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Lord Severus
08-02-2009, 09:23 PM
Company command squad
Lascannon, Plasma gun
Officer of the fleet, chimera

Aliied Inquisitor Lord, Psychic hood, Emperor’s Tarot, Psycannon, Acolyte, 2x Mystics

Callidius Assasin

Psyker Battle Squad-5 additional Psykers, Chimera

Infantry Platoon-Command Squad, 4x flamers, chimera
Infantry Platoon, Squad 1 Melta gun, chimera
Infantry Platoon, Squad 2 Melta gun, chimera

Veteran Squad 3 x Melta guns, Lascannon, chimera
Veteran Squad 3 x Melta guns, Lascannon, chimera
Veteran Squad 3 x Melta guns, Lascannon, chimera

Leman Russ Executioner-Hull Lascannon, Plasma Cannon Spoonsons

Leman Russ Squadron-Battle Cannon, hull heavy bolter
Leman Russ Squadron-Battle Cannon, hull heavy bolter

Leman Russ Demolisher squadron-Demolisher cannon, Heavy bolter hull, Heavy bolter sponsons
Leman Russ Demolisher squadron-Demolisher cannon, Heavy bolter hull, Heavy bolter sponsons

Chimera Transport-mutli laser turret, hull heavy bolter, heavy stubber pintle, attached to company command squad
Chimera Transport-mutli laser turret, hull heavy bolter, attached to psyker squad
Chimera Transport-Heavy flamer turret, hull heavy bolter, attached to platoon command squad
Chimera Transport-mutli laser turret, hull heavy bolter, infantry squad
Chimera Transport-mutli laser turret, hull heavy bolter, infantry squad
Chimera Transport-mutli laser turret, hull heavy bolter, attached to vet squad
Chimera Transport-mutli laser turret, hull heavy bolter, attached to vet squad
Chimera Transport-mutli laser turret, hull heavy bolter, attached to vet squad

Valkyrie-multilaser, multiple rocket pods


08-02-2009, 10:07 PM
Don't put lascannons in mounted units, keep them moving and bring meltas, they're better against high AV anyway.

Inquisitor Lord could use some HB Servitors. Stick him in somebody's Chimera and have them ride in a Valk.

Callidus trick requires Psykers to be out of their ride, and very easy to kill. It's not worth it for such a short-ranged gun.

Why even take infantry for a single melta? Vets are better. Unless you want Valks full of Demo charge SWS, that's funtastic.

Hull lascannon is a waste, 1 shot at BS3 ain't worth it. Add a hull heavy flamer to deter assaulters when you don't want to risk scattering.

LRBTs << Demolisher, Eradicator, Executioner. Squadrons are fail too. Hull HF

HB sponsons are fail, 6 S5 shots at BS3 don't scare anybody. Hull HF.

Chimeras = ML/HF. Decent threat at range, scary up close.

Single Valk is too obvious a target.

Drop 2 Russes, get more flyers or add Hellhound variants. Ditch the assassin, go full on Vets.

Lord Severus
08-03-2009, 07:12 AM
the infantry squads with lone melta guns are there for objective purposes. One starts in the valk, and then the Inq takes his ride. The Inq then hangs with the demolishers in the safety of his chimera. The other infantry squad and the chimera are for objective grabbing too.

As for the the lascannons in the rhinos, I find it works rather well. I sit back the first turn or two shooting lascannons, and then whatever vehicles are getting too close get rushed by the melta vets. It has paid of well for me in nearly every game.

Why does the callidius trick only work if the psykers are out of there Chimera? They can use psychic powers from inside of it, and they have line of sight from the fire points. I think you are mistaken.

08-03-2009, 08:27 AM
For objective grabbing, I'd prefer ISTs with meltas. You don't have to worry about infantry platoons and get 2 meltas at BS4 as opposed to 1 at BS3.

Those lascannons mean you aren't moving, getting close with meltas and flamer. Even then, it's just a couple S9 shots, not exactly a real threat to high AV.

The Psykers can fire out of the Chimera, but they aren't on the board so the Callidus's ability won't work. And even if it did, it's a single infantry model with a short-ranged gun. How exactly is that good?

Lord Severus
08-03-2009, 03:38 PM
Ahh, you are thinking of the culexus assassin. The callidus has a word in your ear, which moves an enemy unit before game starts, and has a flamer that works on st 8 vs the targets leadership. so you weaken resolve a unit the callidius shows up (she starts in reserve and deploys like marbo does), then blast them with a strength 8 ap 1 flamer vs ld 2-instakilling stuff.

I know what your saying about the lascannons, but nearly every game they seem to work. It also allows me to sit mobile the first few turns and fire all of my chimeras guns as well. Besides, I think lascannons are still great guns. Sure meltas are good, but only if close. LAscannons may not be as good as they once were, but there still the best long range anti tank for imperials.

08-03-2009, 05:22 PM
It still requires the lone infantry model to get in flamer range, not good.

Lascannons are decent, en masse and twin-linked (hello Vendetta), but all that S10 ordnance or the Melta Cannon make for superior tank busters at range.

Lord Severus
08-04-2009, 07:35 AM
You obviously dont know how the callidius works. The turn it shows up it from reserves it can be placed anywhere on the table (so its in range for flamer), and then still assault. IT actually works wonderfully.

Norbu the Destroyer
08-04-2009, 08:36 AM
I look forward to crushing this army at the square, but I hope we dont meet in Minneapolis.:)

08-04-2009, 10:00 AM
I know what it does and I know it is counterable. It requires units on the board and a passed psychic test.

08-04-2009, 10:21 AM
No Psychic Test for the Callidus Neural Shredder.

I believe what Chumbalaya is saying about the lone infantry model in flamer range is that the model is likely to die the next turn, and it's hard to get a Callidus' points value out of a lot of armies on turn 2, since they'll tend to be in their transports still.

The Callidus Shredder + PBS Leadership drop is a cool trick, but at 2500 points, such tricks are often hard to pull off.

08-04-2009, 10:25 AM
Passed test for the psykers, which can be shut down by hoods, Shadow in the Warp, or Runes of Warding.