View Full Version : technical question on Blood Angels

12-29-2009, 09:31 PM
So Im in the middle of painting some squads for my BA army and I noticed something... It seems that the Blood Angels use both red trim and black trim in the pictures of their shoulder pads. Even in the most recent codex you see both (though red is dominant)

Also, on the cover of the "Blood Angels Omnibus" the guy has black trim on his shoulder pad...

The question is... Which one should I do, which one is right?

Black or Red?


12-29-2009, 10:22 PM
I don't know the history, but I suspect that what we're seeing there are old Studio miniatures. Page 27 of the codex heavily implies that red is the correct shoulder pad trim.

12-30-2009, 12:02 AM
Which one do you prefer?

Back in the RT Compilation it has them with red on red, black on red and red on black, sometimes mixed on a single marine. Death company then had red trim and red Xs on arms and legs (and weren't death company, but had signed the blood oath).

I don't know that the badge picture really implies anything more than that they couldn't be bothered photo shopping different colours on the pads (could be wrong, but it is a free 'dex!).

I personally prefer red on black and balck on red since they end up a little plain without it, but in the absense of anything concrete do what looks best. And marines are that good a keeping in strict uniform - look at how codex the blue marine's shoulder pads stay!

12-30-2009, 02:23 AM
I'm with Gorepants. Both styles are supported by GW, so do what looks best. Who knows what will be seen in the new BA dex? It could go either way, really.

12-30-2009, 10:12 AM
Yea, thanks everyone... I think im going to paint a squad of both and post it here for everyone to see. Then I can make a decision on what looks best. Give me a day or two to paint and post the pics...


12-30-2009, 10:32 AM
I remember back in the old angels of death codex the troopers had red shoulder pads with black trim, while sergeants and squad leaders had black shoulder pads and red trim. Now in the more recent codex's they've gone for all red. You could do both to signify different styles and characteristics from different companies. It's something I'm thinking about doing with my angels.

12-30-2009, 12:48 PM
BA leaflet (codex) is a shame and needs re-doing (rhinos) so use the old BA dex's:D or which one you like most

12-30-2009, 02:37 PM
I remember back in the old angels of death codex the troopers had red shoulder pads with black trim, while sergeants and squad leaders had black shoulder pads and red trim. Now in the more recent codex's they've gone for all red. You could do both to signify different styles and characteristics from different companies. It's something I'm thinking about doing with my angels.

I thought, at first, that it might be something that the different companies might be doing... But in the codex it says that they signify themselves by the blood drop marking on their right soulder pad. This doesn't mean they don't also change trim based on company though.


12-30-2009, 04:59 PM
I know that in the previous dex that they listed the red fill and black trim style as being used by the 3rd company, Tycho's lot. They also said this in the index astartes article they around the same time-ish.

12-30-2009, 06:03 PM
Thats true Duke my tac marines and assault troops have red pads and red trim with the green tear drop of the 4th company. I've recently decided to add some bikers to my army and decided to have them formed from the 8th company (twin green blood drops) and as I mentioned was thinking of having the trim black to help show the difference between companies and highlight they were from the reserve companies. However as Gorepants and Lerra say just go with what you think looks best and good luck with your angels.