View Full Version : New IA Apocolypse-Wraithseer no more D-Cannon?!!

03-21-2014, 12:38 PM
I just received my IA Apocalypse book (newest one) and see the WraithSeer's D-Cannon has been replaced by a Wraithcannon (same 40pts as the D-Cannon btw)?
Is there some FAQ I'm missing?

Other than the Wraithcannon only having a 12" range, the model is CLEARLY armed with a large D-Cannon!! I could see them making this some kind of Heavy Wraithcannon...but the main reason I bought the model was to have a D-Cannon on my Wraithlords again.

Archon Charybdis
03-21-2014, 01:29 PM
I know there had been an FAQ for it, but I'm not seeing it on their website, it might have been something they posted to their facebook page or responded to in an email.

03-21-2014, 01:40 PM
yup definitely an error - asked that very thing in an email... which ofc won't help you prove that to an opponent...

David Crossley
03-21-2014, 02:09 PM
Apparently they clarified it over Facebook as being an error. Which is of course VERY helpful...
They can't FAQ that, but they CAN put out several pages of various chapter tactics.
The fact they also excluded Wraithknights and itself being affected by its own powers, (as well not addressing whether 'Voice of Twilight' ought to have any effect on it whatsoever), and didn't give it the same ability of spiritseers of unlocking wraithguard/blades as troops choices makes it a very good choice for staying on the shelf given the other selections available in the HQ section.

03-21-2014, 03:51 PM
Here's a link to the Facebook announcement.
On the link Go To Previous Comments.
Then look at 2nd August 2013 and a few posts started by Richard Farry.

Why it's not on an official FAQ beats me though.


Further to this, I have just posted on their Facebook Page a request for a Downloadable PDF showing it correctly.
I've also included the first part of this post with the link.
A bit of backup on there might not go amiss, I feel.