View Full Version : First Look - White Dwarf #9 Review Astra Militarum Tempestus

03-29-2014, 08:59 AM
So is the Astra Militarum the new Imperial Guard, and what the heck is a Tempestus?


03-29-2014, 09:43 AM
Nice review, although it's Astra Militarum (not Militarium) and Brits drive on the left, hence steering wheel on the right.

03-29-2014, 10:08 AM
quality review, you sound about as confused on the issue as me!

03-29-2014, 11:25 AM
I think that they are renaming the IG as Astra Militarum, but they will refer to them by both names kinda like Adeptus Astartes and Space Marines. I think that the Militarum Tempestus is just another wing of the IG; the "Stormtrooper" wing.

GW wants to copyright everything and I'm sure everybody remembers the Space Marine debacle last year. In order to copyright something, the word must be unique and you must be the first one to use it. Space Marine is not unique nor is GW the first to use it. Imperial Guard is not unique nor is GW the first to use it, however, Astra Militarum is unique. Most of these new terms are psuedo Latin. They sound Latin, but aren't actually Latin. As such they are purely made up words, which means no one else has used them, and that makes them almost instantly subject to copyright for GW.

So the Astra Militarum is the new IG and the Militarum Tempestus is a supplement. A faction within a faction as the Kesher said. I don't think Tempestus actually means anything.

03-29-2014, 11:46 AM
They want to Trademark things, there's a big difference.

Harry Paratesteez
03-30-2014, 10:40 AM
I see GW really shooting themselves in the foot with this.....again.
All these slang Latin made up words that many people are unsure how to pronounce and they are going to use them to "re brand" their army names and fluff that have stood the test of time over 25 years plus.
Why? Because some people like their game so much that it has spawned a sub-market of other people that produce game enhancements for their game, And that makes GW all butthurt because they want ALL the 40k loot.
I guess the best way to do it is to change everything, and copyright it.
What I guess the point is is you can copyright a turd, but its still a turd. What they had before was not a turd, very universal, names rolled off tounges, Things sounded like what they were.
Looking forward to my "Adeptus Astartes Chaotica" codex.......ya...that sounds way cooler that Chaos space marines.

Mike Lawler
03-30-2014, 10:42 AM
This is not IG.. this is a separate army.

03-30-2014, 10:45 AM
I think that they are renaming the IG as Astra Militarum, but they will refer to them by both names kinda like Adeptus Astartes and Space Marines. I think that the Militarum Tempestus is just another wing of the IG; the "Stormtrooper" wing.

GW wants to copyright everything and I'm sure everybody remembers the Space Marine debacle last year. In order to copyright something, the word must be unique and you must be the first one to use it. Space Marine is not unique nor is GW the first to use it. Imperial Guard is not unique nor is GW the first to use it, however, Astra Militarum is unique. Most of these new terms are psuedo Latin. They sound Latin, but aren't actually Latin. As such they are purely made up words, which means no one else has used them, and that makes them almost instantly subject to copyright for GW.

So the Astra Militarum is the new IG and the Militarum Tempestus is a supplement. A faction within a faction as the Kesher said. I don't think Tempestus actually means anything.

I think this is more of a defensive renaming; remember that Disney bought Star Wars recently, and Disney has a history of pursuing legal action against unlicensed use of their characters. Trademarked use of 'Storm Troopers' and 'Imperial Guard' in Star Wars predates GW's use by several years, and GW knows that while they can push around (or try to push around) self-published authors and garage kit makers if it comes to court, they don't have the resources to stand up to the House of Mouse if it pushes out an intellectual property claim.

03-30-2014, 11:23 AM
Think of the Tempestus as Knight Titans, they are their own dex of 2 models for 50 bucks.

Joshua Clark
03-30-2014, 02:04 PM
Tempestus: storm. Didn't think it was rocket science to figure that out.

These are stormtroopers. They are an elite unit, and apparently now a stand alone army. They're selling bundles on the website that include Valkyries and tauroxes. If I can run these instead of a ton of cadians, guess who's taking up Tempestus?
Astra Militarum are next week. That is the guard.