View Full Version : Building towards a 2000 point SM army

03-27-2014, 09:20 AM
Strictly a Raven Guard successor chapter list. I'm ditching the allied detachment idea I once had. I won't need to purchase as many models to get to this point and it will allow me to start a new army sooner.

Primary Detachment - Raven Guard Tactics

Shrike - 185

Chaplain - 105
Jump Pack

Tactical Squad - 200
5 additional SM, 1x Plasma Gun, 1x Combi-plasma, Rhino

Tactical Squad - 200
5 additional SM, 1x Plasma Gun, 1x Combi-plasma, Rhino

Scout Squad - 135
5 additional Scouts, 1x Power Sword

Scout Squad - 70
5x Camo Cloaks, 5x Sniper Rifles

Vanguard Veteran Squad - 180
4x Power Weapon, 1x Power Fist

Dreadnought - 100

Assault Squad - 190
5 additional SM, 1x Flamer, 1x Power Sword

Assault Squad - 190
5 additional SM, 1x Flamer, 1x Power Sword

Devastator Squad - 230
5 additional SM, 2x Missile Launchers w/flakk, 2x Lascannon

Stormraven Gunship - 225
Typhoon missile launcher

TOTAL - 2000

Thoughts, opinions, ideas, constructive criticism welcome. Thanks!

03-27-2014, 02:01 PM
Firstly, I think it's worth saying Raven Guard got majorly screwed with not being able to take assault squads as troops, but guessing you already know that.
The main thing that jumps out at me is the stormraven- although they're hard in game terms, they're a big points sink if they don't have a specific purpose. What are you planning to use it for? If it's to drop off the dread a drop-pod does it cheaper and more reliably, if not then the dread will die long before it's useful I'm afraid.
Also, think about combat squadding your tactical marines. I use 10 man squads, half stay back and fire heavy weapon, half ride up in razorback and get in close. Allows each squad to optimize better and direct the firepower where it's needed.

03-28-2014, 11:52 AM
I like the idea of the Stormraven being used as anti-air after delivering the Vanguard Squad (I'm assuming Shrike and the Chaplain are along for the ride); it's fluffy and can be quite effective if you pick your target correctly... don't go crazy and attack a Wraighknight or giant MCs or anything with it... just be sensible and you'll be fine. Also, I totally get wanting to use some "fluffy" stuff in a competitive list, so go for it. We'll change the rest of the list to be down and dirty ha!

I also think one of the strongest parts of the Raven Guard Chapter Tactics is that you can scout forward lots of rhinos/razorbacks and fire some multi-meltas, grav, plasma or other nice weapons turn 1. I would turn your assault squads into tacticals with rhinos and get at least 4 rhinos of troops scouting up on turn 1. That will be pretty effective. I'd use these guys to take control the hinder the enemy's board control until the air-force arrives.

I don't think the dreadnought does you much good in the list, so I'd put his points into the tac squads in rhinos. I also think the devastators, being just shy of the cost of 2 Stormtalons... would be better off as 2 Stormtalons. In fact, you can even give one or both of them lascannons for filling your anti-tank role.

The scouts are really nice for late-game objective grabbing, but not much else. I'd take a 100 point unit of 5 with bolters in a land speeder storm and call it a day; deep strike in late and burn some troops off of an objective, disembark, then lie on the ground.

Here's an overview of what I'd modify the list to be:

Chaplain - jump pack

Vanguard Vets - jump packs, 3x power axe, 1x chainsword & storm shield, sgt. power fist

5x Tactical Squad - 7x bolter, plasma gun, combi-plasma, multi-melta, rhino

Stormtalon - skyhammers
Stormtalon - lascannons

Stormraven - multi-melta, lascannons, extra armor

I'd put the vets and HQs in the raven, escort it with the skyhammers talon, scout all the tac squad rhinos up and unload hell first turn. Seems like it keeps some "fluffy aspects" but could be quite deadly. Lemme know if you give it a try!