View Full Version : Karandras, the demigod who could...

Lost Vyper
04-10-2014, 05:20 AM
Oh boy!

At last i got the model for that Phoenix lord and uuu-weee, he can kick some a**!!! In the last match (up in the Battle Reports, if you want to see it first, stop reading now!) i had him joined with 9 x Scorpions + Exarch (Claw of course) and a Spiritseer. They infiltrated closer to enemy and in three turns they had killed 20 x Cultists, CSM Terminator Lord (Warlord) 5 x CSM Terminators...and before Karandras was the Sole Survivor of that group, they had disposed few Plaque marines too...Fearless, Eternal Warrior having group, with a Spiritseer to cast Horrify on the target...done and done!

Of course heīs hella expensive, but damn, best Phoenix dude there is, IMHO

Have you had good games with him?

- Lost Vyper

04-10-2014, 05:34 AM
You cant add a Spiritseer to the Scorpions as he has no Infiltrate and is an IC.

Dave Mcturk
04-10-2014, 06:01 AM
You cant add a Spiritseer to the Scorpions as he has no Infiltrate and is an IC.

this ^ ... though it seems strange that a character can infiltrate with a non-infiltrating unit but not the other way around. [especially if they are in a vehicle !] [shh ... they cant see us... but they might see you !]

04-10-2014, 06:36 AM
Karandras is easily the most terrifying melee beat stick in all of 40K. It's the power fist that strikes at I8 with what can only be described as a metric ****-ton of attacks. I can't recall the mathammer, but I'm fairly sure he beats even Abaddon, who is meant to be the 'official' Hardest Man in the 40K universe.

I'll be honest, underneath the Phoenix Lord armour, all I can imagine is Brock Lesnar.


wayne williams
04-10-2014, 06:38 AM
really needs a new mini though so do all the pheonix lords.

04-10-2014, 06:50 AM
I still really love that mini :)

wayne williams
04-10-2014, 07:01 AM
so do i but would love to see him in an action pose mid leap or strike would be great.

04-10-2014, 07:02 AM
really needs a new mini though so do all the pheonix lords.

...and most of the Aspects themselves for that matter...

Lost Vyper
04-11-2014, 05:26 AM
Darn it! So an IC canīt join, hmmm...well, it really didnīt make that much of a difference, if they hadnīt fall in to Horrify, it would have taken a round longer to dispose of them :)

04-11-2014, 06:15 AM
so do i but would love to see him in an action pose mid leap or strike would be great.

I chopped my Karandras at the waist, did the same to my second Striking Scorpion Exarch, then swapped their legs/upper halves with each other. I now have Karandras in a much better pose, and an Exarch with Biting Blade in a cool sword stance. I shall post pictures at some point.

04-11-2014, 08:35 AM
I chopped my Karandras at the waist, did the same to my second Striking Scorpion Exarch, then swapped their legs/upper halves with each other. I now have Karandras in a much better pose, and an Exarch with Biting Blade in a cool sword stance. I shall post pictures at some point.

YOu can almost get a decent Karandras model with a simple headswap.

Personally, I hate tau: