View Full Version : No Stats on Horus, Please!

Chris Copeland
03-19-2014, 03:09 PM
It occurs to me that I HOPE that they DON'T write stats for Horus. There are some things that should just be left behind the curtain. Horus fought the Emperor within an inch of his life. That tells me that Horus is nearly as powerful as the Emperor... i.e., if we have Horus' stats we also pretty much know the Emperor's power level.

Once you have stat lines you start being able to mathhammer the mystery and joy out of the central storyline of the 40K universe: "I could kill the Emperor with X number of Carnifexes or Y number of Storm Ravens." It kills the mystery.

Mr Mystery
03-19-2014, 03:15 PM
There's already Stats for 'regular' Horus in Betrayal.....

I say regular, on that's not him hopped on Warp Snuff!

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
03-19-2014, 03:16 PM
They've already written stats for Horus :P First Forgeworld Heresy book.

Although, to be fair, it's frequently noted that Horus was pumped up to the 9s on HERESY when he fought the Emperor, so we haven't seen stats on that version of him yet.

Chris Copeland
03-19-2014, 03:19 PM
Right, we have have his early on stats... not his Final Battle stats... those are the one I think they should NOT reveal (for the above stated reasons). :)

03-19-2014, 03:21 PM
They've already written Horus's stats, they're in HH Volume 1. As it goes, he's pretty beastly, with some very nifty tricks (each assault phase he can divide his attacks between his mace and the Talon, for example). You also have to take into account, just because he gets knocked out on the field, doesn't mean he's truly beaten-- tactically he might have been neutralized as a threat for the moment, but he's almost certainly not dead, and you had better hope you've secured your objective and have extraction on the way by the time he stands back up.

03-19-2014, 03:58 PM
Right, we have have his early on stats... not his Final Battle stats... those are the one I think they should NOT reveal (for the above stated reasons). :)

Seeing as they're doing the whole Heresy it'd be hard to not stat him out when he's running on FULL POWAH. They also said they plan to do the Daemon Primarchs too.

03-19-2014, 04:50 PM
He'll be over 9,000 for sure.

03-19-2014, 04:54 PM
Once you have stat lines you start being able to mathhammer the mystery and joy out of the central storyline of the 40K universe: "I could kill the Emperor with X number of Carnifexes or Y number of Storm Ravens." It kills the mystery.

Well, you could kill him with enough Carnifexes or Stormravens. Dude was crazy powerful but he wasn't invincible - if he had been, he wouldn't have been rotting on the Golden Throne for ten thousand years, now would he?

03-19-2014, 05:30 PM
The Emperor ain't dead, e's just pining for the fjords.

03-20-2014, 11:51 AM
The Emperor ain't dead, e's just pining for the fjords.

Beautiful plumage on that Emperor!

03-20-2014, 01:57 PM
Also didn't Sanguinius help the Emperor a bit by softening ole meany-pants up before the Emperor got there?

03-20-2014, 02:02 PM
But you know, I think the thing that bothers me about the idea of the Emperor failing to kill ____ many carnifexes isn't in finding the number that goes in that blank. It's why the Emperor would be in that position in the first place. Like, I don't want an Emperor who can stand in the barrel of a defense laser while it's being fired and walk out alive, but I also don't want an Emperor who is standing in the barrel of a defense laser in the first place. I find using "This dude can fight ____ many ____'s and win" as a shorthand for "this dude is hard as nails" kind of boring and juvenile.

03-21-2014, 12:10 PM
Also didn't Sanguinius help the Emperor a bit by softening ole meany-pants up before the Emperor got there?

And the Emperor had his arm tore off, so I'd say it's still a fair fight.

03-21-2014, 12:48 PM
But you know, I think the thing that bothers me about the idea of the Emperor failing to kill ____ many carnifexes isn't in finding the number that goes in that blank. It's why the Emperor would be in that position in the first place. Like, I don't want an Emperor who can stand in the barrel of a defense laser while it's being fired and walk out alive, but I also don't want an Emperor who is standing in the barrel of a defense laser in the first place. I find using "This dude can fight ____ many ____'s and win" as a shorthand for "this dude is hard as nails" kind of boring and juvenile.

At the beginning of the Crusade he was very often in the first wave... Horus had to save him from the orcs at Gorro for example.