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Stormlord Aeirling
01-03-2010, 11:59 AM
I've been digging up some rumors for the new black templar codex, rumored to be released this year along with the new blood angels codex. Here is what i gathered together and posted over on 40k online

first, we have an old rumor from a GD in spain saying Robin cruddance said they are currently writing a templar codex http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=202302

Now a rumor from Dakka Dakka and Tauonline saying that there is a new templar codex on the way, and that it will most likely be released around the same time as blood angels. Also says that "Accept any Challenge, no matter the odds" (The vow that gives them preferred enemy) will get nerfed in the new book. http://forums.tauonline.org/index.php/topic,84916.0.html

another little mini rumor from over at Bolter and chainsword. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=181207&mode=linear

01-06-2010, 01:25 PM
My own sources say that it's a long time coming, as do numerous other rumors/direct questions of designers etc.(I have however heard that its in the planning stages ala grey knights).

01-06-2010, 01:43 PM
My own sources say that it's a long time coming, as do numerous other rumors/direct questions of designers etc.(I have however heard that its in the planning stages ala grey knights).

So would that mean it's DA that will be the next SM codex being released after BA? I am not saying 40K codex, but SM codex. Who else is left? I am going by the asummtion that GW will not be doing any new SM chapters or Races as they said. (Unless they lied)

01-06-2010, 01:50 PM
Has anyone ever found it odd that GW is cracking down on websites in general, on rumors and not foretelling what new releases there will be but somehow it seems 1 in 10 average joes on each one of these webpages has "official sources" or has "internal connections" or some other crap?

I get it that there are people that "get it right", but I've seen a lot of people NOT claiming to have official sources get rumors right so it doesn't really prove anything. Just seems like it's nothing mroe than a nerd way of saying "my daddy can beat up your daddy" or "i'm cooler than you becuase I know someone".

It's even worse that most of the things these people with contacts offer on the forums are needlessly cryptic - Your sources say it's not coming for awhile, but in the planning stages with Grey Knights? Grey Knights is part of a faction and not even a faction itself, and if a source has leaked something to you why not just spill the beans and post what you know? Doubtless it's specific enough to get your "source" in trouble or you wouldn't be posting anything anyway. The answer is that by being cryptic and letting loose the information a little at a time you get to say "I know something you don't know, oh yeah, and I'm more cool than you".

Just a thought.

01-06-2010, 06:30 PM
I think with some people, Like Harry I used for example, are allowed to know things, and can only say things if GW or who ever is in charge tells them it's ok to say it. I am shure these people have singed a Non Disclosure Agreements, so can only say things when they are told too. That is why they are Cryptic, since that is what they are allowed to say, nothing more nothing less.

It's better than nothing though, other wise we wouldn't be chatting here now. But yeah it sucks that GW has a stranglehold on almost everything now. Oh well it's their company, they can do what they want. AS long as the share holders are getting thier money, they will not be telling GW on how to do run their bussiness strategy.

01-06-2010, 07:32 PM

also Alessio was once asked about the BT codex a while back and shot it down...can't find it though..

but everything points to 2011

01-06-2010, 07:53 PM
It's even worse that most of the things these people with contacts offer on the forums are needlessly cryptic - Your sources say it's not coming for awhile, but in the planning stages with Grey Knights? Grey Knights is part of a faction and not even a faction itself, and if a source has leaked something to you why not just spill the beans and post what you know?

Some people's jobs might be on the line when they release rumors. They want to say stuff, but know they'll get fired if they just tell everything. Thus, cryptic messages. Similar thing for non-GW employees. Sometimes they have been granted special privileges and have gotten the chance to see some future stuff. However, if they betray that trust they've been given, they loose those privileges.

And Grey Knights are more than just a faction of a faction. We're the most unique SM Chapter in the entire 40k universe. If any loyalist chapter deserves a codex, it's us, really. All the other chapters, to at least a certain degree, have minor differences at best. Even Space Wolves are built around WS4 BS4 S4 T4 3+ Sv Marines with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword and grenades. Grey Knights don't even use the same statline for any of our units. Other than T4 and Power Armor, we have little in common with normal Marines.

