View Full Version : 1850 DA (AM Allies) Tournment List

04-14-2014, 05:10 PM
I'm entering a tournament in a couple of weeks and was wondering what you guys thought of my list.


Company Master-130
Power Fist and Jump Pack


5 man Tactical Squad-85
1 Plasma Cannon

5 man Tactical Squad-85
1 Plasma Cannon


3 Land Speeder Typhoons-225

3 Land Speeder Typhoons-225

Land Speeder Vengeance-80


Twin Linked Lasscannon and Lasscannon Side Sponsons

Twin Linked Lasscannon and Lasscannon Side Sponsons



Company Command Squad-90
Auto Cannon and Officer of the Fleet



10 man Veterean Squad-80

10 man Veterean Squad-80



3 Hydra Tanks

Aegis Defense line-100
Quad Gub

Ok so I have been seeing a lot of mass flyers list (7 mecron flyers of cheese, Helldrakes, Flying DeamonDemon Princes etc.) So the theory is to put the Hydras in the corner behind aage is with Vengeance speeder next to them, this way they have a 3+ cover. Also when there flyers come in (which are hindered by my officer of the fleet on a LD 9 (goes off the Company Commanders LD)) one hydra can fire useing Interceptor. Then my turn one can use machine spirt from the Techmarine to shoot one, while the unit (the last Hydra Autocannon and three heavy bolters fire at a third flyer. These plus my quad gun and Vendentta should prove to match any flying list.

Please provide any suggest, tips or flaws in my logic.

Thank you!

04-15-2014, 01:05 PM
Doesn't the land speeder only give cover to DA units? Are you sure it works on your AM allies?

04-15-2014, 05:44 PM
yes, gives all friendly units within 6 inches stealth, and all dark angel units within 12 a plus one to combative results

04-15-2014, 06:51 PM
Very lascannons heavy - how will you deal with hordes

Power Klawz
04-15-2014, 07:13 PM
I think I'd drop the IG and just add some nephs if I wanted dedicated anti air, probably expand the two tac squads into full 10 mans and combat squad as needed, and replace the master with a divination lib for some greenwing bolter action. Maybe toss in some termies because its DA and they deserve it.

Guess that'd be a totally different list though, and I know the Nephs are pretty overpriced so maybe not anyone's first choice for a tournament unit.

I think you might be hamstringing yourself with so much dedicated anti-air and single shot high strength weapons though. Unless you know for sure that your meta is chock full of flying circuses and land raiders you might want to diversify.