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View Full Version : 1850 Competitive Astra Militarum lead by Inq. Coteaz

04-13-2014, 07:16 PM

Inquisitor Coteaz : 100
(Warlord, attaches to Combined Infantry Squad)

Company Command Squad : 60
(Commander operates Quad Gun)


Platoon Command Squad : 30
Platoon Command Squad : 30

Infantry Squad : 50
Infantry Squad : 50

Combined Infantry Squad (5) : 350
- 5 Lascannon Teams

Fast Attack

Armored Sentinel Squadron (3): 120
- Multi-Lasers

Armored Sentinel Squadron (3): 120
- Multi-Lasers

Heavy Support

Vanquisher Squadron (3) : 525
- Sponson Plasma Cannons
- Hull Lascannons

Wyvern Battery (3) : 195
- Hull Heavy Bolters

Manticore : 170
- Hull Heavy Flamer


Aegis Defense Line : 100
- Quad Gun


86 Infantry
13 Vehicles

Lord Krungharr
04-13-2014, 11:16 PM
Man, why you gotta ruin the purity of a fine new Codex with the likes of that filthy no good overused inquisitor?

Dump him and the vanquishers and sentinels and Company Command, take a Lord Commissar and 2 Primaris psykers, and an allied Bloodthirster and Daemon Prince and Flesh Hounds!:D

Just kidding, I think that would be a very painful list to fight against, especially if one has to endure your alpha strike. But a few problems include getting your Troops to objectives will be problematic, especially alive. The blob will do okay for a while, but even with Coteaz, they are susceptible to other psykers with Telepathy powers, or just running away from casualties, and in assault too. Just imagine a full on assault by a 20 Flesh Hound unit, or even 15 Fenrisian Wolves, and that after being shot up.

It'll be fun to see Wyverns on Wyverns, as every awesome character in the blob squads will be needing to make like 40 Look Out Sirs per turn :)

The Vanquishers are nice, especially with the plasma cannons, even though pricey. That main weakness of the super blasty AstraM tanks is AV12, which both Wave Serpents and Broadsides can take out from long range, and ignoring their cover (I just really hate Tau and Eldar!). So the AV14 advancing on them with that kind of firepower is very good pressure against them. Those Wave Serpents may not be dropping those shields as often now, and the broadsides will have to be much more careful where they go now too with respect to Line of Sight (Smart Missiles won't be doing damage to AV12 afterall).

Leman Russes will be a bit changing to the meta I suspect. Deepstriking melta is fairly prevalent now though, as my Land Raiders know too well. But with all the cheap Divination, and Allied Power Field from Dark Angels, I think that could be mitigated too.

Blood Shadow
04-14-2014, 12:37 AM
Possibly swap out the Manticore for a Vendetta, then lose a Sentinel squadron for a Hydra to severely improve on your anti-air. There's a lot of vulnerable Kill Points in this list, but I love the Vanquisher squadron.

04-14-2014, 12:53 AM
Though he is over used I don't think you are getting maximum bang for buck out of coteaz.
Is you want him for divination a standard inquisitor will be cheaper. If you want him for anti deep strike good ness then all well and good if not there are cheaper option.
Take him as leader of detach ment makes his hench men scoring. For a minimum of 36 points you could have 3 extra scoring units. True they won't do much else but in 6 th 5 out of 6 missions need scoring bodies.
Coteaz as a war lord has 2 draw backs his fixed trait that is only useful against daemons and no invun. I don't know if new guard has anything better protected but just be aware.

Dave l

04-14-2014, 09:47 AM
The vanquishers are going to be 1/2 useful a lot of the time with your loadout. If you are wanting them to fire at AV13/14 models, the plasma cannon sponsons will be basically useless. Why not go with cheaper multi melta's instead or just the heavy bolters or no sponsons at all and save points? They are likely going to be overkilling anything they fire at anyways since you have them in a squad of 3.

Why take armoured sentinels with just multilasers, for 5 or 10 points more you could have autocannons, lascannons or plasma cannons and then they are a real threat.

Instead of coteaz you could get 2 lv primarus psykers from the new Asta Militarium book and TL 2 different units for the same cost, but you do lose his other benefits.

You are also lacking Anti-Air and need to get in either 1-2 vendettas or some hydras-but I would suggest vendettas as they are useful versus all kinds of things.

04-14-2014, 06:52 PM
Drop Coteaz and go with a Ordo Xenos Inquisitor with the following kit: Rad and Psychotroke Grenades, ML1 Pysker, and 3x Servo Skulls. Coteaz is good for certain play styles and Armies but for IG Blob Squad he's usefulness greatly drops. With the Ordo Xenos IQ you get all the Grenades to really have the blob wreak house in assault plus the servo skulls to nerf the annoying scouting/inflitrating Army lists you run into.

Drop the Vanquishers tanks and go with this layout.
Run Pask as your Warlord for Preferred Enemey.

Knight Commander Pask
3x Barebones Leman Russ Punishers as an HQ Choice instead.
You have a total of 69x Str 5 Rerolling to hit and wound on 1's. 20x of those shots are at BS4 with rending. Plus Pask can order his tank to Split fire if you have too.

Just these two changes have saved you 41 points.

Drop one Squad off the Blob and all the Lascannons. (savings of 150 points) (total of 191)
Now drop in two Lascannons in the twenty man blob (40 point upgrade) (now at 151)
Pick up a Flak Missile HWT (120) (31 points left)
Pick up a Ministorum Priest for 25 points


Ordo Xenos Inquistor: 94 points
Rad & Psychotroke Grenades, ML1 Pysker, and 3x Servo Skulls
(Combined Infantry Squad)

Ministorum Priest: 25 points
(Combined Infantry Squad)

Knight Commander Pask: 490
3x Leman Russ Punishers Battle Tanks

Company Command Squad : 60
(Commander operates Quad Gun)


Platoon 1
Platoon Command Squad : 30
Infantry Squad w/ Lascannon: 70
Infantry Squad w/ Lascannon: 70
Heavy Weapons Team 3x Missile Launchers w/ Krak, Frag & Flak Missiles: 120

Platoon 2
Platoon Command Squad: 30
Combined Infantry Squad (4): 200

Fast Attack

Armored Sentinel Squadron (3): 120
- Multi-Lasers

Armored Sentinel Squadron (3): 120
- Multi-Lasers

Heavy Support

Wyvern Battery (3) : 195
- Hull Heavy Bolters

Manticore : 170
- Hull Heavy Flamer


Aegis Defense Line : 100
- Quad Gun


78 Infantry
13 Vehicles