01-07-2010, 03:18 AM
So would that mean it's DA that will be the next SM codex being released after BA? I am not saying 40K codex, but SM codex. Who else is left? I am going by the asummtion that GW will not be doing any new SM chapters or Races as they said. (Unless they lied)

no. grey knights are TECHNICALLY a chapter of the adeptus astartes, besides harry said :

"blood angels are only half the story." where does that implie more power armour? it doesn't its merely stating there will be more 40k codexes that havent been updated in a while (if that).

01-07-2010, 03:21 AM
There was another part to that quotation. Something like "Fleet-based marines are winging it your way later this year."

01-07-2010, 03:28 AM
There was another part to that quotation. Something like "Fleet-based marines are winging it your way later this year."

that wasn't part of the initial quote though so my point still stands for all we know the fleet based bit could be something to throw us off course since even harry said his first quote wasn't cryptic enough.

01-07-2010, 06:44 AM
I thought the "half" the story thing was about the Battle Missions book in the same month? Didn't the BA news come out way before the Battle Missions book info? I could very well be wrong...so...

01-07-2010, 07:48 AM
Harry did say about a month after all the guesswishliting, that he said, "it's anthour SM Chapter". There is nothing cryptic about that statement.

01-07-2010, 08:41 AM
I think the qoute that you are looking for is that "BT players will be crying for a long time." or some such. Reading into that could take you all sorts of places.

01-07-2010, 09:40 AM
Hmmmmmmmm I hope they don't nerf the Templars in general. I can handle tweaking the AaC Vow if they give us more to work with.

AaC is the ONLY thing that makes the Templars not suck THE MOST at this point.

I mean really, a space marine army that has to take a LD 8!!!!!! Check every time they take a single casualty.

I've had 15 man crusader squads fall back off the table because we were being chased by the Oh so scary empty weaponless Chimera because I failed a LD 10 check.

You're going to fail if you have to take a test every round. It’s inevitable.

Our war gear is out dated, so are half our vehicles all the vows are pretty much garbage except AaC. So if they’re nerfing AaC then hopefully there will be plenty to off set the loss of the Vow.

I personally hope they give us new Vows where there is actually a choice about what to take.

Till then its AaC all day long.

Stormlord Aeirling
01-07-2010, 10:49 AM
the rumors of fleet based marines point right to templars, in my opinion.

And yes, i sincerely hope for the good of all templar players out there that if they nerf accept any challenge, that they make it up in other ways.

01-07-2010, 02:51 PM
the rumors of fleet based marines point right to templars, in my opinion.

Apparently, the "fleet based" thing wasn't in the original rumor. The original rumor simply said "winging its way", and later it was added that it would be a Marine codex.

The "fleet based" thing was just speculation by one of the commenters that the community grasped on, apparently.

I don't remember where the exact quote is on warseer, but the guy who posted the original rumor said something to the effect of "I never actually said fleet-based".

01-08-2010, 02:13 AM
When I read "winging it's way" first thing came to my mind was Tau. Vespids. I just read anthour Harry post and he said something about wings or something coming out, but it's NOT a new race codex. So I am guessing something like Vespids or something like that for Tau. Tau is not a new race. Myabe not a new race per say codex, but maybe a new race like Vespids. So I am thinking that it is Tau that will be released after BA for 40K.

Then I guess it's BT after Tau. Unless Chaos SM are considered SM, then a CSM chapter can be after Tau.

01-08-2010, 12:16 PM
When I read "winging it's way" first thing came to my mind was Tau. Vespids. I just read anthour Harry post and he said something about wings or something coming out, but it's NOT a new race codex. So I am guessing something like Vespids or something like that for Tau. Tau is not a new race. Myabe not a new race per say codex, but maybe a new race like Vespids. So I am thinking that it is Tau that will be released after BA for 40K.

Then I guess it's BT after Tau. Unless Chaos SM are considered SM, then a CSM chapter can be after Tau.

Where'd all this Tau talk come from? Harry said "only half the story" and "winging its way" referring to the same thing. He later clarified that both referred to a SM chapter. Tau doesn't really come into play anywhere.

01-08-2010, 03:30 PM
Unlike some other rumours no one is staying that they've seen any work in progress new models for the Templars. Consequently I think that you'll be waiting a long time because the codexes seem to be secondary to new model sales.

01-08-2010, 03:41 PM
Where'd all this Tau talk come from? Harry said "only half the story" and "winging its way" referring to the same thing. He later clarified that both referred to a SM chapter. Tau doesn't really come into play anywhere.

