View Full Version : New Necrons- thoughts, hopes and rumours

12-30-2009, 04:18 AM
alright this thread will work by disscussing what we want, hope or think will be happening in the 5th ed necron codex. So wishlisting is allowed!
Anyway to start off, I heard a rumour about a necron walker called the scorpion. It'll basically be like a SM Dread but have plenty of necronny features. I also heard a little something about a gauss flamer!
Fell free to argue with these rumours.

12-30-2009, 06:37 AM
There's plenty of things I want to see, mostly they're evolutions rather than sweeping rewrites though.

I'm not a fan of the FnP / T5 instead of WBB idea, that to me just says play plaguemarines, I'd much rather see an update to the WBB rules to streamline them. Tomb Spyders need to be more like res orbs and the current res orb needs to be tweaked in some way.

I'd like to see a walker of some sort and perhaps another vehicle that's either shooty or transporty by which I mean has a similar teleport mechanic to the monolith. Teleportation is one of the best things about the current book and it should stay in a big way imo.

Remove the non-necron rule. Anything in the book is a necron and can self repair or get back up or whatever the rule mechanic becomes. Pariahs are a great idea but need some work to be really useful.

Remove C'tan and put them in as 2k points models for apocalypse, I'm thinking forgeworld greater daemon style models for them :) The rumour about different lord levels is really appealing. Give them the ability to make different kinds of unit troops. Give wraiths power weapons and either 2 wounds or larger unit sizes and they're actually useful for killing things.

Update the Gauss mechanic somehow... free glances on 6's just aren't that good anymore since vehicles got updated, they were scary in 4th as they should be. It's difficult to balance this without making them too good, perhaps they just suffer a -1 rather than a -2 on a glance?

Rebalance the points costs of models against the 5th ed books. Are warriors really worth 18 points each now? I'd guess at somewhere around 15 is more sensible nowadays.

hmm... that's all I can think of off the top of my head although there's plenty more things

Herald of Nurgle
12-30-2009, 06:45 AM
The new codex will have a number of tank options:
- Necron Monolith
- Necron 'Obelisk' (see BoLS 2008 or summin?)
- Necron Pylon
- The Aeonic Orb (off of Epic)
- The Harbringer of Pain (off of Epic)

There will be 4 levels of Necron Lord...
- Platinum Lord: Perhaps takes C'Tan forms, and gives leadership bonuses to the force
- Golden Lord: Current Lord with BS/WS buffs. Harbringer abilities, just like in the datasheets?
- Silver Lord: Squad Leader for the better squads (e.g Pariahs)
- Bronze Lord: Necron Lord squad leader.

I bet there will be options to allow for the classic exploding Scarabs from 3rd Ed, and maybe a new troop choice - something like 'Tomb Guard' who take formation to protect an attached lord.

Literally all of the units will get a point decrease, +1 to their Initiative (excluding Immortals, who stay at 2 but gain T 5), and maybe some firing bonuses.

Gauss is definitely becoming higher strength + Rending. However, apparently some of the weaponry becomes Lance.

I think i've got a few ideas for weaponry:
Gauss Flux Arc: 18", Str 5 AP 4, Heavy d6, all units, Rending
Thunder Arc: 18", Str 4 AP 5, Heavy 5, Melta, all units
Pulse Flux Arc: Template, Str 4 AP 5, Heavy d6, all units
Gauss Annihilator (Focussed): 84", Str 9 AP d6, Heavy 10, Rending
Gauss Annihilator (Dispersed): 96", Str 6 AP d6, Heavy 7, Blast, Barrage, Rending, Min range 12", scatter each off previous blast in the chain...

12-30-2009, 06:47 AM
I bet there will be options to allow for the classic exploding Scarabs from 3rd Ed, and maybe a new troop choice - something like 'Tomb Guard' who take formation to protect an attached lord.

Literally all of the units will get a point decrease, +1 to their Initiative (excluding Immortals, who stay at 2 but gain T 5), and maybe some firing bonuses.

