View Full Version : Best allies for IG

04-14-2014, 09:12 AM
I have been out of 40k for a while and missed many new codexes, with the new IG codex I'm planning to get in the fight again and would like to mix them up with some allies. But with so many books out there I have no idea where to start looking. So if anyone has any suggestions or could help me out, much obliged.

The idea is that the IG is my primary force so the army will hold more IG units than any allies. They provide bodies, and their good old "bang bang firepower" with tanks, specialist weapons etc. I'm also looking for another Imperium army so battle brothers preferably (gloria imperator!).

04-14-2014, 09:22 AM
Space Marines! (or Grey Knights) :)

Mad Cat
04-14-2014, 10:11 AM
I reccomend Space wolves. For 155 or 160 points you get 10 marines with bolter, BP+CCW able to jouin in with your firing line and do a reasonable amont in combat as the enemy get too close. 2 meltas or 2 plasmas will chip in a bit more firepower. Rune priest as HQ cna add divination support or choose codex powers fro Jaws and murderous hurricane.

If you want mechanised they can take rhinos or drop pods to take the fight to the enemy and grab one of their objectives.

HQ: Rune Priest 100
Troops: 10 grey hunters with 2 plasmas 160
Troops: 10 grey hunters with 2 meltas and wolf standard 205 (I think)

Tough scoring units at home in shooting or combat. Also a decent Psyker with still the best antipsyker ability negating 50% of nearby powers. Add a longfang unit too if you want split firing heavy weapons.

04-14-2014, 11:07 AM
Personally, I'm playing around with idea of Power Field Generators from Dark Angels (although more as a thought experiment)
-You can get 2 since you're allowed 1 HQ and 1 Techmarine (doesn't use an HQ slot)
-You can affect multiple squads with 1 PFG
-Librarians are cheap and have Fearless (unfortunately Techmarines don't)
-Imagine a Techmarine on a bike with a servo-harness and PFG following a squad of Leman Russes - AV 14, regenerating, 4+ invuln madness
-Azrael is even better since the invuln only goes to his unit
-Priests will let you re-roll that invuln save in combat, so who cares if it ends up extending to your opponent; the math is still on your side

I'd actually consider taking Dark Angels as the Primary
-You can fit a ton of bodies into one platoon and deploy as multiple squads
-You can take up to 4 PFG's, which is only really useful in large games
-Azrael gets to choose his Warlord trait, so you could have a 50-man blob with 4+ invuln, FNP near objectives, and Fearless. Throw in priest(s) for more cheese
-Azrael also unlocks Ravenwing and Deathwing troops in Primary detachments only

04-14-2014, 11:37 AM
Thinking about adding IG to my BA.

I don't even know if its possible, but I would love to stick Corbulo into a mass of IG meatshields.

04-14-2014, 01:26 PM
Space Wolves, no question. The biggest issue for IG will be an army that can't be shot down before it closes to assault, and does a lot of damage to the weak stats of IG in CC. The best such armies are the Psyker Deathstar units with re-rollable saves. However, put a Rune Priest into a loaded blob (or Conscript, or Bullgryn) squad, and that shuts down the Psyker Deathstar units pretty hard. Loaded = with a Primaris Psyker or two, Priest or two, maybe Inquisitor with Grenades. That's really the main threat to IG (and other heavy-shooting) armies, and a Rune Priest is the best answer to them. But finding a squad hard enough for the Priest to join and not get shot before the Deathstar gets to you is usually hard... with 30-50 man squads, that's not that hard any more.

04-14-2014, 03:41 PM
Fighty Space Marines for counter-assault, Sisters for objective camping or Inquisition for gap-filling. Pick whichever suits your fancy.

04-15-2014, 08:49 AM
I like the Space Wolves as well. I'd take a squad of 10 Grey Hunters and put them in a drop pod and keep a Wolf Priest in your deployment zone throwing lightening.

04-15-2014, 12:05 PM
Thanks for the replies all, I'm going to give space wolves a go since they seem to be the most suggested. Had my mind on grey knights as seconds. The rune priest indeed looks like a great add-on for the Guard.

04-16-2014, 04:35 AM
What do you mean? IG don't need allies.

Arkhan Land
04-16-2014, 07:18 AM

in seriousness, this is what I usually shoot for

SM Bike Captain

SM Bike Sqaud as Troops

SM Bike Sqaud as Troops

SM Landspeeder X2 MMs and ACs/Or a Storm-talon depending on the situation/Desire

Power Klawz
04-16-2014, 10:13 AM
Hellturkeys and cultists with a daemon prince.

Ha ha, no idea if that would work but it sounds glorious.

04-16-2014, 10:48 AM
Personally, I'm playing around with idea of Power Field Generators from Dark Angels (although more as a thought experiment)
-You can get 2 since you're allowed 1 HQ and 1 Techmarine (doesn't use an HQ slot)
-You can affect multiple squads with 1 PFG
-Librarians are cheap and have Fearless (unfortunately Techmarines don't)
-Imagine a Techmarine on a bike with a servo-harness and PFG following a squad of Leman Russes - AV 14, regenerating, 4+ invuln madness
-Azrael is even better since the invuln only goes to his unit
-Priests will let you re-roll that invuln save in combat, so who cares if it ends up extending to your opponent; the math is still on your side

I'd actually consider taking Dark Angels as the Primary
-You can fit a ton of bodies into one platoon and deploy as multiple squads
-You can take up to 4 PFG's, which is only really useful in large games
-Azrael gets to choose his Warlord trait, so you could have a 50-man blob with 4+ invuln, FNP near objectives, and Fearless. Throw in priest(s) for more cheese
-Azrael also unlocks Ravenwing and Deathwing troops in Primary detachments only