View Full Version : Anyone found a heavy armor or battlesuit alternative to Ogryns?

04-06-2014, 07:41 AM
Hello, all.

I've never liked the concept behind Ogryns; in addition the appearance (and expense) of the Ogryn models has never appealed to me. The new ones may be somewhat cheaper, but I still don't like the whole abhuman concept or the look of the models.

As an alternative, I'm looking for models that look like regular guardsmen wearing heavy armor, or even some kind of battle suit, that are roughly the same size as the Ogryn models. For example, the UNA Tacarm minis from AT-43 would be great, except that they're really too small....

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Any help gratefully appreciated.


04-06-2014, 08:36 AM
I'd thought about using FW Thallax as counts as Ogryn in a Mechanicus themed IG army. I think the size is about right?

04-06-2014, 09:09 AM

Puppetswar's Rippers. I have a squad, and the casting is absolutely beautiful; a few bubbles, but no worst than Forge World's ratio.