Gauss is definitely becoming higher strength + Rending. However, apparently some of the weaponry becomes Lance.

The 'Tomb Guard' idea sounds interesting... some sort of pariah but good type unit would be nice

Do you mean Warriors in that middle sentence as Immortals are already T5?

Lance makes a lot of sense for Necron weapons now that you mention it, that would be good to see.

Herald of Nurgle
12-30-2009, 06:50 AM
Harbringers: Platinum Lords are the C’Tans will done. They may purchase Harbringer abilities from the list below, as well as those that a Golden Lord may purchase:
· Harbringer of Insanity: Each turn, the Lord may select a single unit in Line of Sight. That unit must make a Leadership Check, with a -1 modifier for each wound the Lord has remaining. For each point that the unit fails by, they must make a single roll under their toughness or be removed from play. Fearless units are immune.
· Harbringer of Decadence: At the beginning of each game turn, the Lord may select any model with the Psyker rule on board. Each controlling player then rolls a dice, and adds their Leaderships to this dice. If the Platinum Lord equals or beats this roll, then the Necron Player may take control of this psyker for this turn – the Necron player counts it as one of their models, claiming all the benefits and drawbacks of such.
· Harbringer of the End Times: Each turn, the Lord may select a single Necron unit in Line of Sight. For this turn, that unit may double it's BS, as well as gaining +2 Strength for their weaponry. At the end of that turn, the same Necron unit affected by this ability make 1 armour save for each 2 models in the unit.

Harbringers: Golden Lords are often Harbingers of destruction. They may purchase Harbringer abilities from the list below, as well as those that a Silver Lord may purchase:
· Harbringer of Lightning: Each turn, the Lord may place d3 Large Blast markers on the field each turn. All models under these markers must FAIL an armour save, or else they take a Strength 4 hit and may not make any actions this game turn as they recover from this paralysis.
· Harbringer of Darkness: Each turn, the Lord may select a single point on the table. All shooting declared against a unit within or declared by a unit within 18” of this point will use the Night Fighting special rules. Necron units do not need to use this effect – conduct their shooting normally.
· Harbringer of Plague: Each turn, the Lord may select a single point on the table, roll an artillery dice, and roll a scatter dice (on a misfire, nothing happens). Each model between that point and the Necron Lord must take a Leadership Check or else take d3 Strength 3 AP 6 hits. Fearless units are not immune.

Harbringers: Silver Lords are usually seen as portents of bad events. They may purchase Harbringer abilities from the list below:
· Harbringer of Infestation: Each turn, the Lord may place a single Large Blast Marker within 6”. Within this marker, place up to d6+1 Scarab Swarms (these must at least be touching the marker). Swarms placed this way may not make any further actions that turn.
· Harbringer of Eruptions: At the beginning of the game, select a single objective (or objective sized area). Each friendly Shooting Phase, the Lord may roll 2d6 – each unit that many inches from the area chosen will take 3 Strength 5 AP 5 hits immediately.
· Harbringer of Madness: Each friendly Assault Phase, the Lord may choose to remove his unit from the board. Immediately deep strike them back onto the board – if they mishap, they are immediately placed back into Reserves.

Harbringers: Bronze Lords once glimmers with the fires of command and duty. They may purchase Harbriner abilities from the list below:
· Harbringer of Idols: The unit that this Bronze Lord has joined becomes Fearless, instead of just Stubborn. However, the unit does not suffer from No Retreat!
· Harbringer of the Fire: The unit that this Bronze Lord has joined also gains the Acute Senses and Relentless special rules.
· Harbringer of Demise: The unit that this Bronze Lord has joined will also gain +1 Strength and +1 Initiative. In addition, they gain the Counter Attack special rule.

12-30-2009, 07:34 AM
Recentley I found things on the Lord of Awakening and the Lord of the Storm and C'tan lord
Lord of awakening would be a normal infantry style lord
Lord of the storm would be a lord with destroyer or wraith body
C'tan lord would be the C'tan styles models now
Each of these lords would of course have different advantages to the army and this is probably what was meant about the different levels of necron lord.

