortals - 85p
-Tesla Carbines
Night Scythe - 100p

Fast Attack:
5 Wraiths - 205p
-3 Whip Coils

5 Scarab Swarms - 75p

3 Tomb Blades - 90p
-3 Particle Beamers

Heavy Support:
Annihilation Barge - 90p

Annihilation Barge - 90p

Annihilation Barge - 90p

So this is my list as it stands. There is reasoning behind a few of the more unusual choices in there; I use solely Immortals as troops as I just don't really like the Warrior models and do quite like the Immortals.
Same reasoning behind the Tomb Blades, they probably aren't very good, but the miniatures are absolutely brilliant.

Another option I had in mind is trading the Command Barge on the Overlord for a Veiltek to teleport a 10 man Immortal unit around the field if needed. But I then wonder where I have to put the Overlord as he's quite expencive to not do anything in a shooting unit, but I don't really want to get into CC with Immortals if I don't have to.

Any hints, tips, tricks and advise is more than welcome!

Dave Mcturk
04-17-2014, 04:14 AM
no logical reason to run less than maximum wraith squad. though at 1750pts it might be squeezy.