View Full Version : Ok trying to expand on my Nurgle army.

04-16-2014, 10:37 AM
Ok so I want to take a allied detachment of CSM Using cultists with mark of nurgle as my ranged unit with a daemon prince of nurgle with wings but what else to add? Has to be nurgle themed plague marines are a option. But I need some more advice on people who have more information about the fluff of nurgle to find units that could be acceptable.

Chaos bikers would be good having T6 same as Chaos Spawn Could get some havocs T5 making them almost immune to S9 weapons.

Could i use the space marines from the DV starter set as Chosen.

04-16-2014, 11:39 AM
Oblits with MoN.

04-21-2014, 12:43 AM
You dont wanna pay out your skull for the MoN on regular power armor unless there is a very special plan.

The Demon Prince is overrated IMO. Instagibbed with S10 is a huge problem, and to get a decent save and wings he is overpriced. In melee, he needs that most expensive mace, or he does way too little damage.

The real steal of CSM Nurgle is: T6 bikers, T6 Spawn, Plague marines, T6 lord or Sorc with speed (bike and mark), Helldrake. Some will say T5 Obliterators but personally, Im not a fan.

If you wanna ally with Orks, then get something to do what Orks cannot.

04-21-2014, 03:00 AM
Ok so chaos lord it is and CSM with mark of nurgle :)