View Full Version : Follow up poll, competitive vs casual vs collector

03-28-2014, 04:09 PM
The previous poll left me with a few follow up questions, based on what "category" you fell into. Since a lot of the last poll was kind of arbitrary self-defined categorization, I'll word the responses from a slightly different perspective.Edit: since stuff like comp/no comp is beyond the scope of this poll, just assume that it's whatever type of event you would prefer for a tournament. If you would attend a tournament with comp/sportsmanship, then just assume the tournament has comp. In retrospect, I should have included that in the poll, but I didn't think of splitting it up like that.

03-28-2014, 04:59 PM
I voted only attend if it was casual, but I want to clarify it a bit.

I will (and do) attend tournaments, provided they include the other parts of the hobby. Are there comp rules? Painting scores? Sportsmanship? I'm in.

If it's just a who-wins-by-how-much event, I'll give it a miss.

03-28-2014, 05:45 PM
I voted "not sure if I would attend or not", because it gets right down to my problem with 40k; I play once every few months. I would play probably every week if I could, but my friends just aren't up for that kind of pace, and my local game shop has some truly horrible people in it.

03-28-2014, 07:40 PM
I am always gaming, so it doesn't matter if it is a tournament or a narrative event and my store always has a league plus events.

03-28-2014, 07:46 PM
I go tournaments to get five or six games in over a weekend.

I participate in around ten tournaments a year trying to split my entries evenly between Flames of War (WW2), 40K and Napoleonic Field of Glory.

With Both Flames of War and Napoleonics I will get good competitive games where victory depends primarily on strategic/tactical skill on the table top and occasionally a bit of psychology.

With 40K I attend assuming Ill get wasted in one of the first two games then have a few good competitive games over the remainder of the weekend where tabletop skill is the deciding factor. I expect to lose to the players who have put more of their focus into selecting the most points efficient units and combinations. And who have probably spent more time on reconnaissance i.e. swotting the myriad of codices, dataslates and White Dwarf rules (oh and Forge World rules).

The possibility for these elements to dominate has been mostly eliminated from the Flames of War and Field of Glory rule sets either in play testing or by subsequent amendments.

I expect to get thumped by hyper competitive lists at a 40K tournament. I also expect to get a lot of good competitive games after that happens!

03-28-2014, 11:11 PM
I'd attend if it's casual in nature. I like reading the more competitive battle reports and see people play more serious lists, but that kind of gaming isn't really for me.

However, my selection might be slightly influenced by my current collection of figures, the little amount of gaming I do because of lack of local stores and mostly seeing competitive lists/games (so the narrative type of game would be a nice change).

03-29-2014, 12:33 AM
I would love to attend, but my army isn't anywhere near painted and I don't feel like being looked down on just because I don't have time to paint.

Arkhan Land
03-29-2014, 01:10 AM
I chose the "Narrative and Apoc" option not neccesarily because theyre more casual, usually just better organized timewise, Easier to know when you have to be there and when youll get in and out for the game you want than the ambiguity of 40k/WFB/WMH "Night", with job, girl, a specialized fish and an elderly dog to take care of I cant wait around to start or finish a game anymore : /

03-29-2014, 01:55 AM
I voted only attend if it was casual, but I want to clarify it a bit.I will (and do) attend tournaments, provided they include the other parts of the hobby. Are there comp rules? Painting scores? Sportsmanship? I'm in.If it's just a who-wins-by-how-much event, I'll give it a miss.Updated the OP. I didn't think to split up the tournament into comp/no comp, so just assume that the tournament is whichever you would prefer. The question of whether or not tournaments should or shouldn't have comp and the like is beyond the scope of this poll, so handwave it.

03-29-2014, 01:19 PM
Attend, regardless of whether it's a tournament or narrative event

I'd play a tournament if it were limited and run similar to the way 4th ed worked. 40% mandatory troops, no more than 10% wargear. I miss those tournaments.

Otherwise, a map campaign with 2 games a week would be amazing.

Mike Lawler
03-29-2014, 02:19 PM
Eh.. I'm not into the competitive scene anymore. WAAC players have soured this experience for me. Narrative events are a firm maybe. Gaming is typically done at home with family and friends these days... keep it mellow.. I don't need any more certificates, trophies, pats on the ***, or whatever. If anything were to lure me form my man-cave it would likely be a more casual event, especially if recommended by a friend.

For 40k in particular.. there is absolutely no way I'd go near anything with this.. WAAC + current rules + supplement deluge = too much BS insanity.

03-29-2014, 05:49 PM
I would argue that the deluge of rules and options is the best thing this game has seen in decades. While many moan and begrudge all of the rules releases they always forget there is no one making you buy any of these suppliment or data slates to play. They simply offer you vatiety to put it simply. I like the fact that there's so many variations that you honestly can see interesting list combination and different match ups. And yes the waac will always be waac they will always strive to break the game. that is a part of 4k culture. But when you step back and take off your blinders/Turn off your rage vision then perhaprs you will see that you now have access to some of the most dynamic forces since the beginning of the game. You can go down to your local on game night and if you were able to play 10 games each army has the potential to be completely different even using the same codocies. It really is a great time to play 40k. Then again hater's gonna hate Nerds gonna rage so why bother typing all of this.

03-31-2014, 09:05 AM
I would argue that the deluge of rules and options is the best thing this game has seen in decades. While many moan and begrudge all of the rules releases they always forget there is no one making you buy any of these suppliment or data slates to play. They simply offer you vatiety to put it simply. I like the fact that there's so many variations that you honestly can see interesting list combination and different match ups.

I so totally agree with you. The problem is the rule set clashes with itself so much that it comes across as though it hasn't been thought out. And with all of these little $5 supplements, it feels like highway robbery, especially when you look at the inflated cost of a model kit compared to what it used to be. Baneblades are the most obvious.

Anyhow, GW created a culture where it behooved you to buy each new 'Dex lest you be surprised at a tournament (going back to when I actually went to GW sanctioned/put on tournaments), so I have that ingrained urge to OWN EVERYTHING.

But Mike Lawler hit the nail on the head, I try to avoid WAAC tournys and would prefer to have a round robin with no prize and maybe a keg. But you can't do that at an FLGS, can you?

03-31-2014, 09:57 AM
I use to play regularly at my LFGS but it's not the same anymore with out the old gang , that and my work schedule just does not mesh well with warhammer now a days .
But there is hope ,am moving to an apartment complex with a common room meaning i may be able to host games during the week end.

03-31-2014, 04:22 PM
Dunno how to respond to that one i mean it all depends on the tournament scene near you. Some times i think it is interesteing to see where you stand up againts those guys. with the way the meta changes from local to local all the tools who rely on the interwebs for their lists can really screw themselves. I look at it this way the new hotness thats floating around on bols may be 6 months old on the west coast. What we think is uber broken here could be childs play out in california. As for the truly WAAC well then the way to fix that is through the missions. Seriously the game can be fixed through mission. Most of the major Tournament's have begun to do this and will continue to do this. You want to fix 40k then fix the missions. Once you do this even the WAACers will be screwed. oh wait you have a giant death star unit and 2 troops? or oh wait you took 4 riptides and 2 small 6 man squads in devil fish... oh wait your jetbikes only gained you 2 pts becuase cumulative points and my bloob squad held the objective for the previous 5 turns... There are solutions to the problems missions is the best way to fix alot of the broken shennanigans... you need more troops to score. oh this is the big guns never tire oh wait did you read the rules your scoring your not a denial unit.. there are solutions to curb that guy and his list. Allies are one way fortifications another data slates even more so.