View Full Version : New 40K Mission - Thinking Outside the Warp

03-17-2014, 09:45 PM
So one thing that many of us are tired of doing is the standard set of D6 missions in the BRB. My limited imagination came up with this for a tournament finale between - you guessed it - My Novamarine's X Company (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?40463-1850-Novamarines-Scout-List) (surprise) and Chaos.

One thing I loved was the randomness of the objectives. Especially when I activated an EMP and my Stormtalon lost an entire round of shooting/jinking/strafing running etc. and my opponent activated reinforcements on one of his depleted Chaos SM Squads - going from 6- to the full 10-man squad!

Would love to hear your feedback. It was actually really fun to play. Objectives came in turns 1, 2, 5 and 6 and what we found was that there simply weren't enough units left to activate/control the objectives in turns 5 and 6. However, the potential that an objective scattered into your deployment zone, or near one of your scoring units to give you a much needed bonus AND a scoring punch was very exciting.

Feel free to play amongst yourselves.

Take it away!


The Novamarines battle the Chaos Rebels of the Thousand Sons on the ground of Tradax 5, while their Chapter Fleet led by the Battle Barge Honoroum’s Spear wages a desperate war in the space surrounding the doomed planet.
A thunderous roar shook the Heavens. The momentary distraction just enough for Captain Jourdanius to parry the Chaos Sorcerer’s blow and decapitate his foe with a lightning strike of his own. Before the corpse hit the ground, Captain Jourdanius stole a glance skyward and his hearts shuddered at the sight of the supernova explosion that used to be The Honourum’s Spear.
Sergeant Plautius, the X Company Communications Officer, quickly confirmed the capital ships of both the Novamarines and Thousand Sons collided in a desperate Kamikaze move by the Chaos Rebels in a last gasp effort to appease Tzeentch. The Honourum’s Spear went down with all hands on deck including the entire V Company and elements of the I, VIII and IX Companies.
The Novamarines X Company was fully deployed on Tradax 5, or they would have surely suffered the same fate as their battle brothers.
Just before the cataclysmic explosion rocked the planet to its core, several pods were jettisoned from the ill-fated vessels. What they contain…

Dawn of War with D3 Terrain per Board Section

Primary Objectives:
At the start of turns 1, 2, 5 and 6, objectives fall from the skies into the center of the board. Each pod (objective) is worth D3 Victory Points and rolled once the impact site is determined.
Secondary Objectives:
Slay the Warlord
First Blood

Special Rules:
Falling Skies
Deep Strike

Falling Skies:
Before the movement phase of Turns 1, 2, 5 and 6, pods and debris rain down onto the battlefield. These pods (denoted by objective markers) always scatter 4D6 creating an “impact” site. Follow the arrow if a “hit” is rolled on the scatter die. Objectives will always stay in game play remaining one inch away from the table edge.

Both armies jettisoned pods just before impact, so their contents can be a boon or disaster for either army. The pods hit the ground with the strength of a meteor. Upon the final resting place of the objective, center a large blast over the “impact” site, all models touched by the template suffer an automatic S7 hit with armor and cover saves allowed. Vehicles are auto hit on their side armor. Jink saves are allowed. Roll for armor penetration as normal.

Objectives are claimed by any unit moving within 3” of its location during the movement phase. However, for victory points, objectives can only be controlled by scoring units.
The Falling Skies mission rule bonus below is only used once per objective.

Whichever army is the first to claim the objective rolls a D6 to discover what lies within the pod:

Falling Skies Rule Bonus D6 Result
1 – Booby Trap
2 – Ammo Cache
3 – EMP
4 – Double Shot
5 – Shockwave
6 – Reinforcements

Booby Trap – A Booby Trap is triggered and all units within 6” of the objective immediately suffer D6 S4 automatic hits with armor saves allowed. No cover saves are allowed as nearby units are caught surprised rushing to the objective while focused on what is inside the pod.

Ammo Cache – The claiming unit stumbles onto an ammo cache. Hidden inside are special rounds of ammunition that wound on a 2+ regardless of toughness. This ammunition applies to all ranged weaponry – both carried by infantry and mounted on vehicles. The ammo does not affect vehicles. The ammo lasts for one round of shooting and must be used immediately in the following shooting phase. The ammo does not apply to overwatch shots fired in the subsequent assault phase.

