View Full Version : I want to kill Knights at 48"...

03-24-2014, 02:49 PM
I'm trying to make a shooty 2K list that can deal with Knight Titans at range. Any suggestions are welcome!

Primary Detachment - Space Wolves

Rune Priest 130
-Terminator Armor, Chooser of the Slain, Warlord, Divination
He mans the Quad Gun at BS5 and casts Prescience on the Long Fang or Leman Russ squads

3 Wolf Guard 54
They join the Long Fangs for extra bodies

10 Grey Hunters 195
-2 Plasmaguns, Rhino

5 Grey Hunters 120
-Plasmagun, Rhino

Heavy Support
6 Long Fangs 140
-5 Missile Launchers

6 Long Fangs 140
-5 Missile Launchers

6 Long Fangs 215
-5 Lascannons

Aegis Defense Line 100
- Quad Gun

Allied Detachment - Imperial Guard
Company Command Squad 190
-4 Plasmaguns, Company Commander has Power Fist and Plasma Pistol, Chimera

Veteran Squad 155
-3 Meltaguns, Chimera

Fast Attack
2x Vendetta Gunship 260

Heavy Support
2x Leman Russ Battle Tank 300

TOTAL: 1,999

Mr Mystery
03-24-2014, 02:56 PM
I thought Allies were 1 HQ, 1 Troop, 1 'Other'?

I'm really not up on the Ally rules though!

03-24-2014, 03:16 PM
You can take vehicle squadrons in IG.

03-24-2014, 03:19 PM
For Codices following the standard FOC (i.e. not Inq or Knights), an Allied detachment is 1 HQ, 1-2 Troops, 0-1 Elite, 0-1 Fast, 0-1 Heavy. So yes, what he's got is legal, and could technically even add an Elites choice if desired.

Mr Mystery
03-24-2014, 03:22 PM
Ah cool. I see where my confusion arose! 0-1 each mistaken for 0-1 in total!

And Darklink makes me look thick :p (had forgotten about the squadrons!)

This Dave
03-24-2014, 06:23 PM
If your main goal is to kill Knights take LR Vanquishers insteD of standard Leman Russes. You can fire the Vanquisher Cannon as well as the Lascannon on the move if need be and the Vanquisher Cannon will punch right through the armor on the things.

And if your goal is to kill Knights I'd ditch the Quad Gun and take an Icarus Lascannon for the same reason. More chances to penetrate them, plus it's cheaper points wise. And it's better at killing enemy flyers like a Helldrake or Vendetta in a Marine's hands as well.

03-24-2014, 09:31 PM
You wanna kill Imperial Knights at long range grab yourself an Aquila Strongpoint instead of an Aegis Defense Line., the D weapon is very likely to help destroy the first Knight it hits preferably his Warlord, and the resulting explosion from killing the Knight may very well take another Knight or part of his force with it.

Knights are capable of getting around fast though so you do need to put up a picket fence of cheap infantry to keep them from advancing across the battlefield too fast, a good use for Imperial Guard w/ Melta Guns, Vendettas flying around will finish the rest. As you essentially force him to throw everything he's got at your Aquila Strongpoint till its gone, you can do a lot with Terrain Placement of Ruins or LoS blocking terrain midfield to funnel those big boys where you need them to be