View Full Version : Which Superheavy Will be Best?

04-14-2014, 04:42 PM
So, I've decided - my inheritance will consist of one of the superheavy tanks and a furioso contemptor dreadnought. The question is, which tank?

The fellblade, with its vicious and versatile armament?

The fellglaive with the devastating volkite carronade?

The fairly mono-purpose, but not to be trifled with, twin-linked volcano cannons?

For context, I rock the Blood Angels codex with my Knights of Blood, and my FLGS is friendly to me bringing tanks designed for 30k in Apocalypse and Escalation games.

Vote above - explain below!

04-14-2014, 05:49 PM

It's got the most flavourful weapon rules, and the armament is totally of that era and no other; it's pure in its Heresy-ness. Which is totally a word.

The Blade and the Falchion are just Marine versions of stuff that's already out there in other armies/the 41st Millenia. The Volkite Carronade is something that will never exist outside the 31st.

Plus, as I said, the rules are great fun. Beam weaponry FTW!

White Tiger88
04-14-2014, 05:59 PM
Cerberus Tank Destroyer! (I just love the name and weapon lol)

04-14-2014, 11:30 PM
I'm seeing a strong bias towards the glaive, and honestly that's how I'm leaning as well. It's the uniqueness of the weapon that's really doing it for me. It seems like the volkite carronade would be great at maiming transports as well as the dudes inside, doing terrible things to infantry caught out in the open, and popping light vehicles... but it's also pretty good at killing monstrous/gargantuan creatures as well, and with those four lascannon shots, it isn't bad at attacking heavy vehicles, either. It comes with a heck of a price tag, but... I'm basically only playing this in big games (Escalation or true Apocalypse) anyway...

04-15-2014, 02:24 AM

It's got the most flavourful weapon rules, and the armament is totally of that era and no other; it's pure in its Heresy-ness. Which is totally a word.

The Blade and the Falchion are just Marine versions of stuff that's already out there in other armies/the 41st Millenia. The Volkite Carronade is something that will never exist outside the 31st.

Plus, as I said, the rules are great fun. Beam weaponry FTW!

Shouldn't this rule it out as an option? He's going to be using it in a 40k Knights of Blood army, so they wouldn't have a Glaive.

04-15-2014, 08:48 AM
Shouldn't this rule it out as an option? He's going to be using it in a 40k Knights of Blood army, so they wouldn't have a Glaive.

Fluff wise, I've definitely got some 'splaining to do. Perhaps they found an old, damaged Blood Angels Legion fellglaive in stasis somewhere and decided to keep it? I'll take suggestions.

As far as my buddies at my FLGS are concerned, it's not a problem. The glaive isn't too far a cry from the fellblade that they feel it would be unbalanced or ridiculous for me to have one. On the off chance that I play it elsewhere, I can always use it as a counts-as fellblade.

04-15-2014, 03:42 PM
I've decided - glaive it is. I was originally dubious because the volkite carronade seems to occupy a strange place in the game. It's a huge gun that does terrible things to the very smallest targets (ie. getting a good line to intersect three or four members of an infantry squad) as well as the very largest (d3+1 hits vs. superheavies and gargantuan creatures), but struggles to do much to anything in-between (ie. light vehicles that it will probably merely glance because of its Haywire rule).

But what made my decision for me in the end?

• The gun is streamlined and awesome looking, while I can't help thinking that any shell coming out of the fellblade's demolisher cannon would hit the barrels of its accelerator cannon... and then where would we be?
• Awesome and unique gun with abilities that I can't duplicate in any other way. A fellblade is basically a superheavy vindicator glued to a Leman Russ or knight paladin with a couple of lascannons... all guns I can get into my army in various ways. The volkite carronade is entirely unique, and will therefore be a lot more fun.
• The gun's powers will really come into their own in an Apocalypse or Escalation game, where I'm likely to have superheavies/gargantuan creatures to shoot at. That d3+1 hits at Strength 8 AP 2 vs monstrous creatures (plus every wound becomes an additional wound!) or Haywire vs. superheavy vehicles is not to be sneezed at.
• The biggest weakness of the volkite carronade - its difficulty with light vehicles - is easily covered by the fact that the tank can put out four lascannon shots per turn... not to mention that an army full of Strength 5 on the charge Blood Angels 'dex marines does not struggle to smash light vehicles.
• Ignores Cover is a huge advantage.
• With the shortest range of any of the superheavy tanks (48'') I will end up bringing it closer to the enemy... which is actually a good thing, since the rest of my Knights of Blood army is a short ranged shooting/assault force.

Now all I need to do is decide how my renegade Knights got their hand on this thing!

04-15-2014, 07:51 PM
They're trying to develop a Carronade weapon for their Knights (which they don't yet know they can't because of incompatible technologies).
The high lord has a secret stash of STCs from the Dark Age. Gives you lots of unique modelling opportunities for STC access points as Objectives.
The high lord won it in a card game, off another lord whose family was gifted it during the Heresy as a token of esteem. Now the lord who lost it has been cast out, and both he and his family want it back.
The family unearthed an ancient stash of Heresy-era artefacts after following an ancient pict-record. The artefacts bear the markings of the World Eaters 9or some other Chaos Legion), but there is no taint of Chaos - the remembrancers theorise the markings are from members of the Legion who stayed loyal, and hid their weapons to prevent them falling into Traitor hands. Unfortunately, an ancient locator beacon has been activated, and the Legion members (now a warband) have picked up on the long-thought-lost signal, and are coming to collect what is theirs.