Ok I wil try and clarify again. I am guessing at what I read.

Tyrainds is official.

Blood Angels is basically accepted to be after Tyranids.

Now going on the theroy GW releases SM, non SM, SM non SM products that the codex after BA will be Tau.

I say Tau since the rumours at the time, said WH and DH just got started. Also at the time, Necrons and DE were not going to be released until 2011 the earliest. Since Eldar, Choas, Deamons got a fairly been releaesed in the last few years and going by it will be a Non SM codex, that would only leave Tau left. Since FW is also trying to release new product when a new codex comes out and it's rumoured or been said that Tau are getting new Crisis Suits to be released soon. So who else can be released once we eliminate DE, Necrons, WH, DH? Also GW said they will not be making any new SM chapter or new races either. So who is left? Tau is the only race I can think of.

That is why I say Tau.

After Tau it has to be either BT or DA. Both have been rumoured they are far away as well. Unless poeople consider Chaos SM as a SM release I think we are getting misinformation regarding BT or DA since Harry said "if all goes well there will be 4 codex in 2010." Harry also said the other half of the story is a full fledge SM codex. I never read about winging it our way and fleet by the poster. I just read it on the BoLS blog. So I can't really comment on those. I am not even shure who made those quotes.

01-08-2010, 06:16 PM
Ok I wil try and clarify again. I am guessing at what I read.

Tyrainds is official.

Blood Angels is basically accepted to be after Tyranids.

Now going on the theroy GW releases SM, non SM, SM non SM products that the codex after BA will be Tau.

I say Tau since the rumours at the time, said WH and DH just got started. Also at the time, Necrons and DE were not going to be released until 2011 the earliest. Since Eldar, Choas, Deamons got a fairly been releaesed in the last few years and going by it will be a Non SM codex, that would only leave Tau left. Since FW is also trying to release new product when a new codex comes out and it's rumoured or been said that Tau are getting new Crisis Suits to be released soon. So who else can be released once we eliminate DE, Necrons, WH, DH? Also GW said they will not be making any new SM chapter or new races either. So who is left? Tau is the only race I can think of.

That is why I say Tau.

After Tau it has to be either BT or DA. Both have been rumoured they are far away as well. Unless poeople consider Chaos SM as a SM release I think we are getting misinformation regarding BT or DA since Harry said "if all goes well there will be 4 codex in 2010." Harry also said the other half of the story is a full fledge SM codex. I never read about winging it our way and fleet by the poster. I just read it on the BoLS blog. So I can't really comment on those. I am not even shure who made those quotes.

Well, what we know is that BA is coming out, and there will be a second SM chapter released around the same time.

After that, there's suppsed to be another codex near the end of the year, or early next year. Yes, it will probably be non-SM. But Dark Eldar and Necrons are actually supposed to be pretty far along, particularly Dark Eldar. At the same time, there's been no rumors about Tau to the best of my knowlege.

DH/WH are also supposed to be in the works, for release next year or whenever they get done. Far enough off that we don't really know anything.

As for the SM rumors, we don't know much other than "half the story" and "winging its way". The "fleet based" is apparently pure speculation, and was not in the original rumor. The community has just grabbed onto the "fleet based" thing.

Edit: And I saw those original rumors on Warseer, as well as the source of the rumors say "I never said anything about fleet based marines, only that they were winging their way".

01-08-2010, 06:55 PM
Jervis has stated that at some point a Chaos Legions book will be done, I'm not holding my breath though. I believe Chaos players are supposed to be thrilled by the fact that we got lash, which will carry us through until 6th edition. Consequently, I haven't bought a Chaos model in the past two years and probably won't buy another one for another two years.


01-08-2010, 09:26 PM
@DarkLink, so do you think it will be Tyranids, BA, then Non SM release or Tyrandis, BA, SM release?

Not shure if you are saying it will be a SM back to back release or not.

01-09-2010, 12:47 AM
@DarkLink, so do you think it will be Tyranids, BA, then Non SM release or Tyrandis, BA, SM release?

Not shure if you are saying it will be a SM back to back release or not.

That's what the rumor on warseer made it sound like.

Tyanids, then BA and a second SM chapter, then a xenos army at the end of the year.

