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12-31-2009, 01:48 AM
well last time i checked gw hasnt put out a faq for wotr yet.
do you think there needs to be a faq?
as i was playin a game today, i had a couple of questions during the game?
i was hoping that someone might be able to help me out with some questions.

the questions i asked were
if i have a epic hero that does epic fight and heroic fight use fight 10 or does the epic fight only work during regular combat?
do lances add +1 when i need a 6/4 to wound?
can i use might to increase a d6 roll above a 6? (ie hard to kill chart, very hard to kill chart)

those were the questions i have. if there in the rule book, i havnt found them, but if they are dont make fun of me too much.

but either way, what are some other sketchy rules/situations that you guys have encountered?

12-31-2009, 07:56 AM
There is no FAQ, and there really needs to be. The LOTR, SBG rulebook is rife with errors. It's really teetering on the verge of being non-functional, as is.

For instance, as written, Exiccate is the most powerful spell in the game, yet at Focus 2, it's clearly not meant to be.

01-01-2010, 07:05 AM
Bean is spot on, there isn't a FAQ and there really needs to be. For now just rule out anything that seems crazy or unintentional with your gaming group before you play, hopefully we'll get a FAQ soon

person person
01-01-2010, 04:34 PM
Lol, I thought the 'q' in "faq" was a 'g'!

OT: Wotr really needs its faq, shouldn't take too long to make one either so, yeah...

01-02-2010, 03:51 AM
well last time i checked gw hasnt put out a faq for wotr yet.
do you think there needs to be a faq?
as i was playin a game today, i had a couple of questions during the game?
i was hoping that someone might be able to help me out with some questions.

the questions i asked were
if i have a epic hero that does epic fight and heroic fight use fight 10 or does the epic fight only work during regular combat?
do lances add +1 when i need a 6/4 to wound?
can i use might to increase a d6 roll above a 6? (ie hard to kill chart, very hard to kill chart)

those were the questions i have. if there in the rule book, i havnt found them, but if they are dont make fun of me too much.

but either way, what are some other sketchy rules/situations that you guys have encountered?

Ummmm i'm not sure about your question about the epic fight or heroic fight please explain more. Lance are for both. so you would need a 5 followed by a 3. in the rulebook it states that you cannot modify a dice roll past a 6 so if you roll a six you cannot might it that last one to kill the beast. hope this helps.

01-02-2010, 08:26 PM
Ummmm i'm not sure about your question about the epic fight or heroic fight please explain more
oops sorry that was ment to be heroic duel. sorry about that.

its true i think an FAQ would be nice right about now. haha

For instance, as written, Exiccate is the most powerful spell in the game, yet at Focus 2, it's clearly not meant to be
yea that is pretty broken. i think all magic in this game is pretty beastly. but it adds in another element i suppose. i think dark fury is quite redicoulous. only focus 2 as well.

hey i got another question some one might be able to answer for me.
when i'm buying a legendary formation, does the first point value cover the command company? or do i have to pay for all the companies then the first cost?
for example i want to take the grey company. i want to take 3 companies. does the 75points cover the command company? then do i only have to pay for the 2 other companies after? does this make sense to anyone? haha lemmie know what you think

01-03-2010, 02:03 AM
you can only call one heroic or epic per phase but your have to carefully read what it says cause some have to be called at the beginning of the phase were are some can be called during the phase.

ok legendary formations. lets use the grey company as an example. The grey company is 75pts +40 per company. you have to pay the 75pts to start off with because that 75pts is allowing you to call them the grey company then you have to pay 40 pts to actaully field the one company. then if you want to field more of the grey compny you just have to pay 40pts. so the first company which is the command company is worth 115pts and for a full 6 companies it is 315pts. Any other questions please feel free to ask.

01-03-2010, 05:42 AM
you can only call one heroic or epic per phase but your have to carefully read what it says cause some have to be called at the beginning of the phase were are some can be called during the phase.

I'm pretty sure that's wrong actually... the text on page 66 of the rulebook specifically refers to heroic actions plural and there's no statement (that I've noticed) that says you can only perform one per phase.

ok legendary formations. lets use the grey company as an example. The grey company is 75pts +40 per company. you have to pay the 75pts to start off with because that 75pts is allowing you to call them the grey company then you have to pay 40 pts to actaully field the one company. then if you want to field more of the grey compny you just have to pay 40pts. so the first company which is the command company is worth 115pts and for a full 6 companies it is 315pts. Any other questions please feel free to ask.

I'm not sure this is the correct interpretation of the points costs for legendary formations either. Taking Grey Company (great unit by the way!) my group has always understood the 75 points to provide the command company rather than 75+40 providing the command company. The rulebook isn't 100% clear on this however and I'm quite open to being proven wrong if there's a ruling to the contrary. It still doesn't fix inconsistencies like the Court of the Dead King actually being cheaper to field than Warriors of the Dead though...

01-04-2010, 12:04 AM
Page 66 Paragraph 3. "During the Move, shoot and charge or fight phase, any individual Hero can override the normal sequence by giving up ONE point of Might to make A Heroic Action." ex. Heroic Dual has to be called at the beginning of the fight phase by a Hero and a captain in the formation can call an heroic fight since the other hero is about to dual. Once you dual and win combat you can imediatly charge again because of heroic fight. At that point if a hero can call epic strike he can call it because the unit you are charge if not destroyed is now disordered for more attacks. If you say that you can call more than one action per phase that would be crazy .... i mean with boromir you would be able to call a heroic dual with a captain and multiple epic heros .... CRAZYNESS

as for the legendary units. let take the grey company as the example. it says 75 point + 40 per company. its not saying that 75points is for the first company it says that its 40 points for each company. so for a full company of 6 with the grey company it is worth 315pts.

