View Full Version : Excitement over guard codex and anticipated model releases

03-17-2014, 03:33 PM
As we get closer and closer to the guard release date i cannot wait to see what all the come up with in addition to what they've shown us. The transport looks to be interesting i want to see what its cost are as well as its stats and rules.

the new ogryns and orgyn character depending on price point might actually be something i actually pick up this edition and give a chance. their weapons seem to have had a nice boost atleast according to the rumors and the boarding shields just look epic on them. i like the idea of a headlong charge with ogryns where they advance into the thick of it set up their shields blast their opponents then charge.

Now the new storm troopers look very nice even like the barets too which is something i wasn't sure about. for me a simple head swap can fix any issues i discover. the whole concept of storm troopers that aren't cadian or the old inquisition ones are pretty damn nice and tasty.

Then the new hydra kit :) yes please i won't have to get one from forgeworld or from a 3rd party company this edition so thats always good. i can hopefully get them for 45ish that price point won't kill the old wallet and buying 2-3 would seem like a reasonable investment. maybe we will get lucky and they will have intercepor and skyfire this time around :)