After that, who knows, but DH/WH would be coming up eventually, and Dark Eldar and Necrons are rumored to fit in somewhere, though there isn't any solid stuff yet.

01-09-2010, 01:16 PM
Well when I use to be on Warseer, (been banned for asking a question if I could put Harrys and Brimstones post all in one thread for discussion of future releases, but a Mod told me I was spamming so I got banned after going over the 25 points. Yeah I made a booboo and had 10 points, but really asking a simple queston is spamming? Oh well, sorry off topic here) they also said it is a SM non SM, SM, non SM releases.

At first they thought on Warseer it was Imperium, Xeno, Imperium Xeno release, but now we can tell that is not the case anymore with the SM, IG, SM release so I am shure it's safe to say it will be Tyranids, BA, Tau is my guess, then if all goes well, BT or DA around late Fall or early January release.

But that is my guess, when I was on Warseer. I still stick to it from reading posts on BoLS and Dakka Dakka.

01-09-2010, 01:40 PM
I don't think Tau will be released this year. There has been nothing to even convince me that my first army will get any love any time soon.

This year will probably consist of:
1. Nids
2. Blood Angels

Releasing 2 marine armies in one year makes no sense financially. Unless they are making my beloved Salamanders a codex to go with my Nids codex release that is. Then happyness shall reign in my house:D

01-09-2010, 01:55 PM
Well when I use to be on Warseer, (been banned for asking a question if I could put Harrys and Brimstones post all in one thread for discussion of future releases, but a Mod told me I was spamming so I got banned after going over the 25 points. Yeah I made a booboo and had 10 points, but really asking a simple queston is spamming? Oh well, sorry off topic here) they also said it is a SM non SM, SM, non SM releases.

Huh, one more reason I like BoLS so much more than warseer... the only thing warseer has going for it is an abundance of rumors.

At first they thought on Warseer it was Imperium, Xeno, Imperium Xeno release, but now we can tell that is not the case anymore with the SM, IG, SM release so I am shure it's safe to say it will be Tyranids, BA, Tau is my guess, then if all goes well, BT or DA around late Fall or early January release.

But that is my guess, when I was on Warseer. I still stick to it from reading posts on BoLS and Dakka Dakka.

The general trend has been Imperium, xenos, Imperium, xenos. But there is no particular indication that this is an official GW policy. It's simply that the codices that have been released recently have happened to follow this pattern. Past trends does not indicate future performance.

Considering the "half the story" rumors, it sounds as though the BA and another SM chapter will be released in close proximity, but it is possible that they might be split up. We don't know yet, and any guesses are pure speculation at this point. And I'm not a fan of any significant amount of speculation. If you create a theory with no evidence, future evidence will be skewed to match your theory, when your theory should be changing to match the evidence.

Regardless, current rumors seem to indicate:
Nidz in january (obviously)
BA and another SM chapter in the summer
Some other codex at the end of the year
with nidz being confirmed, and BA pretty much a sure thing.

I don't think Tau will be released this year. There has been nothing to even convince me that my first army will get any love any time soon.

Yeah, to the best of my knowlege, there hasn't been any rumors indicating Tau are coming up. And considering we've got rumors for necrons, dark eldar, DH and WH I'd imagine we'd have heard something if they were working on Tau.

01-09-2010, 04:22 PM
Hmmmmmmmm I hope they don't nerf the Templars in general. I can handle tweaking the AaC Vow if they give us more to work with.

AaC is the ONLY thing that makes the Templars not suck THE MOST at this point.

I mean really, a space marine army that has to take a LD 8!!!!!! Check every time they take a single casualty.

I've had 15 man crusader squads fall back off the table because we were being chased by the Oh so scary empty weaponless Chimera because I failed a LD 10 check.

You're going to fail if you have to take a test every round. It’s inevitable.

Our war gear is out dated, so are half our vehicles all the vows are pretty much garbage except AaC. So if they’re nerfing AaC then hopefully there will be plenty to off set the loss of the Vow.

I personally hope they give us new Vows where there is actually a choice about what to take.

