View Full Version : A step out of the shadows...

03-30-2014, 03:30 PM
It's probably about time I stopped lurking about and introduced myself. I've been slinking around for a good few months now, mostly in the 40k news and rumours forum.
I played a lot of 40k through 2nd and 3rd edition and drifted away somewhere before the introduction of 4th when I discovered drinking and being tattooed.
My interest sparked again around two years ago unpacking some old boxes at my parents place and I skirted around the edge of the hobby for a while, doing a lot of reading and a little painting when I had the time. Another break was forced on me when I shattered most of the bones in my right hand, falling down some stairs although I did continue reading and planning things.
I'm still yet to play a game in the current edition as free time is at a premium and I stubbornly refuse to play with untainted miniatures but I'm slowly turning the amassed boxes of pretty grey things under my desk into something I'm happy with.

I guess that's about it except to say, hello, I'm Rauri.

03-31-2014, 02:55 AM
Hello and welcome aboard :)

04-01-2014, 04:42 AM

Come to the oubliette, enjoy our tangents
