View Full Version : 2000pt Iron Hands armored strike

04-15-2014, 12:38 AM
Quick post, what do you think? I'll be play testing this tomorrow against my friends Tau. I've shown him my list and told him to tailor his list specifically to killing mine. We'll see what happens!

Iron Hands Chapter Tactics

2 X Master of the forge
1 X Techmarine with servo harness

2 X 10 tactical
1 X 5 tactical

6 X Sternguard all with combi weapons
(Not sure yet but probably combination of
Grav and melta)
Drop pod

2 X stormtalons with sky hammer
1 X stormtalon with lascannons

1 X stormraven with hvy bolter, lascannon, hurricane bolter
and locator beacon
1 X Landraider with lascannons
1 X Landraider Crusader

The plan would be to attach the Techmarines to the tactical squads and put them in the heavy transports. Hull points repaired on a 3+ and the vehicles all have IWND and troops all have FNP; It's a small force but a fairly tough one. Sternguard are there to hopefully kill something with interceptor or strength 10 to protect the airforce and the LRs. Idk how this list will hold up but I'll let yall know what happens. Tell me what you think!

White Tiger88
04-15-2014, 01:13 AM
Quick post, what do you think? I'll be play testing this tomorrow against my friends Tau. I've shown him my list and told him to tailor his list specifically to killing mine. We'll see what happens!

Iron Hands Chapter Tactics

2 X Master of the forge
1 X Techmarine with servo harness

2 X 10 tactical
1 X 5 tactical

6 X Sternguard all with combi weapons
(Not sure yet but probably combination of
Grav and melta)

2 X stormtalons with sky hammer
1 X stormtalon with lascannons

1 X stormraven with hvy bolter, lascannon, hurricane bolter
and locator beacon
1 X Landraider with lascannons
1 X Landraider Crusader

The plan would be to attach the Techmarines to the tactical squads and put them in the heavy transports. Hull points repaired on a 3+ and the vehicles all have IWND and troops all have FNP; It's a small force but a fairly tough one. Sternguard are there to hopefully kill something with interceptor or strength 10 to protect the airforce and the LRs. Idk how this list will hold up but I'll let yall know what happens. Tell me what you think!

In all honesty if you are doing iron hands read Horus Heresy Book 3: Extermination there rules are in there for 30k and i think you will love how much cool stuff they get.... (And they are one of the few legions that can get away with using some plastic models easy!)

04-15-2014, 09:25 AM
You definitely need to wipe out a skyray/hunter, etc. on turn 1 with the sternguard to ensure the safety of the vehicles, so go all out with them fully melta'd in a pod and hope for the best!

I like the durability of the dual land raiders and storm raven, but if you can't kill all their troops, you may have a hard time taking objectives in the end. Maybe since the tac marines are in the vehicles the whole game, turn them to cheap close combat scouts with melta bombs and dump the remaining points into the sternguard to make it a 10-man with 6 meltas, and combat squad them?

I'd actually swap the crusader for a redeemer because the AP3 flamers are great for clearing an objective or to wipe out bikes which can be nasty... if they want to get in 18" to grav you, then run the risk of failing and then being burned up. I actually like the lascannon land raider in this list, since it doesn't need to rush forward. I prefer the multimelta on the stormraven, but that's just me. I'd escort the stormraven with a stormtalon, but NOT the lascannon stormtalon so that way, if you dont get the raven, all your anti tank air-power isn't kept off in one roll. Maybe mix and match them, so with 2 rolls you can get a little anti-tank, and anti-infantry. just a thought.

Also, legion of the damned are AMAZING at clearing out a quad gun aegis line... they can drop in turn 2 (hopefully before some of your air units) and load them up with a combi-grav, plasma gun, plasma cannon and all with ignores cover... wow lol that aegis team is toast. If you can find a way to get scrier's gaze that would be great too, just to keep your fliers off til turn 3 maybe, so the legion can do work, or to get them in right away if you really need the support. Just something to consider.

04-15-2014, 10:02 AM
Thanks for the input guys! I forgot to add that the Sternguard are in a drop pod. I built this primarily for fun but may consider a version of this to take to a local tournament depending on how it does the next couple of days (Not expecting a big win) I have around 6000 pts of space marines so I have plenty of models to tweak with. I'll post back this evening with details after playing a very anti air/armor Tau llist lol

04-16-2014, 01:22 PM
Played this list last night and did much better then expected, granted a lot of things went in my favor. Played 3 primary tiobjectives and standard secondary. I won 11-1. Tau scored first blood on my Sternguard, I got line breaker, slay the warlord and all 3 primary. He brought 1 rail-head, 2 riptides, 2 missle-sides, 1 rail-side, farsight, 5 crisis suits, fire warriors, pathfinders and various drones. All of my fliers came in turn 2 and killed all of his interceptor and in subsequent turns all of his troops. He only managed to kill one stormtalon and hull point off of the other two and the stormraven, he immobilized both LRs but they we're repaired by the Techmarines. Long story short iron hand Landraider and fliers are stinking tough. I only lost one stormtalon, the Sternguard and one combat squad.

I'm thinking about changing out the Sternguard for something else. I had 13pts left on the original list and 237 on the stern/pod. So, any ideas for 250pts?

Sorry for the poorly formed, rambling 'paragraph.' I am many things but a writer is not one of them.

04-16-2014, 01:57 PM
In all honesty, you have filled most of the "fun slots" haha (aka heavy and HQ... I was gonna say just add 2 TFCs or a beast-mode Chapter master!) so something in the elites slot or more troops is really it.

I actually like the Sternguard idea to knock out a beastly MC on turn 1. I'd run them with all combi-plasma though, not melta or grav; make their sole purpose to kill a Riptide, or Wraithknight, or Tyranid monster. The only other elite choice I'd say is Legion of the Damned, but I said my piece on them above.

I guess more troops wouldn't hurt... or a nice big grav bike squad for the Fast category of the FoC?

04-16-2014, 06:30 PM
I really like the Sternguard too but, I lost 3 to interceptor lol. I took them with all grav and put 3 wounds on a riptide with the 3 remaining. I like your combi-plasma idea, Plasma really is the most versatile. I think I'll try that this next time leaving the list as is. More troops is always good but i think, with this list, i have enough with combat squads and being able to drop off half and leave the rest protected in their transport. I figure if I lose two of the heavy transports it's over anyways. It will either do well or be slaughtered depending on my opponent and my dice.

Games coming up against Tau (again) chaos sm/demons and orks. This may end up being the list i take to WaCon this year which will be my first tournament and I've been playing for 10 years lol! Thanks for the input! I'll continue to update.