01-04-2010, 02:39 AM
I don't have the rulebook in front of me but I'll certainly re-read that section when I get home

01-04-2010, 01:56 PM
thats the way i have read it and many of us in my gaming group have read it but we could be wrong. read it up and let me know what you think.

01-06-2010, 02:08 AM
Having looked at Pg. 66 again I think you're right about the Heroic Actions rule. What's still not clear to me is how Epic Actions are limited, if at all? Is a hero limited to a single Epic Action a phase (given that they're not called until needed that's difficult to police) or is it solely the heroic actions that are limited?

01-06-2010, 02:26 AM
I’m saying that you can't call multiple at the same time. you can call multiple in one phase but not at the same time. Heroic Dual says you call it at the beginning of the Fight phase so you can't call Heroic Fight at the same time cause it says you call it at the same time. There are Epic actions though that say you can call them during the phase. Lets say you have a Hero who calls Heroic Fight and charges in and wins combat you can immediately call Epic Strike because it says you call it during the Fight phase. you can call multiple Actions you just can't call multiple that occur at the same exact time.

01-06-2010, 02:45 AM
I’m saying that you can't call multiple at the same time. you can call multiple in one phase but not at the same time. Heroic Dual says you call it at the beginning of the Fight phase so you can't call Heroic Fight at the same time cause it says you call it at the same time. There are Epic actions though that say you can call them during the phase. Lets say you have a Hero who calls Heroic Fight and charges in and wins combat you can immediately call Epic Strike because it says you call it during the Fight phase. you can call multiple Actions you just can't call multiple that occur at the same exact time.

Ah ok.

Doesn't that have the unfortunate effect of making you more likely to lose a heroic duel if you call a heroic fight unless you've got multiple heroes in that formation?

It's good to have someone to talk about WotR with on these forums... I don't get to play nearly as many games as I'd like and the forums are fairly quiet on the whole LotR subject so thanks for signing up :)

01-06-2010, 03:55 AM
yea thats why you want to call heroic or epic dual with an epic hero and call heroic fight with a captain in the same formation. best of both worlds and if you so happen to win and have more might on your epic hero, when you recharge call epic strike (if your hero can) to raise your fight to 10 and hopefully your enemy is disordered ..... 10 attacks to do crazy stuff with.

I actually played a 2500pt game today and it was epic. I played mordor and my opponent played Angmar. It was brutal but i won lol.

np i love this game i play all GW games but this one just clicked with me and i love it. there are a few things that are kind of funky but we tend to clear them up. If you have any other question i would love to talk about it.

01-11-2010, 01:39 AM
well thank you guys for clearing this up. i though it was quite confusing.

well anyways... i have another question for you guys.

so i was playin my freind and he had some epic heroes in a formation that was idomitable, i killed off the enough of the squad so only the epic heroes were left.

no heres the question.
do the EH keep the state line of the unit? like lowest fight value use or courage?

01-12-2010, 09:12 AM
well thank you guys for clearing this up. i though it was quite confusing.

well anyways... i have another question for you guys.

so i was playin my freind and he had some epic heroes in a formation that was idomitable, i killed off the enough of the squad so only the epic heroes were left.

no heres the question.
do the EH keep the state line of the unit? like lowest fight value use or courage?

According to page 68 of the rulebook,

"You may never have more Epic Heroes in a company than that company has 'normal' warriors (i.e. not Heroes or upgrades of any kind)."


"Note that this means you will be forced to remove the Epic Hero as a casualty if doing otherwise would leave the company with more Epic heroes than normal warriors."

So, your friend cheated. He should have removed some of those Epic Heroes as casualties in order to ensure that there were, always, at least as many normal warriors as Epic Heroes. In an Indomitable formation, the last guy alive can never be an Epic Hero.

01-26-2010, 12:43 AM
So, your friend cheated. He should have removed some of those Epic Heroes as casualties in order to ensure that there were, always, at least as many normal warriors as Epic Heroes. In an Indomitable formation, the last guy alive can never be an Epic Hero.
oh i see. meh oh well. it was still a fun game.

but either way, i went to the seattle gt for wotr and walked away with best appearance.
oh and just as an fyi there was an offical FAQ for it. and it sounds like its gonna become the officail FAQ for all tournies across the country and possibly the officail gw version.
so just as an fyi we might be getting an officail FAQ soon.

01-26-2010, 01:56 AM
That would be really good, the game is pretty simple to house rule but for those occasions where you're playing people you don't necessarily know well it'd be great

01-27-2010, 01:39 AM
oh and just as an fyi there was an offical FAQ for it. and it sounds like its gonna become the officail FAQ for all tournies across the country and possibly the officail gw version.
so just as an fyi we might be getting an officail FAQ soon.
wow. how many times can i spell official wrong?

anyways, i'm glad to know that gw hasnt completly forgotten about us wotr players.

01-29-2010, 03:54 AM
hey do you have a copy of the FAQ that you used in seatle? i will be attending a tournament in SoCal in Feb called Broadside Bash and i will be bringing my mordor. i would like to read up any rules they might clear up.

thank you

01-29-2010, 05:52 AM
yeah if you could either post it here or pm me with it I'd really like to see a copy too if possible