View Full Version : army list help 1500 points grey knights

03-26-2014, 03:24 AM
Im starting a gk army but im not sure about my armylist
can u comment wat could be done better and ur ideas
help much appreciated

castellan crowe

5 terminators pair nemsis force falchions,nemsis force halberd
Nemisis daemonhammer psilencer and justicar force halberd

5 terminators 2 pairs nemsis force falchions 2 force halberds
nemsis warding stave psilencer and justicar

10 grey knights 2 force halberds,nemsis daemon hammer
psycannon psyilencer and justicar

9 purifiers 3 nemsis force falchions 3 force halberds
Nemsis warding stave,incenerator knight of the flame,digital

Hvy support
nemsis dreadnought daemon hammer psilencer

Fast attack

stormraven gunship

if i go up to 2k considering imperial guard as allies

Mad Cat
03-26-2014, 10:39 AM
HQ: He isn't a character so cannot join any of your units so I hope you weren't intending on adding him to the purifiers. He makes them scoring which is the only reason to take him and you only have one unit of them so I would ditch him. Coteaz or a level 1 inquisitor with rad grenades would be a good place to start or take a GM who can grant scoring to the purifiers and maybe other units with the grand strategy roll.

Troops: Termies are ok. GKs lack antitank so take psycannons wherever you can rather than psylencers. I would take the termies as 1x10 where you can stay together (in kill point games) or combat squad into 2x5 but this happens after you grant a grand strategy benefit from a GM. I always take 1 hammer, 3 halberds and 1 sword in each 5 termies. Staffs are ok if you intend to be a 10 man unit but I usually don't bother. Psybolt ammo on the 10 man unit are cheaper this way as both combat squads keep them after you split.
The GKSS should take a halberd on the justicar for challenges (master craft it if you like) and 2 psycannon and then psybolt ammo. Extra combat weapons aren't needed but a justicar meltabomb could help deal with dreads or LRs.

Elites: Halberds are so cheap on these guys so take plenty and a few hammers (not on the keeper as you need I6 in a challenge). Incinerators are fun (and free) here so go for plenty if you fancy flaming on arrival from the storm raven. If you like a 10 man squad then 4 psylencers can be a good combat squad for cheaper than purifiers pay not to mention fearless and a better stat line.

Fast: OK. Take MM + LC for the antitank role.

Heavy: Always take the incinerator first, it is such a good weapon. Can leave it as just that or add a psylencer too for 12 more shots.