View Full Version : Naming a home-brew chapter of space marines??

Crydon Games
04-14-2014, 12:43 PM
Ok, so I am having trouble coming up with a name for a new chapter of space marines...
I had settled in on "Black Widows" (Adeptus Latrodectus) and was quite happy with it...then my girlfriend pointed out OVER and over that widows are women...so my marines should be female...which we all know is impossible per cannon...and I don't want female marines anyhow.

So, I want something spider related. I have read that there is a little known chapter called the Tarantulas, but really wanna do something new...undone...

Any suggestions/discussion?

04-14-2014, 01:08 PM
Perhaps Widowmakers instead of Black widows? Widowmakers doesn't seem to imply gender.

04-14-2014, 01:29 PM
Wolf Spiders.

You can use the rules for Space Wolves and instead of Thunderwolf Cavalry you can mount them on giant spiders.

John Bower
04-14-2014, 01:45 PM
Orb Weavers?
You beat me to it Houghten while I was looking for more alternatives. :)

04-14-2014, 05:19 PM
There's also the fact that the 'Black Widows' refers to an elite mercenary company from the Battletech universe. So there's any number of unimaginative people who already copied that name for their own space marine company.

Ian Mulcahy
04-14-2014, 06:04 PM
Sticking with your original idea, how bout calling them the Black Arachnae? Gives you a bit of pseudo-latin that 40k loves to use. (The Latin word for spider is aranae.)

Rory Wildwards
04-14-2014, 07:55 PM
The Webspinners? Experts in subterfuge and traps?
How about a mashup of the latin for 'weaver' which is textor textrix?
Something like the chapter Textorix? Textorixt?

Crydon Games
04-14-2014, 07:57 PM
There's also the fact that the 'Black Widows' refers to an elite mercenary company from the Battletech universe. So there's any number of unimaginative people who already copied that name for their own space marine company.

Yes, but Battletech has been dead for nearly 20 years... :p

In any case, I'm really at a loss for another theme for my marines. I have add all sorts of spiders as pets, including Widows, just kinda want to stick to what I like and know. Might have to step outside the comfort zone a bit.

Thought about aranae...hadn't considered textorix...both pretty cool suggestions.

Was planning to name all characters after species of widow...mactans, bishopi etc...looked at wolf spiders (lycosidae) lot of species there... same with orb weavers though not quite so many... Love the idea of counts as wolf riders...on big *** spiders...(anyone seen the movie?)

Thank you all for input...have to ponder your input for a bit.

Rory Wildwards
04-14-2014, 08:02 PM
Wolf Spiders.

You can use the rules for Space Wolves and instead of Thunderwolf Cavalry you can mount them on giant spiders.

Loving that idea! Would WHFB goblin spiders be the right scale? I considered converting Sarpedon from the soul drinkers with the smaller ones.

Crydon Games
04-14-2014, 08:09 PM
Loving that idea! Would WHFB goblin spiders be the right scale? I considered converting Sarpedon from the soul drinkers with the smaller ones.
Think marines would look a bit big on those spiders...maybe the one goblin HQ type of spider...but its unattractive.

I own 4 Arachnaroks...should just bite the size bullet and put them on those.

04-14-2014, 08:44 PM
Yes, but Battletech has been dead for nearly 20 years... :p

Not hardly. They still have new books and new minis coming out all the time. And unlike 40k their universe actually advances the timeline.

Crydon Games
04-14-2014, 08:59 PM
Hence the raspberry...been playing Battletech since before it was called Battletech...still doesn't help me with my problem here. Natasha Kerinsky was no space marine.

Rory Wildwards
04-14-2014, 09:07 PM
Yeah they're probably a good size. Hard to tell as I've only done some thunder wolf cavalry and not seen the big spider model in real life for comparison. I think you could get them looking good either sitting or standing ready to leap off at the enemy. What colour scheme were you thinking of for your chapter?

04-14-2014, 09:40 PM
Please if you do sw and you use mark of the wolfen make them crazy looking soider people. Also for marine sized spiders how about shealob from the lotr range i know the base is the same size as tw.

04-15-2014, 01:34 AM
The money spiders...

04-15-2014, 01:41 AM
Widower is the male equivalent of a widow, so call them Black Widowers.

White Tiger88
04-15-2014, 01:59 AM
Well if you want undone i would say Black Spiders (You know those little buggers that jump\hop...)

04-15-2014, 02:03 AM
Well if you want undone i would say Black Spiders (You know those little buggers that jump\hop...)

They also rock quite loudly...

White Tiger88
04-15-2014, 02:06 AM
They also rock quite loudly...

Pretty sure there is a joke there i am missing......

04-15-2014, 02:14 AM
Pretty sure there is a joke there i am missing......


04-15-2014, 02:59 AM

That's how I react to spiders anyway...

04-15-2014, 07:30 AM
Loving that idea! Would WHFB goblin spiders be the right scale?

Maybe if the marines have one foot on each of two spiders? :p

Aranea is Latin for spider, but is feminine anyway. Also, I don't think its right giving a Chapter a name in High Gothic, personally.

Araneum is Latin for spiderweb, which would be an awesome name for a Homeworld and/or Fortress ...

Arkhan Land
04-15-2014, 08:28 AM
The Spider...Men...

just kidding

in seriousness, I like the Idea of them being The Recluses, I've been bit by a recluse before and it was very not fun it however made me surprisingly unafraid of future spider bites, where I live there aren't many worse bites to get.

04-15-2014, 08:29 AM
How about "Recluse"? To my ear, it could be an order or monks or the variety of spiders, and you can use the Raven Guard chapter tactics.

I also like the Widowmaker name, however, in the animal kingdom, the "Order" of spiders is Araneae.

04-15-2014, 08:40 AM
what about the incy wincy arstartes and they specialise in tunnel fighting?

Crydon Games
04-15-2014, 10:51 AM
I am really liking the Recluse thing. Perhaps Adeptus Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) where the "wolf priests are referred to as Loxosceles (Recluses) and the priests play a larger roll in chapter tactics. Rules of the chapter "require" that detachments of the Wolf Spiders must always be accompanied by a Recluse. Perhaps the chapter and all battle companies to be lead by Recluses rather than proper captains...captains to play subordinate military command role.

Commander of the first Great Company and master of the Wolf Spiders=Grand Recluse, Loxosceles Immodesta (Wolf Priest)
his military commander, Brother Captain Pardosa Drenskii (Wolf Lord)

Commander of the second Great Company=Loxosceles Neuvelli

The Chapter makes its home in a fortress monastery on the planet Araneum (thank you Chris*ta). Araneum is of course (I know lack of originality) home to several species of giant spiders. The final trial of all new battle brothers is to venture into the wilds and bring down a giant spider...the species of spider that chooses him determining the path to be followed within the brotherhood.

What do you guys think?? On the right track or way too silly?

Arkhan Land
04-15-2014, 12:04 PM
Its a shame you cant give them stranglewebs

04-15-2014, 02:39 PM
What do you guys think?? On the right track or way too silly?

I think you're doing it right! Make the game you want to play and forge your own narrative!

Plus, I'd add that you can call your home city "the Nest" or "the Web." Your army Primarch could be one of the missing two legions and perhaps he had a couple of extra arms as part of his mutation. Certainly, he could be a tech priest and have some extra robotic arms as well.