View Full Version : Moving with Plague Drones I don't get the rules please help :(

04-01-2014, 11:44 AM
Ok so they are Jet Pack Cavalry I am assuming as much they follow both jet pack rules and cavalry rules but for jet pack I can't find out how far they move I am assuming they can move 12" because they are cavalry but does the jet pack add movement.

Just to add all nurgle units are slow and purposeful would this effect there use of the jet pack rule?

Do they also gain jinx or am I looking at another unit types rule.

04-01-2014, 12:06 PM
Okay, let's walk through this:

If we flip over to page 42, we see that the effect of being Slow and Purposeful is that the model (and its entire unit) cannot cannot Run, Turbo-boost, move Flat Out, perform Sweeping Advances or fire Overwatch. So a Plague Drone can't do any of those things. S&P says nothing about making a model move less than its normal allowed movement, though, so the Plague Drone can still move as far as it normally does.

Let's start with page 48 for the Cavalry rules, since that's the model's "base" type. We see that cavalry can move 12", treat all Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain, fall back 3d6", and have Fleet and Hammer of Wrath.

Now back to page 47 for Jet Pack. We see that in the Movement phase, jet pack models can either use their jet pack or move normally (whatever "normal" means for their base type). If they use their jet pack, they get to move freely over other models and terrain, but must take a Dangerous Terrain test for either ending or starting in Difficult Terrain. It says nothing about moving faster than normal. They can also make a Thrust move in the Assault phase, even if they have previously shot or Run. A Thrust move is 2d6" and counts as using the jet pack. They also have the Bulky, Deep Strike and Relentless special rules.

So put it all together:

A Plague Drone can:

Movement Phase: Move 12" (cavalry), moving freely over models and terrain (jet pack), is never slowed by Difficult Terrain (both cavalry and jet pack), but must take a Dangerous Terrain test for starting or ending in Difficult Terrain (both cavalry and jet pack).
Shooting Phase: Shoot any kind of weapon (jet pack), but may not Run (Slow and Purposeful).
Assault Phase: Move 2d6", moving freely over models and terrain (jet pack), or charge, re-rolling either or both dice (cavalry).
They do not gain Jink (you're thinking of bikes and jetbikes).

04-01-2014, 12:26 PM
Ah so they can move 12" then in assault move another possible 12" that is awesome due to I plan to give them a icon of chaos so when units deep strike they don't get scatter within 6" now the thing with nurgle they get shrouded but as you pointed out going into difficult terrain its classed as dangerous terrain with that rule but I believe rolls of one means I take a wound. I guess its worth the risk thanks to the 5+ invulnerable save.

Thanks so much for the information :)

04-01-2014, 01:16 PM
You've got it exactly right.

04-02-2014, 08:40 AM
Very good way to answer a question. Everyone should be helped this thoroughly.
1: Relevant rules related
2: Proper pages posted
3: Clear conclusion concluded.

04-02-2014, 06:18 PM
Very good way to answer a question. Everyone should be helped this thoroughly.
1: Relevant rules related
2: Proper pages posted
3: Clear conclusion concluded.

you forgot a step:

04-02-2014, 07:52 PM
My way is better than yours. cf. earlier response (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?43357-Moving-with-Plague-Drones-I-don-t-get-the-rules-please-help-(&p=408847&viewfull=1#post408847) ;)

04-03-2014, 06:16 AM
My way is better than yours. cf. earlier response (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?43357-Moving-with-Plague-Drones-I-don-t-get-the-rules-please-help-(&p=408847&viewfull=1#post408847) ;)
