View Full Version : 2000 points White Scars list for tournament.

04-15-2014, 09:59 AM
So right now I'm playing with lists, I have a tournament at the start of May and lists have to be in soonish. Its comped with a specific system and wanted opinions on this list:

EDIT! After testing some things out, and thinking on the list, I have made some major changes. New list is in its place.
For reference on the comp system: http://www.australasianteamchallenge.com/Other/CompSystemWarhammer40k.pdf

List will work like this. Scouts either objective sit or find good place to lay down fire. Chapter master is in one of the plasma bike squads. Master of the forge and the HB attack bikes will dance around just inside 36 inches, laying down mass firepower, (maybe a long shot from the MOTF if it feels right) Melta bikes and pred go tank hunting, speeders harrass and do as much damage as they can, backing up my talon along with the pred for any flyers/flying monsters. Vindicators are all about supressive fire, Follow up behind the bikes adding pie plates to whatever they can.

Chapter Master
-relic blade
-storm shield
TOTAL= 190pts

Master of the Forge (warlord)
-Conversion Beamer
-The Shield Eternal
TOTAL= 180pts

Bike Squad
-5x Bikes
-Vet Sarge
-2x Meltaguns
TOTAL= 145pts
Bike Squad
-5x Bikes
-Vet Sarge
-2x Meltaguns
TOTAL= 145pts

Bike Squad
-5x Bikes
-Vet Sarge
-2x Plasmaguns
TOTAL= 155pts
Bike Squad
-5x Bikes
-Vet Sarge
-2x Plasmaguns
TOTAL= 155pts

Scout Squad
-7x Scouts
-7x Camo Cloaks
-6x Sniper Rifles
-Heavy bolter
-hellfire rounds
TOTAL= 110pts

Stormtalon Gunship
-Typhoon missle launcher
TOTAL= 145pts

Landspeeder Squadron
-3x speeders
-3x typhoon missle launchers
TOTAL= 225pts

Attack Bike Squad
3x Attack Bikes
TOTAL= 135pts

Heavy Support
-T.L Lascannon
-Lascannon Sponsons
-Dozer blade
TOTAL= 145pts

-Siege Shield
TOTAL= 135pts
-Siege Shield
TOTAL= 135pts

TOTAL= 2000pts. 12 Comp points spent.