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View Full Version : Top 5 Miniaturles Games - Fall 2013

03-17-2014, 12:44 PM
We have been hearing rumbling of this for a while, but there it is in black and white:

Top 5 Non-Collectible Miniature Lines--Fall 2013 (http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/28125.html)

This chart of the Top 5 Non-Collectible Miniature Lines (hobby channel) reflects sales in Fall 2013. The charts are based on interviews with retailers, distributors, and manufacturers.

1: Warhammer 40k
Games Workshop

2: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures
Fantasy Flight Games

3: Warmachine
Privateer Press

4: Star Trek Attack Wing

5: Hordes
Privateer Press

Of note is that Warhammer Fantasy is not in the top 5 at all. We have been hearing for a while that the company to watch in the industry at this moment is FFG. They are private, and dont have to disclose revenue, but X-Wing is the THE HIT of 2013, and propelling them into one of the top seats at the corporate wargaming table.

Star Trek Attack wing is a surprise, and we will have to see if it can stand the test of time.

Privateer is certainly in a top position with #3 and #5 being their products.

So the real question is who is currently the bigger company for hte #2 spot behind GW? FFG, or Privateer?

Mr Mystery
03-17-2014, 01:43 PM
I'd be interested to see the margins between the places.

For instance, X-Wing. Don't need many models, and less 'hobby' involved (building, painting, involving). Yet it's right behind 40k, sales figures for which we can roughly extrapolate from GW Annual Reports (I think!).

How much is 40k outselling the others? Small margin? Massive 'all of you at once, and your Dads!' margin?

03-17-2014, 08:54 PM
I've been telling people at the LGS that Fantasy sales are in the latrine nationwide. It seems that every fantasy player in my whole state has decided to descend on my LGS and refuse to believe that they are the oasis in the desert.

Oh well.. ignorance is bliss I suppose.

03-17-2014, 09:02 PM
Yeah, I find this news very perplexing. I work at a LGS and we carry all of the aforementioned games and none of the other games can touch the sales figures of 40K or WFB. Even when you factor in online sales, they don't come close. Infinity definitely outsells X-Wing, and I bet our Zombicide sales might even edge out X-Wing too. And Attack Wing is dead in the water along with all of our Privateer stuff.

Who is the tabulating body, and where are they drawing numbers from? How many distributors, retailers, and manufacturers?

03-18-2014, 01:15 AM
I'd like to see the full detail of the 'research pool' because unless you know what percentage of retailers, distributors and manufacturers from the whole were interviewed, you don't know how reliable the figures are.

03-18-2014, 02:10 AM
I'd like to see the full detail of the 'research pool' because unless you know what percentage of retailers, distributors and manufacturers from the whole were interviewed, you don't know how reliable the figures are.

And Denzark, another point is that surely the GW figures will skew because they are retailers, distributors and manufacturers all in one. Sort of a Holy Trinity of plastic crack, eh, old horse?

Mr Mystery
03-18-2014, 03:58 AM
And what sort of interviews? Questions are usually interesting to read, in case of confirmation bias.

What other info goes into this? Nosey sods/Enquiring minds need/want to know!

03-18-2014, 06:07 AM
Is this units shifted or the amount of ££ each range takes?

Its worrying that WHF does not appear on the list. Maybe its becasue GW appear not to be bothering with WHF at present and are just spraying the market with pewpew kiddyhammer 40K releases (IMO)? I imagine that if GW start pushing out as many models/army books for WHF next year we will see the levels pick up?

However the tournament scene seems to be going strong in the UK and US but most of the gaming clubs I come into contact with rarely hosts any WHF. Maybe WHF appeals more to older games who tend to buy less models once they have a army build?

But im pleased that Privateer are doing well. As a recent convert I love WamaHordes. It’s not perfect but it’s the perfect counterpoint.

03-18-2014, 06:20 AM
I'd like to see the full detail of the 'research pool' because unless you know what percentage of retailers, distributors and manufacturers from the whole were interviewed, you don't know how reliable the figures are.
It also excludes GW stores themselves which skews the result somewhat.

WFB has also always been less popular in the US than elsewhere so I would caution against applying this across GW as a whole.

03-18-2014, 10:07 AM
It’s rather entertaining reading that Warhammer Fantasy is dead and not selling on these forums?

Just because you make stuff up and post it on the internet doesn’t make it fact. How about posting the research before presenting the findings.

These finding are evidently not World Wide or even for a single country so this is more like a personal top 5.

03-18-2014, 12:23 PM
Yeah, no one plays Fantasy out here. Well, there are maybe four or five, but we get dozens of 40k players, our Infinity escalation league started with 10 and has grown to twenty or so interested individuals, and warmahordes has an equally large player base.

At the LVO, 40k had a 230 player 40k tournament, limited mainly by room size, while warmahordes had ~90 players, and I'm not sure about other systems. I know Fantasy was tiny.