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-30-2009, 07:53 AM
I want to see more fluffy units, necrons with malfunctioning living-metal that have a kind of "cyber shoggoth" look, some wraith variants.. basicly I want more emphasis on the "Techno-Lovecraft".

I like techno-lovecraft.

The wolf's claw
12-30-2009, 02:19 PM
i'd love to see like necron tripod things, like from war of the worlds that would be immense, or some kind of really alien skimmer like the valkerie but necron and awesome lol

12-30-2009, 03:19 PM
I wana see a Warrior stat drop!

I mean the things are like barely sentient quardrilion year old space zombie robots for cryin out loud. No way the things shoot and fight as well as a Space Marine!

Drop the WS for the warriors defentaly. Drop the BS potentialy. Make them all slow and pourposeful maybe. Let me field a swarm of the suckers!

Oh and give my Spyders an extra wound and no ability to hurt themselves please.

Subject Keyword
12-30-2009, 08:27 PM

Now that that's over, I'll have to agree with the keeping "we'll be back" over FNP/SAP combo. I don't like the idea of GW homogenizing all the armies, which is why I'm also down with a stat drop for Warriors.

BS 4? Makes perfect sense. They would have supernaturally good aim.
WS 4? No freakin' way.

More versatility for HQ, plasticified models, and one walker. That's pretty much all I want
Oh, and


No way the things shoot and fight as well as a Space Marine!

They would shoot better than a Space Marine! They are untainted by the frailties of organic matter! No emotions! No distractions! True purification! They are mindless, yes, but they are also free from the confines of having a mind!

They are built to have good aim.

12-30-2009, 11:19 PM
Here's what I got...


I have several other ideas, but this is what I have been playtesting so far and it works out rather well and fairly.


12-31-2009, 12:55 AM
This is neither news nor rumors, so off it goes to 40k general.

(by all means continue the conversation)

12-31-2009, 03:12 AM
what about the option to take c`tan similar to greater daemons? like in dawn of war the necronlord could take the form of the cītan he is serving. so the models would still be playable and they could even make models for zhe sleeping cītan... and it would make perfect sense, that the necronlord who isnīt really the cītan itself, isnīt as strong and invincible as a god should be.

Bard of Twilight
12-31-2009, 03:44 AM
Harbringers: Platinum Lords are the C’Tans will done. They may purchase Harbringer abilities from the list below, as well as those that a Golden Lord may purchase:
· Harbringer of Insanity: Each turn, the Lord may select a single unit in Line of Sight. That unit must make a Leadership Check, with a -1 modifier for each wound the Lord has remaining. For each point that the unit fails by, they must make a single roll under their toughness or be removed from play. Fearless units are immune.
· Harbringer of Decadence: At the beginning of each game turn, the Lord may select any model with the Psyker rule on board. Each controlling player then rolls a dice, and adds their Leaderships to this dice. If the Platinum Lord equals or beats this roll, then the Necron Player may take control of this psyker for this turn – the Necron player counts it as one of their models, claiming all the benefits and drawbacks of such.
· Harbringer of the End Times: Each turn, the Lord may select a single Necron unit in Line of Sight. For this turn, that unit may double it's BS, as well as gaining +2 Strength for their weaponry. At the end of that turn, the same Necron unit affected by this ability make 1 armour save for each 2 models in the unit.

Harbringers: Golden Lords are often Harbingers of destruction. They may purchase Harbringer abilities from the list below, as well as those that a Silver Lord may purchase:
· Harbringer of Lightning: Each turn, the Lord may place d3 Large Blast markers on the field each turn. All models under these markers must FAIL an armour save, or else they take a Strength 4 hit and may not make any actions this game turn as they recover from this paralysis.
· Harbringer of Darkness: Each turn, the Lord may select a single point on the table. All shooting declared against a unit within or declared by a unit within 18” of this point will use the Night Fighting special rules. Necron units do not need to use this effect – conduct their shooting normally.
· Harbringer of Plague: Each turn, the Lord may select a single point on the table, roll an artillery dice, and roll a scatter dice (on a misfire, nothing happens). Each model between that point and the Necron Lord must take a Leadership Check or else take d3 Strength 3 AP 6 hits. Fearless units are not immune.

