View Full Version : 1850 - Clan Raukaan, Blood Angels

04-05-2014, 06:39 AM
Clan Raukaan (Primary Detachment)
Chapter Tactics: Iron Hands

Chapter Master - bike, artificer armor, gorgon's chain, axe of medusa
Captain - bike, artificer armor, storm shield, power fist, combi-grav
Command Squad - bikes, apothecary, 4x grav, melta bombs

Scout Squad (5) - bolters
Scout Squad (5) - bolters, land speeder storm w/heavy flamer
Scout Squad (5) - bolters, land speeder storm w/heavy flamer
Tactical Squad (5) - multimelta, rhino

Stormtalon - skyhammers


Blood Angels (Allies)


Sanguinary Guard - 5x power axe, masks

Normally my Iron Hands perform ok, so I kept the majority of that force intact, but wanted to try some Blood Angels allies. At first glance Dante sounds like a beast and the Sanguinary Guard look great.. Does anyone have any feedback on them? Are the masks worth it? The plan would be to bring down Dante with the Guard and/or if my command squad is up against something that they could get stuck with in combat, he could join them to help with hit and run. It also seems nice that the Guard scores.

Is there a more optimal small Blood Angels force I should consider that anyone can recommend? Does anyone find the Sanguinary Guard and Dante competitive, because I've never used them and on paper they seem pretty great.

Thanks In advance for the opinions!

07-11-2014, 07:33 AM
I'm betting your surprised by the reply. I would be too. I just joined Bell of Lost Soul's forums and browsing for Iron Hands tactics, and I noticed your post. I play Iron Hands and have been toying with the idea of an allies force. I've tried Ravenguard once against Chaos and it didn't' turn out so well. I fear that I would have to play as numerous games as I've played as Iron Hands just to get the feel of it right. I have also been toying with Legion of the Damned Allies, and Space Wolves. I have successfully used an Imperial Knight as an ally force, for obvious reasons, but they cost quite a bit to field. I kinda like putting as many toys on the field as I can. Tell me did you army work with Dante and the other Blood Angels? Let me know.


07-11-2014, 07:39 AM
I am concerned at the multiple small units, especially scouts.

I've not had much luck using such small units, but that could be my local meta

07-11-2014, 08:23 AM
Yeah, now that you mentioned it Wolfshade, I can see your concern. They would still be Sv 4+ on a bike. I think only their toughness changes.

07-11-2014, 01:16 PM
Sang Guard don't carry their weight as well as the used to IMO. Not to say they're bad, it's just that without the invul or FNP, they're susceptible to being instagibbed when Dante is running low on wounds and you can't afford to Look Out. At 400+ pts, you have a lot more that you can use in the BA dex by means of fast tanks, Mephiston, etc. that may help round out the Iron Hands better than Dante + Sang Guard. Dropping the Hunter for another talon could help, but it all depends in what models you have rather than have you go out and buy more.

07-23-2014, 07:12 AM
This is my current Iron Hands list;

Master of the Forge - Gorgons chain
Techmarine - servo-harness
Techmarine - servo-harness
Techmarine - servo-harness

Terminators x5 - cyclone missile launcher

Dreadnought - 2x twin-autocannon

Dreadnought - twin-lascannon

Tactical squad x5 - meltagun, combi-melta
Razorback - twin-plasmagun, lascannon

Tactical squad x5 - meltagun, combi-melta
Razorback - twin-plasmagun, lascannon

Tactical squad x5 - meltagun, combi-melta
Razorback - twin-plasmagun, lascannon

Heavy Support
Predator - twin-lascannon, side lascannons

Predator - twin-lascannon, side lascannons

Land Raider Redeemer

Total - 1845

Techmarines go in the razorbacks and fix them if needed, same goes for the MotF but he is with the terminators in the Redeemer. With the IwnD on every vehicle and also the option to fix them with the techmarines on a 4+ with re-roll works pretty well. Its not the best army but i like techmarines :), It lacks anti-air tho...

07-23-2014, 07:23 PM
This is my current Iron Hands list;

Master of the Forge - Gorgons chain
Techmarine - servo-harness
Techmarine - servo-harness
Techmarine - servo-harness

Terminators x5 - cyclone missile launcher

Dreadnought - 2x twin-autocannon

Dreadnought - twin-lascannon

Tactical squad x5 - meltagun, combi-melta
Razorback - twin-plasmagun, lascannon

Tactical squad x5 - meltagun, combi-melta
Razorback - twin-plasmagun, lascannon

Tactical squad x5 - meltagun, combi-melta
Razorback - twin-plasmagun, lascannon

Heavy Support
Predator - twin-lascannon, side lascannons

Predator - twin-lascannon, side lascannons

Land Raider Redeemer

Total - 1845

Techmarines go in the razorbacks and fix them if needed, same goes for the MotF but he is with the terminators in the Redeemer. With the IwnD on every vehicle and also the option to fix them with the techmarines on a 4+ with re-roll works pretty well. Its not the best army but i like techmarines :), It lacks anti-air tho...

What does this have to do with allying Blood Angels?