View Full Version : HELP! I Have To Spend More Money...

04-15-2014, 10:05 PM
If I spend 20 more pounds on Forgeworld, I save $45 in shipping, plus I get express shipping for free.

HELP! What should I get?

At the moment, I'm mostly interested in my Knights of Blood Space Marines, and there's an Inquisition War campaign coming up at my FLGS that I'm involved in. I also play Tau, Eldar, and Sisters of Battle (but honestly, it's been all about Knights of Blood in the recent past and foreseeable future).

Be quick! I'm going for a walk with my wife and want to place the order when I get back.

04-15-2014, 10:41 PM
Maybe a Tau sentry turret? could make for some good terrain?

or maybe those Air caste crew on foot... I tend to get minis like that for games like Dark Heresy , Deathwatch...etc.

not sure if you play those games...but it still be cool to have some display minis.

for Sisters you could get a bunch a Rhino doors...but I don't know if you have em already...still extras are nice for when you get some more if you expand your army.

04-15-2014, 11:29 PM
I heartily recommend either an XV9 Hazard suit or a Wraithseer.

I can't attest as to their battlefield usefulness but they're lovely, lovely models.

As to the Knights of Blood, how about an Inferno Cannon (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Space_Marines/Space-Marine-Dreadnoughts/MK-V-DREADNOUGHT-INFERNO-CANNON-%28RIGHT_ARM%29.html) and Siege Drill (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Space_Marines/Space-Marine-Dreadnoughts/MK_V_DREADNOUGHT_ASSAULT_DRILL_%28LEFT_ARM%29.html ) you can tuck away and mount on a plastic Furioso later?

04-15-2014, 11:40 PM
No wait, scratch that, I posted to Facebook and a ton of local folks came out of the woodwork with Forgeworld orders... I'm set.