View Full Version : Champion of Nurgle

04-04-2014, 11:34 AM
The new Crimson Slaughter supplement has breathed new life into my Nurgle Marine Army. Specifically, it has inspired me to build a new Champion to lead this horde.

These are the early mock up poses of the model. Much more green stuff to come.

- - - Updated - - -

Some detail progress.

04-05-2014, 01:43 AM
That's some great work. Papa Nurgle will be most pleased.

Darren Richardson
04-05-2014, 05:39 AM
great green stuffing for a green plaguey dude...

Damn trying saying tha fast after a few beers ;)

04-07-2014, 11:02 PM
This guy is coming together well. At this point most of the major details have been added so he just needs to be cleaned up before paint.

Had extra putty mixed up so I began work on a Herald of Nurgle. He is posed as if he is casting a spell from the Grimoire of True Names. Chaos Spawn body and trunk from a Plague Drone.

05-13-2014, 11:22 PM
Wrapped up painting on the Typhus. I still have work to do on his ride.

05-13-2014, 11:38 PM
Just some nit-picky things, the blood on the scythe could use a bit more love, and the body in his hand could look a bit more sickly. Perhaps a bit more discolouration, I mean, he's that close to mortal Champion of Nurgle, he'd look a bit more sick in my opinion. He looks wasted (As in a wasting disease, not drunk.) but I feel that there could be more done to him.

Otherwise, great conversion!

05-14-2014, 12:11 AM
Thanks for the comment chaplain. I totally agree about the blood on his weapon. I've been painting blood splattered swords on my models since I was 12 and I can never quite get it right! Not sure how to fix it as it is one of my personal short sides... As far as the corpse goes my thinking was that he was just recently sliced in half so his body has lost a lot of blood but was never was infected. The blight grenades on his back are green as a contrast.

05-14-2014, 12:31 AM
I dunno, I think the body is fine, maybe you could throw a really stark highlight on it, but you dont want to detract from the pallet of the image as a whole.

Really liking it, I assume its purely for display purposes though.

05-14-2014, 12:47 AM
I've been running the crimson slaughter lately so I've used him as a Sorcerer on Palanquin with the Daemon Heart relic that gives him a 2+ save and attach him to my Troop Possessed. I've been wanting to scratch build a Typhus for a while but have never liked using him in games, so this was a nice way to be motivated to make him.

05-14-2014, 06:49 AM
The two big things for me are that you don't have much definition to the blood spray and that it's too thick all long the blade. Have you tried watching the Blood for the Blood God painting tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TRBq7GVnJM)that GW put out? That might help you out, but basically the colour isn't going to stay consistent all the way up the blade and it's going to end up in streaks and not in big blobs of blood. Secondly, the blood is going to thin out as it rides up the blade and as such its going to be more translucent than where it hits the blade. The guy in the video explains it a lot better than I can, so give that a watch.

Lord Asterion
05-14-2014, 07:07 AM
Blood is tricky, its easy to make it look like a 12 year old has done it, but to make it look good takes special attention.

Red paint isn't what you want, you either want to use Blood for the Blood God from GW or Tamiya Clear Red, mixing these glossy blood colours with black or a red-brown will make it look older and stained, you shouldn't paint it, use stippling on the cutting edge and flick up on to the blade, or, for a splatter effect, try loading up your brush and the holding the brush up to you mouth and hold the model close to the brush, with the area you want to get splattered towards it, then, purse your lips and blow out really hard, make sure your paint isn't too thin for this or it will go everywhere