View Full Version : Necron looking for Immortal and other tips

04-15-2014, 12:39 AM
Hello everyone!

I have been playing 40k some 10-15 years back and about a year ago slowly started to get back into it by collecting and building up a Necron army. With a few friends we've started playing small (250-500 points) games and now we've decided to get into bigger games by just entering a tournament and see how far we get! We're not expecting much of our performance though.

I have a pretty decent base for the army painted up and have an army-list in mind, but I am unsure about the weapons for my Immortals and where to put my characters.

What I have painted now is:
1 Overlord
10 Immortals with Gauss
15 Immortals with Tesla
3 Tomb Blades with Particle Beamers
3 Annihilation Barges

Still in boxes/unpainted:
1 Destroyer Lord
2 Nightscythes/Doomscythes
6 Wraiths
10 Scarab bases
5 Immortals (still need to buy these, really)

Model-wise I'm not planning on bringing any Warriors yet, as I really like the models for Immortals and don't really like the Warrior models. Same goes for the Tomb Blades, which I like a lot.

What I am planning is having 2x 10 Immortals ase base-defenders and 2x 5 Immortals in Scythes to fly in and grab objectives further up the field. (I still need to paint 5 more Immortals for that)
What would be the best armament for each unit? I can understand Gauss in Scythes is very good to land and fire within 12" due to rapid fire, but do I really want to try and get a 5 man (not-so-)Immortal unit within 12" of any enemy units?

I also plan on bringing an Overlord with res-orb and Warscythe on foot and a Veiltek for teleportation goodness. What Immortal units benefit the most from teleportation and which would see the most use of being joined by an Overlord? A unit of 10 Gauss Immortlas and Veiltek teleporting close to an enemy and unleaching hell at short range can be quite devestating and backed up by a CC Overlord, can even survive retaliation, but it will become a very expensive unit that way and not running after a Deepstrike will attract templates of all kinds like nothing else will.

The rest of the army would be 5 Wraiths with Destroyer Lord and 5 Scarabs. Tournament is max 1750 points.

Thank you very much for any help, hints and tips you can give me!