Harbringers: Silver Lords are usually seen as portents of bad events. They may purchase Harbringer abilities from the list below:
· Harbringer of Infestation: Each turn, the Lord may place a single Large Blast Marker within 6”. Within this marker, place up to d6+1 Scarab Swarms (these must at least be touching the marker). Swarms placed this way may not make any further actions that turn.
· Harbringer of Eruptions: At the beginning of the game, select a single objective (or objective sized area). Each friendly Shooting Phase, the Lord may roll 2d6 – each unit that many inches from the area chosen will take 3 Strength 5 AP 5 hits immediately.
· Harbringer of Madness: Each friendly Assault Phase, the Lord may choose to remove his unit from the board. Immediately deep strike them back onto the board – if they mishap, they are immediately placed back into Reserves.

Harbringers: Bronze Lords once glimmers with the fires of command and duty. They may purchase Harbriner abilities from the list below:
· Harbringer of Idols: The unit that this Bronze Lord has joined becomes Fearless, instead of just Stubborn. However, the unit does not suffer from No Retreat!
· Harbringer of the Fire: The unit that this Bronze Lord has joined also gains the Acute Senses and Relentless special rules.
· Harbringer of Demise: The unit that this Bronze Lord has joined will also gain +1 Strength and +1 Initiative. In addition, they gain the Counter Attack special rule.

Eeehm,don't you think that you somehow exagerate a little? I mean:1) the Warp was supposed to be made in order to beat Necrons, not give them extra advantages. 2)Even for Apocalypse battles these assets would be very costly and I don't think many would opt them.
3) If Necrons are to become sth like that,only the Emperor Himself would save us.

Bard of Twilight
12-31-2009, 03:48 AM
The 'Tomb Guard' idea sounds interesting... some sort of pariah but good type unit would be nice

Do you mean Warriors in that middle sentence as Immortals are already T5?

Lance makes a lot of sense for Necron weapons now that you mention it, that would be good to see.

Well, Lances are high intensity Laser weapons, not particle weapons.

12-31-2009, 04:41 AM
Bigred-This is neither news nor rumors, so off it goes to 40k general.

It should be reminded that this thread accepts wishlisting aswell as actual news and rumours.
Anyway what I'm really hoping for is more weapon diversity among things like immortals and pariahs. This would mean we would actually get plastic kits!

Herald of Nurgle
12-31-2009, 02:48 PM
Eeehm,don't you think that you somehow exagerate a little? I mean:1) the Warp was supposed to be made in order to beat Necrons, not give them extra advantages. 2)Even for Apocalypse battles these assets would be very costly and I don't think many would opt them.
3) If Necrons are to become sth like that,only the Emperor Himself would save us.
Mkay, I get what you mean. Perhaps just a psychic hood or knocking out the psyker for that turn... Although it would be hilarious to have someone like Njal controlled through his implants and such.

Herald of Nurgle
12-31-2009, 02:49 PM
Well, Lances are high intensity Laser weapons, not particle weapons.
However, Lances make up for the Gauss stuff... Because even the Gauss Flayer can take out Land Raiders and such then lol.

12-31-2009, 06:48 PM
(Not to be nitpicky, but it's harbinger. There's no second R in the word :p)

That all sounds good, Necrons definitely now need a Plastic Lord kit so that they can build any of those four lord types, as well as plastic Flayed ones and a redesigned warriors box. Plus, I think immortals and pariahs need to be repackaged in boxes (and hopefully have the models redone) so that it's not so ridiculously expensive to field them money-wise.

01-01-2010, 07:20 AM
Well, Lances are high intensity Laser weapons, not particle weapons.

The lance rule doesn't have to be gained from using an actual lance weapon...