Till then its AaC all day long.

you complain about righteous zeal? your not serious right? oh lord ! while it isnt what it used to be it isnt terrible

wow you have been so brainwashed its not funny .. AaC as you call it is a collossal waste of time and points .. in tournement setting the abhor the witch is a much better use of your time

war gear is outdated are you serious? what are you smoking and not sharing? we get 2 assautl cannons for every 5 termies how in the world can you honestly complain?

the dex as it is, is a serious fall from armageddon but its not bad now that you only have to take the emp champion as your lone hq that saves a ton of points

personally i dont see what you are complaining about...its a far site better then a regular marine dex and makes dark angels and blood angels royally suck more

01-09-2010, 05:37 PM
you complain about righteous zeal? your not serious right? oh lord ! while it isnt what it used to be it isnt terrible

wow you have been so brainwashed its not funny .. AaC as you call it is a collossal waste of time and points .. in tournement setting the abhor the witch is a much better use of your time

war gear is outdated are you serious? what are you smoking and not sharing? we get 2 assautl cannons for every 5 termies how in the world can you honestly complain?

the dex as it is, is a serious fall from armageddon but its not bad now that you only have to take the emp champion as your lone hq that saves a ton of points

personally i dont see what you are complaining about...its a far site better then a regular marine dex and makes dark angels and blood angels royally suck more

I mostly agree. For every outdated "bad" rule/points value the BT have, they have another rule somewhere else that is really, really good in 5th.

I once had a 20+ man squad of BT (with attached characters) get within an inch or two of assaulting a squad that had walked on from my board edge at the top of turn two. In two turns of movement and one turn of shooting, the BT squad had covered nearly 24", and only failed to assault because they rolled double 1's on their difficult terrain test. All thanks to Righteous Zeal. They didn't even have Abhor the Witch, either.

01-09-2010, 06:59 PM
I mostly agree. For every outdated "bad" rule/points value the BT have, they have another rule somewhere else that is really, really good in 5th.

I once had a 20+ man squad of BT (with attached characters) get within an inch or two of assaulting a squad that had walked on from my board edge at the top of turn two. In two turns of movement and one turn of shooting, the BT squad had covered nearly 24", and only failed to assault because they rolled double 1's on their difficult terrain test. All thanks to Righteous Zeal. They didn't even have Abhor the Witch, either.

I wouldnt play temps under 4th the other marine dex was better but in 5th they have a larege advantage if the army is set up right

in my local gaming area i was told i couldnt win with templars first time i pulled them out i won the over all

i readily admit if your not playing a psychic army the ATW is a bad move but it works more often then not

and ill be damned if ill let anyone tell me a potms vindicator isnt the most awesome thing still left on the board

01-09-2010, 07:01 PM
Yeah, to the best of my knowlege, there hasn't been any rumors indicating Tau are coming up. And considering we've got rumors for necrons, dark eldar, DH and WH I'd imagine we'd have heard something if they were working on Tau.

Brimstone had mentioned to someone to not invest to heavily in Battlsuits unless he was buying the Forge World ones. Also in a poll about what the next codex should be he voted for Tau. I had a similar discussion on warseer with another member, he mentioned a third and fourth hint, one being Harry saying "droning on" which he thinks means Tau, but he couldn't show me the fourth mention. Not much to go on but we like to grasp at straws for things we want.

01-09-2010, 08:12 PM
Brimstone had mentioned to someone to not invest to heavily in Battlsuits unless he was buying the Forge World ones. Also in a poll about what the next codex should be he voted for Tau. I had a similar discussion on warseer with another member, he mentioned a third and fourth hint, one being Harry saying "droning on" which he thinks means Tau, but he couldn't show me the fourth mention. Not much to go on but we like to grasp at straws for things we want.

Hmm, it's hard to tell if his vote is a result of something he knows, or just what he wishes would happen. But I wouldn't be too surprised if they've got some Tau stuff in the works. We know next to nothing about the possible non-SM 'dex this year, I was just speculating based on the fact that Dark Eldar are supposed to be really far along and a handful of whispers about Necrons.

Now that I think about it, though, the little I've heard about Necrons amounts to about the same as the Tau hints you mention above.

01-10-2010, 12:07 PM
I can certainly complain about RZ, but it’s offset by other things and over all it’s a bonus but have (as I stated ) LOST tournaments because my guys couldn’t make a ld 8 check EVERY ROUND for 3 rounds to hold an objective. IT’S A HUGE liability unless you WANT to move towards an enemy model. But when you want to get across the board it’s a HUGE advantage. And just like I’ve lost because of that rule, I’ve also won because of it.

