View Full Version : Which is more powerful?

04-08-2014, 05:05 AM
With the new Imperial Guard codex on the way, and the Knight codex out, well, it just got me wondering: could you have a legitimate Armoured Company codex which included Baneblades as an Elite choice? Is the Baneblade really more powerful than the Knight?

Oh, and for the purpose of clarification, we're talking a plain, vanilla Baneblade - Baneblade cannon/autocannon, Demolisher cannon, lascannon/heavy bolter sponsors, front heavy bolters, pintle heavy stubber, and nowt else.

Mr Mystery
04-08-2014, 05:22 AM
Baneblade is more general purpose I feel. It can tackle pretty much any target with relative competence.

Knight is pokey, but may struggle if it doesn't have it's main targets before it (Superheavies and Monstrous Creatures etc).

For me, Baneblade just edges it.

04-08-2014, 06:20 AM
Miniature giant space hamster.
Why was this omitted?

04-08-2014, 06:23 AM
Going to have to say the Knight is more powerful. It actually has an invul save, comes stock with a D-weapon, and can move 12" each turn, whereas the Baneblade cannot do any or have any of those things.

04-08-2014, 06:47 AM
Baneblade. Shooting is king, and Baneblade has far more dakka. It can pump out more shots than the knight could hope to, and at higher strength and lower ap and greater range. Yeah the Knight will get into combat faster, but that's after having to take at least two rounds of the Baneblade's full focused might. The great part is that the Baneblade just has to sit there and wait.

04-08-2014, 08:02 AM
In a straight up fight or as part of a whole army?

The Knight might be able to take the Baneblade one on one, but for overall utility, damage done and ability to take a beating, the Baneblade is much better

04-08-2014, 10:13 AM
Baneblade will be able to chew out larger chunks of the enemies army before it can be killed even if it dies turn 1 the knight cannot say the same. give them only 1 turn say 1st turn and the baneblade will be able to dish out more damage on the 1st turn then die. where as the knight will get to fire off what 2 battle cannon shots 2 sets of heavy stubbers. that's not really a whole lot of firepower. So when looking at it on a turn by turn sequence the baneblade is king. we can go into turn 2 if you would like and it will still be the same way. and this isn't even talking about placement... the baneblade can sit on the very edge of the table and that makes is so it wont be assaulted until turn 3 at the earliest. so thats almost 3 guranteed turns to fire its weapons to full effect.

04-08-2014, 03:02 PM
Ultimately have to give the Knight the advantage just for its Ion Shield, though mobility and D weapon is nice I can't count it as too clear an advantage as its easily countered by a tarpit of infantry.

Mr Mystery
04-08-2014, 03:31 PM
The Shield is nice, but it just doesn't match the Baneblade in turn limited damage capacity.

If taken out in the first turn, Baneblade will likely have killed more.

Second turn? Baneblade still has the edge.

Third? Depends on availability of preferred targets.

Knight doesn't overly worry Terminator equivalents when it comes to shooting. Baneblade? Terror of Terminators. The sheer volume it can kick out is horrendous! Plus, don't overlook the splitting of fire. Baneblade wins there hands down. Mix of weapons makes for a mix of 'worth it' targets. It can Lascannon up to two tanks a turn, Heavy Bolters can dent infantry if concentrated, or threaten a squadron of light vehicles. Demolisher Cannon can tickle anything, and Baneblade cannon is just funny :p

And a further thought.....Baneblade is easier to hide behind cover due to it's lower profile. That can go some way to making up for the lack of Ion Shield. Not only can it bag a decent cover save, but there's also the possibility your opponent won't be able to see it with enough weapons to really put a dent in it.

04-08-2014, 03:58 PM
Would be nice to get some hull down firing positions.

This Dave
04-08-2014, 04:58 PM
Would be nice to get some hull down firing positions.

That's what the other tanks in the army are for! Pre-made rolling revetments! :)

Seriously though the Imperium apparently doesn't believe in hull down firing or they would stop putting good weapons low on the front hulls of their tanks.

04-08-2014, 05:53 PM
That's what the other tanks in the army are for! Pre-made rolling revetments! :)

Seriously though the Imperium apparently doesn't believe in hull down firing or they would stop putting good weapons low on the front hulls of their tanks.

That would be new thinking. And new thinking is HERESY!

04-09-2014, 09:21 AM
With the new Imperial Guard codex on the way, and the Knight codex out, well, it just got me wondering: could you have a legitimate Armoured Company codex which included Baneblades as an Elite choice? Is the Baneblade really more powerful than the Knight?

I know I haven't kept up well with rumors (since most of them end up being not more than wishlisting or trolling), but hubba wah? Baneblades (or any Super-Heavy) as a codex unit? Especially when they already have a Lord of War slot?

Mr Mystery
04-09-2014, 02:38 PM
Just a rumor, based off the preview of the collector's IG book showing a cut away of a Baneblade.

04-09-2014, 05:16 PM
Going to have to say the Knight is more powerful. It actually has an invul save, comes stock with a D-weapon, and can move 12" each turn, whereas the Baneblade cannot do any or have any of those things.

Baneblade can also move 1" and still shoot as per super heavy rules. Same for the Knight.

- - - Updated - - -

Ultimately have to give the Knight the advantage just for its Ion Shield, though mobility and D weapon is nice I can't count it as too clear an advantage as its easily countered by a tarpit of infantry.

Super heavies ignore restraints of being stuck in combat, their so big they don't care ot continue to fight and can trundle off at will if they so choose to do so.

- - - Updated - - -

Having fought a Knight already, they are hilarious point sinks when not fielded properly. Their an easy target that can be picked apart by a pair of Russes or anything with good ranged fire power. As a 6 on a pen roll causes D3+2 wounds. Their not that terrifying on their own but in a pair their hard to deal with. The baneblade on the other hand is a bloody nightmare from the depths of hell itself, though I still prefer the shadowsword for killing power from the D.

04-09-2014, 06:37 PM
Super heavies ignore restraints of being stuck in combat, their so big they don't care ot continue to fight and can trundle off at will if they so choose to do so.

It's a nice theory but untrue, Imperial Knights follow all the rules for Walkers meaning they do get locked into Assault(ie can be tarpitted) Nothing in either Super-Heavy Vehicle Rules or Super-Heavy Walker rules says they are not locked in combat.

04-09-2014, 07:43 PM
Baneblade. A knight could probably take a Baneblade in a one-on-one, but the Baneblade has greater combat power against non-superheavy targets.

04-09-2014, 09:48 PM
A Baneblade in an Armored Company list would not be an Elite slot. It would likely be HQ slot.

04-10-2014, 12:16 AM
Going to have to say the Knight is more powerful. It actually has an invul save, comes stock with a D-weapon, and can move 12" each turn, whereas the Baneblade cannot do any or have any of those things.

I may be mistaken but I thought the apocalypse book says that superheavy vehicles follow all the rules for normal vehicles, but count as stationary regardless. Wouldn't that mean they can actually move 12" and fire everything or did I misunderstand the rule there?

This Dave
04-10-2014, 07:36 AM
I may be mistaken but I thought the apocalypse book says that superheavy vehicles follow all the rules for normal vehicles, but count as stationary regardless. Wouldn't that mean they can actually move 12" and fire everything or did I misunderstand the rule there?

You did not. Super Heavy (and Heavy too) vehicles always count as stationary so may fire all their guns at full BS regardless of how far they move.