Herald of Nurgle
01-01-2010, 10:21 AM
(Not to be nitpicky, but it's harbinger. There's no second R in the word :p)

That all sounds good, Necrons definitely now need a Plastic Lord kit so that they can build any of those four lord types, as well as plastic Flayed ones and a redesigned warriors box. Plus, I think immortals and pariahs need to be repackaged in boxes (and hopefully have the models redone) so that it's not so ridiculously expensive to field them money-wise.
Probably going to combine Flayed Ones and Warriors into a single box, with a online conversion kit for Immortals online (like Battlewagon). Or so I hope >_>

(Also, for some reason my spell checker doesn't correct that lol...)

01-01-2010, 11:40 AM
The wait might FINALLY be over... (http://www.thecsg.co.uk/csg/index.php?topic=5834.0)

NOTE: not 100% confirmation

01-01-2010, 06:16 PM
So you linked to a thread dating back to 2008 speaking of a 2009 Q2 necron release. Not 100 % confirmation indeed.

Subject Keyword
01-02-2010, 01:33 PM
The lance rule doesn't have to be gained from using an actual lance weapon...

I agree. Gauss weapons are good at piercing armor because they don't pierce armor, they siphon it away layer by layer. Things like rending make sense with a random roll of a 6, but I've always thought that the benefits of Gauss should be static.

01-02-2010, 03:08 PM
Apologies for that last embarrasing post. However I am still confident that the necrons will either appear in late spring or early autumn.
Call it instinct...

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-02-2010, 05:17 PM
I hope you have good instinct ;)

Herald of Nurgle
01-02-2010, 06:36 PM
Combined Fire: Weapons which bear this special rule remove 1 from their target vehicle's armour facing value for each gun with this rule (after the first) which deals a glancing or penetrating hit. e.g. Gauss Cannons, Heavy Gauss Cannons, 'Concentrated Particle Whips', or Pariah Gauss Blasters. The effects of this rule only affect members of the same unit, and do not pass over to other units in the same force.

Terrifying Visage: Models with this special rule ignore the effects of Stubborn, and double enemy casualties for the purposes of morale based checks in close combat.

Psychic Null: All models within 12" of a Pariah unit, excluding Culexus Assassins or other models with this special rule, count as having a leadership of 7 and lose the Fearless special rule - this is a new basic leadership, and not a modifier in any way. If a model with this special rule enters within 3" of a psyker, that psyker must pass a leadership check or fall back.

Focussed Fire: Heavy Gauss Cannons may choose to either shoot with their standard profile or fire all their unit's shots at once into a single foe. Their weapons gain a new profile depending on how many use this - if Focussed Fire is used, all models in the same unit which have a Heavy Gauss Cannon MUST contribute:
- 1 Model (standard): 60", Str 8, AP 3, Heavy 1
- 2 Models: 72", Str 9, AP 2, Heavy 1
- 3 Models: 84", Str 10, AP 2, Heavy 1, Blast
- 4 Models: 96", Str 10, AP 1, Heavy 1, Blast
- 5 Models: 108", Str 10, AP 1, Heavy 1, Blast, Melta
(Heavy Destroyers become a Heavy Support choice with 2-5 destroyers per unit. 'light' Destroyers become a Fast Attack choice with 4-10 per unit. up to one unit will become troops for each Necron Lord with Destroyer Body in the force - Gold or above)

Disruption Fields: Scarabs and Tomb Spyders are fitted with Disruption Fields. For the purposes of Rending, they gain d3+2 for their roll against vehicles. In addition, any rolls to wound of 6 by a Scarab will ignore Feel No Pain or similar effects. (note: they only get Rending vs. vehicles)

Lightning Field: Models with this piece of wargear gain +1 Initiative and +1 Strength, but make their Feel No Pain on a 5+.

Chronometron: All Necron units have this. Necrons may choose to add or subtract 1d6 for the purposes of Difficult Terrain tests or Falling Back - in Difficult Terrain, the highest dice rolled is still used as normal.

Gauss Weapons: These weapons have the Rending special rule, but gain +d6 for this instead of the standard +d3.