View Full Version : New to 40k and planning my first army - no purchases made yet.

03-25-2014, 11:33 AM
Hi guys, I would appreciate the knowledge of some of the more experienced? of you bunch that lurk these forums. As the title states (and my post counter reflect) I am new to this war-gaming malarkey as after much persuasion and being dragged literally kicking and screaming to my local war-gaming club I have since been converted to this game I saw from a distance.
I once looked down on people (those innocent people like myself now might I add! if you overlook the original scorn and rejection I bestowed upon them) in the local store rolling a crap-ton of dice and moving around little plastic toys trying to brag of which players 'gun' is the biggest. but MY OH MY how wrong was I!
I love the fluff, the toys (read models), my local gaming community and the tournament scene.
I am now ready to sink some serious cash into my readily growing plastic crack addiction, after borrowing friends gear/army I have been told I can no longer do this and must invest to continue my addiction, which is quite rightly so I guess.... any way back to the post title. Before I sink my hard earned cash I would like some confirmation on that what I buy will be useful on my fictional battlefield. I plan on starting a necron army as what can go wrong with immortal grudge bearing intergalactic space ninja zombie's and so without further a-do here's my proposed 1850 list.

Trazyn the infinite
catacomb command barge
(run over, shoot and then assault the target with it being a chariot for Sh-ts and giggles)

Cryptek - harbinger of despair
(goes with the deathmarks as confers HFH and the template attack then wounds on 2+ on the marked unit)
-veil of darkness
(for deep striking after killing marked unit.)

Night Scythe

5 x Warriors
Night Scythe

5 x Warriors
Night Scythe

10 x Warriors
Ghost Ark

7 x Immortals
Night Scythe

6 x Canoptek Wraiths
-whip coils

Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge

I would some how like to add an ADL with comms relay but not sure how, and yes I know i'm spamming/cookie cutting certain units but as with being new I would like to keep everything fairly simple and straight forward whilst not confusing myself with so many different rules (hence no allies/formations and god knows what that lies outside the FOC) and please.... no "BUT ALLIES ARE GREAT, GET SOME CULTISTS AND HELL-TURKEY SPAM RAGE YOUR OPPONENT"

I would like to eventually play competitively hence the (at least I think) well researched list, but please feel free to tear it apart.

Ed Preston

03-27-2014, 01:52 PM
Not sure how much use my advice would be as I'm not overly familiar with necrons, but it looks a fairly solid list to me. Annihilation barges are criminally cheap, and deathmarks are horrific against high toughness models (my hive tyrant HATES them). Have you given any thought to Szeras? As far as cheap characters go he's one of the best in my opinion, a T5 unit of Immortals can really blunt an opponents assault, and Szeras gives a nice hand too. Other thing is resi-orbs for reanimation, try and get a few in and it can help you hold objectives so much better. Just my 2 cents though, seems a fairly dangerous list as it is.

03-28-2014, 01:25 PM
Word of advice when picking a older codex they can suffer many changes to there units when a new book comes out for example daemons got a complete overhaul points for basic troops was almost half for some of them and some of them increased like crazy as a daemon player I am. If you love necrons by all means play them to your hearts content that's just fine :)

But advice to a new player is take a army that looks cool but has a 6th edition codex for instance my friend buy'ed nids before there book and got a little frustrated when they got a new codex because much was changed to the point where his build would no longer work hell he can't even use some of the units due to they wont fit in with the cost this is not to discourage you by all means but as it stands IG Might be replaced by Militarum Tempestus (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/armySubUnitCatsLarge.jsp?catId=cat1350001a&rootCatGameStyle=) but i belive it could be its own stand alone codex

Blood Angels
Dark Eldar
Grey Knight's
Impiral gaurd > Militarum Tempestus i belive replacing there name not 100% on that yet it saids it is its own codex but not too sure.
Space Wolves

These are old codex when you build a army around them be very careful not to over spend on spam army's GW has a tendency to Nurf units in spam army's everyone who plays daemons remembers the thing with flamers/screamer spam.

Now the reason I am a daemon player is because I love the models and I get 10 army's in two books due to the nature of my army I can use them for both fantasy and warhammer 40k so naturally its 5 army's with magnetized base's for square and round base's.

Mix daemon army
Tzeentch mono god army
Khorne mono god army
Nurgle mono god army
Slaanesh mono god army

But be warned daemons are not easy to play due to there rules seem confusing at first glance.