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View Full Version : Stompa plus meks

03-28-2014, 11:14 AM
just a quick questions on a stompa and repairs.

first da situation- 1 Stompa, 2 big meks and 5 lootas. the lootas have 3 upgraded to meks.

Each mek has a mek tools wargear (pg. 99 ork codex- loota wargear). Player puts unit in stompa. that leaves the ability for each mek/ big mek to try and repair the stomp for one hull point each every controlling player shooting phase.

The theory- So the Stompa could possibly gain back up to 5 Hull points a turn, with all the meks in his belly.

Just checking with the community to see if i am missing something?

thanks all in advance!

This Dave
03-28-2014, 12:55 PM
That's just another triumph for Orky know wotz! :)

That should work just fine, unless the Stompa takes too many hits in one turn.

03-28-2014, 01:27 PM
More nailz means more stompin'!

Sounds like a kunnin' plan, worthy uv a sneaky Blood Axe.

03-28-2014, 05:28 PM
More nailz means more stompin'!

Sounds like a kunnin' plan, worthy uv a sneaky Blood Axe.

Have a big mek as your warboss with a KFF and slap him in there with them too for even more fun.

Kaptain Badrukk
03-28-2014, 05:37 PM
All i'd do differently is fill it with burna boys instead, then they can get out and krump stuff if required.
Stompa, 1 Bigmek (PK + KFF), 1 Bigmek (Burna), full unit of Burna Boyz with 3 meks.
If you're going double force org/apoc then shove Grotsnik in there and make them cybork burnas!
Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! etc.....

03-29-2014, 03:06 AM
first da situation- 1 Stompa, 2 big meks and 5 lootas. the lootas have 3 upgraded to meks.


The theory- So the Stompa could possibly gain back up to 5 Hull points a turn, with all the meks in his belly.

Just checking with the community to see if i am missing something?

I'z tell ya what yer missin!

Da Stompa is dead 'eavy, right. Supa-'eavy, if ya will. Dat means it can 'old loadsa mobs at once.* So ya can stikk ANUVVER two mobs a' Lootas or Burnas in dere fer... um... carry da one... six more Mekboyz!

*Apocalypse page 66, "Transport Capacity" or Escalation page 13, "Super-Heavy Transports"

John Bower
03-29-2014, 04:49 PM
just pray you don't get the old 'double tap' from the Aquila cannon. haha, that can off the stompa in a single turn. I know, I've seen it happen.

03-31-2014, 06:21 PM
I'z tell ya what yer missin!

Da Stompa is dead 'eavy, right. Supa-'eavy, if ya will. Dat means it can 'old loadsa mobs at once.* So ya can stikk ANUVVER two mobs a' Lootas or Burnas in dere fer... um... carry da one... six more Mekboyz!

*Apocalypse page 66, "Transport Capacity" or Escalation page 13, "Super-Heavy Transports"

Why settle for 2 mobs, when you can go for 3? with a big mek and 9 meks you get 10 repair rolls muhhahahaha. then 10 lootas or burnas split between the 3 mobs to get up to legal size mobs :D

04-01-2014, 04:08 PM
All right, screw the Orky accent, I need to explain this eloquently: firstly, three mobs is exactly what is meant by "another two," and secondly, your plan has four more lootas / burnas than you need in minimum size mobs. You could be taking up some of that transport capacity with a second Big Mek instead.

04-01-2014, 10:22 PM
just a quick questions on a stompa and repairs.

first da situation- 1 Stompa, 2 big meks and 5 lootas. the lootas have 3 upgraded to meks.

Each mek has a mek tools wargear (pg. 99 ork codex- loota wargear). Player puts unit in stompa. that leaves the ability for each mek/ big mek to try and repair the stomp for one hull point each every controlling player shooting phase.

The theory- So the Stompa could possibly gain back up to 5 Hull points a turn, with all the meks in his belly.

Just checking with the community to see if i am missing something?

thanks all in advance!

Ive been doing the same, but your forgetting another rule that i use. The Stompa can hold multipal units. so u can put two big meks with the re-roll repair squigs, and 3 squads of 6 loota's all upgraded with 3 meks each, repairing a total of 11 hull points per turn with 6 one time re-rolls :) My friends hate me. Also, give one of those meks the KFF for the cover save. Lastly, remember the Stompa can't fire overwatch, but occupents inside can, and u can do it 3 different times sence u have 3 different squads :) Have fun! & dont expect to keep any friends after using these tactics :)