View Full Version : 2000 Points of Semi-competitive Ultramarines (maybe with White Scars)

04-16-2014, 12:42 AM
Hello everybody. I have compiled Tactics videos and articles, army list ideas and strategies from battle reports to come up with this 2000 point Ultramarines list. I have been doing a lot of Theoryhammer and have not yet tried (or bought) this list yet. I would appreciate some feedback before I enter the nightmarish dimension of spending and painting.

Chapter Tactics: Ultramarines

HQ — Chief Librarian Tigurius — 165 Points

HQ — Chapter Master — Bike, Storm Shield, Artificer Armour, Combi-grav, Teeth of Terra — 230 Points

Elites — 7 Sternguard Veterans — 3 Combi-meltas, 2 Combi-plasmas — 214 Points

Dedicated Transport — Drop Pod — 35 Points

Troops — Tactical Squad — Plasma Gun, Combi-plasma — 165 Points

Dedicated Transport — Rhino — 35 Points

Troops — Tactical Squad — Plasma Gun, Combi-plasma — 165 Points

Dedicated Transport — Rhino — 35 Points

Troops — Tactical Squad — Flamer, Combi-flamer, Melta Bombs — 160 Points

Dedicated Transport — Drop Pod — 35 Points

Troops — 5 Scouts — Sniper Rifles, Camo cloaks — 70 Points

Troops — 7 Bikes — 2 Grav Guns, Combi-grav, Melta Bombs — 188 Points

Fast Attack — Stormtalon Gunship — Skyhammer Missile Launcher — 125 Points

Fast Attack — Stormtalon Gunship — Skyhammer Missile Launcher — 125 Points

Heavy Support — 3 Centurions — Grav cannons and Grav amps — 250 Points

1997 Points

The idea is that the Sternguard Veterans all Drop down on Turn 1 and neutralise an armoured threat for first blood. Tigurius will join the Centurion Devastators and the Chapter Master will join the Bikers. Basically everything will advance up to the midfield (except the Scouts) and start shooting from there. That is the main idea. Any feedback would be appreciated (I am aiming for a semi-competitive to competitive list).

BTW: I have just thought of putting the Chapter Master and Bikers in an allied detachment of White Scars. Off the top of my head, I think there will be no penalties for this (as in they will operate the same as they would in the primary detachment). Please confirm.

Thank you in advance.