ATW is Meh, it gets you some extra movement which is always good IF your opponent has a psyker. And for some armies that’s a big IF. Where as accept any challenge is always good.

But that’s neither here nor there; the point was that IF they were going to Nerf the BEST Vow we have then I would hope we get something in return.

As for Vehicles, I TOTALLY agree that a vindicator with POTMS is great because you can always fire the demolisher cannon even if you are shaken or stunned! YEA US. But to off set that

1) our speeders suck compared to C: SM
2) our Ven dreads suck compared to C: SM
3) Hell or regular dreads suck compared to C: SM
4) our POTMS sucks compared to C:SM

I don’t want to get into a huge debate. For the most part I love my Templars, and for 5th I think we’re very competitive we got some cool things for having a slightly older codex.

You mentioned that we can have to AC’s in a 5 man terminator squad, and so we can, that’s cool, but we can’t have new storm shields (boo) and we can’t have cyclone missile launchers that have double the rate of fire of ours. But we can have sword brethren terminators with lightning claws and furious charge so it all works out.

As for smoking, I think if you’re blowing points on ATW in hopes that your opponent fields a psyker you need to change the water in your bong and rethink things when your head clears a little  (Too much Big Lebowski for you)

Personally I think that Templars have one of the hardest SM armies in the game today. Just wanted to put it out to the ether that I hoped the new Templars codex gets the same love that the space wolves got.

01-10-2010, 12:16 PM
Yeh, as long as they don't put in mega knights on cyber steeds led by sword brethren lancelot.

01-10-2010, 12:26 PM
2) our Ven dreads suck compared to C: SM

Disagree. Tank Hunter on a ven dread is more useful than a +1 bump in WS and BS. The ability to have a twin linked strength 10 lascannon and str 9 missle launcher on a platform that can be drop podded in to hit rear armor fulfills a roll the templars definitely need.

01-10-2010, 01:51 PM

That is one of the best quotes!!

I heartliy agree!

01-10-2010, 02:08 PM
Disagree. Tank Hunter on a ven dread is more useful than a +1 bump in WS and BS. The ability to have a twin linked strength 10 lascannon and str 9 missle launcher on a platform that can be drop podded in to hit rear armor fulfills a roll the templars definitely need.

I stand mostly corrected.

You're right about the math hammer on that one, but we don't have access to

Plasma cannons, Auto cannons, two sets of auto canons, TL heavy flamers etc. AND we're WS.BS 4

Don't forget the nerf on the WS, that’s important when you only get two attacks and you’re trying to fight your way out of a quagmire.

But again, I agree that Tank hunters is better in that load out than the +1 BS But you still have to hit and the S9 rocket is going to miss 33% of the time for BT but only like 10% for the C: SM

01-10-2010, 02:49 PM
Disagree. Tank Hunter on a ven dread is more useful than a +1 bump in WS and BS. The ability to have a twin linked strength 10 lascannon and str 9 missle launcher on a platform that can be drop podded in to hit rear armor fulfills a roll the templars definitely need.

Heck, Str 7 assault cannon, anyone? BT does get rending on theirs, right?

01-11-2010, 06:23 AM
Heck, Str 7 assault cannon, anyone? BT does get rending on theirs, right?

Yeah, and is good if your dread lives that long, or your termies for that matter.

I would agree, that while BT are still good in 5Ed, they need updating as somethings just dont work right. RZ is as much a liability as it is anything else, though thats not new, it does mean that holding any objective becomes secondary to taking the enemies or just trying to wipe them off the table. Its a bit like expecting IG to win HtH, they can, but its a slim chance.

With BA now confirmed, there must be more rumours out there regarding whats to come after...

I guess this is where Brimstone is really going to be missed, Long live live the Rumour King.

01-11-2010, 04:08 PM
So this went from being about a new Codex to everybody whining about how hard done by we are because our gear is not as good as C:SM?

How about the fact that we choose not to have much to do with other chapters, and therefore are likely to have different standards of gear, heck, different gear altogether (Holy Orb?).

If you want to have the same stuff as C:SM, then buy that Codex, and paint your minis black.

For those of us who enjoy having something a little different, the BT Codex does the job.