View Full Version : Askin' for a wee bit of SW player asistance..

Jack Lafreniere
04-05-2014, 10:55 AM
A few months back, I had started an obviously small SW army with the battleforce & a wolf lord.

But am in need of figuring out how I should run the wolf packs
I have enough troops to field either:

Three ten man units + a PA Wolf Guard in each.

Or two fifteen man packs + PA Wolf Guard and Lukas upgrade in one of the packs.

Any help in deciding would be greatly welcomed!

04-07-2014, 11:22 AM
its all dependant on what yoru doing with them if your taking 15man packs then i'm assuming your taking blood claws as grey hunters cant be more then 10 in a unit. if your taking blood claws i will say your overpaying they are a horribly over priced unit. Grey hunters do what they do only 10x better. I would take grey hunter units and honestly you don't really need to take the wolf guard units anymore i'd just take them as 10 man units either in pods or rhinos and take 2x special weapons and just lay waste to your opponents remember they have and they shall know no fear so they will always rally and even if they break they cannot be removed from play if caught. so might as well take 10men units and then maybe take a 5 man wolf guard unit.

04-09-2014, 05:03 PM
its all dependant on what yoru doing with them if your taking 15man packs then i'm assuming your taking blood claws as grey hunters cant be more then 10 in a unit. if your taking blood claws i will say your overpaying they are a horribly over priced unit. Grey hunters do what they do only 10x better. I would take grey hunter units and honestly you don't really need to take the wolf guard units anymore i'd just take them as 10 man units either in pods or rhinos and take 2x special weapons and just lay waste to your opponents remember they have and they shall know no fear so they will always rally and even if they break they cannot be removed from play if caught. so might as well take 10men units and then maybe take a 5 man wolf guard unit.

That was quite difficult to read due to the lack of proper punctuation and grammar.

I would take them as 10-man Grey Hunter squads in either a Rhino or a Drop Pod. Give them either 2 Plasmaguns or 2 Meltaguns and a Wolf Standard. You don't need Wolf Guard to join them. Space Marines are not very good on foot.

04-10-2014, 06:18 PM
.................... Not really reads take 10 man squads... don't need wolf guard and then illustrates why you don't need wolf guard.. and no don't take melta guns. Long fangs are your ant tank Grey hunters are you anti infantry... so yes please be dumb enough to invest in 2x melta so that the other 8 boltguns can sit there. mean while you get 5 missile launchers for 115pts if i remember correctly...