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View Full Version : Isengard vs Gondor

01-03-2010, 07:44 AM
Played a medium sized game yesterday unfortunately most of the pics are too blurry to post but a couple came out



As you can see in the first pic the Gondor army was a trebuchet, 3 bolt throwers, 4 companies Archers of MT, 2 * 4 companies WoMT with full command, 4 companies Army of the Dead King, 2 * 4 Companies KoMT with captain / banner and Faramir which was up against an Isengard force with Saruman, Lurtz, troll captain, sharku's wargs, a company of beserkers, Vrashku's talons, 4 companies Uruk Hai with sword / shield and 4 companies Uruks with pikes.

It was a glorious victory for Gondor which basically came from a very lucky bit of positioning meaning cav could charge the beserkers and not the other way round!