EMP – An EMP is triggered and all vehicles within 12” of the objective lose all function for one complete game turn. No further movement or shooting is allowed. If an affected unit is assaulted, they are auto hit.

Double Shot – The claiming unit receives extra munitions and can fire all weapons twice. This includes Overwatch and grenades used in the assault phase. Double Shot must be used immediately in the following shooting phase. Double Shot lasts for one complete game turn.

Shockwave – All non-vehicle units within 6” of the objective lose all function for one complete game turn. No further movement, shooting, or assaults are allowed. If an affected unit is assaulted, they function as WS1.

Reinforcements – The claiming unit is immediately brought up to full strength identical to how it started the game; i.e. a 5-man combat squad that suffered two casualties is brought back up to the full strength 5-man squad.

If the unit has suffered no casualties, then the unit gains FNP (4+) against all shooting and melee attacks for one complete game turn.


Dave Mcturk
03-18-2014, 04:57 AM
i think most ppl have realised that the 'new' brb scenarios are pretty poor, resulting in draws, armies shuffling around to avoid giving first kill etc etc.

if you want some decent scenarios that incorporate the brb to best effect: try ADEPTICON13 [usa] or RUINSTORM14 [uk]; they are both 'paired' scenarios with a sensible 'match scoring' system; so yes ideal for tournaments but also ideal for h2h pick up leagues or for campaigns.

yes games are still decided on first kill or linebreaker, but most armies can have a fair crack at striving to achieve objectives and it makes the games a bit more 'open' and with some imagination the scenarios can be 'tweaked' to suit local conditions; we changed 'killteam' to a graded point score thus:

KILL POINT SCALE SCORING [KP = kill point / VP = victory point]

1st Kill = 1 KP & 1VP
3 enemy units destroyed = 1 KP
at least 50% enemy units destroyed either by number [easy by sight] OR by points [usually self evident] = +2KP
most units destroyed [by number] = +3KP

we did this to not discourage some armies that actually like MSU lists, so instead of ending up say 10/5 in kill points just because of unit size, it would end up say [HPS] 7 / 3 [probable minimum], which might not seem a big difference, but when other VP's are added in it gives both armies a chance rather than the MSU army being a total liability in 1/3 of games.

{I mean if you turn up with a 17 unit army with lots of cheap transport against a very solid 9 /10 unit anti-tank army they only have to pop 6 transports and then stall and that might end up 8/1 down in points and only 300/400 pts killed which is less than 25% of your forces and no way back!; although we decided that though 'fairer' going back to 'points counting' for games was too laborious}

03-18-2014, 08:20 AM
The purpose of the mission isn't so much as the scoring of them, but rather the banality of playing the same 6 BRB missions. So I wanted to create something that was exciting to play, added the intensity of random D6 and 4D6 rolls, and kept both players on their toes for the entire game.

As my army fields no less than 21 Kill Points, that is a game I would never win!

Will be putting together 4x more missions to give us some alternate games to play.

03-18-2014, 09:33 AM
So one thing that many of us are tired of doing is the standard set of D6 missions in the BRB. My limited imagination came up with this for a tournament finale between - you guessed it - My Novamarine's X Company (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?40463-1850-Novamarines-Scout-List) (surprise) and Chaos.

Don't forget, there's absolutely NOTHING stopping you from resurrecting missions from previous editions, except for your group. Also, many of the Datasheets come with new missions, and it wouldn't be hard to convert PlanetStrike and Battle Missions up to 6th Edition standards. But it's also good to see you be inventive with your own.

Primary Objectives:
At the start of turns 1, 2, 5 and 6, objectives fall from the skies into the center of the board. Each pod (objective) is worth D3 Victory Points and rolled once the impact site is determined.

Most of it looks pretty good. I would offer a change here, though. May I suggest instead of them coming in on set Turns, have them be rolled for as Reserves. It can either be done with the First Player rolling on odd Turns, and second player rolling on even ones, or if you wish to get really crazy, rolled for Reserves for every player (up to 14 Objectives on the board!).

The results are a good use of the Mysterious Objectives concept, I approve!

03-18-2014, 10:43 AM
The folks at Astronomi-Con have an awesome set of missions, a lot of them, that are available on their website. Good stuff!


Just hit the "Scenarios" tab.