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View Full Version : The Skyway Project by Burn In Designs

03-16-2014, 06:07 PM
We have just launched our new Kickstarter The Skyway Project. It is a modular terrain system designed to pull the game more to the center of the board instead of the edges. This forces players to think more tactically instead of just marching forward. Being modular you can set them in in different combinations so you are not always playing with the same table design.

Take a look.




03-17-2014, 07:10 AM
detail level certainly looks nice, but the scale on those stairs is way off - who builds steps half a metre high? Helps with playability, certainly, but hurts visual appeal - guess you had to make a compromise there, and went more towards the gaming side and less the cinematic.

03-17-2014, 09:40 AM
That is exactly what we went with on the compromise. I wanted to make the sets playable first. I have too much terrain already that I can't really used because even though it is designed for the models they don't fit. Even the GW stuff has this problem with tall models.

The smaller steps just are completely unplayable in most games. You end up putting models in spots that are just asking for them to fall and break. Nothing is more annoying than chipping a model because it fell off the terrain. If we just had to deal with 25mm bases it isn't a problem but with 40-60mm bases being more common you need to account for them. Also I hate it when you get free movement because you can't stop a model in the middle of a staircase or level transition. This eliminates some of that problem. Even the elevator piece was designed this way so there is an intermediate level in it also.

03-17-2014, 10:24 AM
by the way, can you "wedge" a model's base into the ladder visible in your third picture? That used to work with GW LotR Uruk-Hai siege ladders as long as the model was not too heavy and the base not too thickly covered - made for some rather stylish siege scenes with lots of Uruks clambering up the ladders one after another, usually even without tumbling once you touched one to move it :) Just a thought... but hard to do with all the different base sizes around...

03-17-2014, 10:40 AM
That was the idea for the spacing. If you tuck the base under the step the model sits securely. During the testing on one of the prototypes I broke a old heavy D&D model and said there had to be a better way.

03-18-2014, 10:06 AM
Unfortunately shipping fees to Aus contribute to pushing this out of my price range, but I enjoy the cybernetic vibe this set has. It's nice to have scenery that is practical and not 'Earth with a few bitz' or 'space gothic'. The way station and elevators are particularly good. Out of curiosity is there only one colour of acrylic for those?

03-18-2014, 02:51 PM
Sorry about the shipping. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about. That has been a thorn in every small companies side since the beginning. The only way to get any real discounts for shipping from any carrier is to send a ton of business their direction. Sadly we are not there yet.

The acrylic parts will eventually be offered in different colors but for now we are going to vote on the color for all of them. This is to keep the prices a little more reasonable and easier to deliver. Though if there are enough orders we may offer a couple of colors. We just need to get the final numbers.

If you are interested in getting something and have gamer friends I recommend teaming up to order. It is cheaper. I hate sending packages to people where the shipping is the same or more than the items. If it were a regular order and not the Kickstarter we could possibly work something out. With the Kickstarter I am kind of locked in on the shipping.

03-18-2014, 11:05 PM
Do you have any plans to try and get these kits into stores post kickstarter?

03-19-2014, 10:59 AM
We may try with some local, Chicagoland game stores. We are not setup for national level sales through stores. We normally do direct sales because we do allot of custom options. For example the street signs in the set can be custom engraved so when you contact us to order them we work out custom names with you. We have standard names on all the stuff now but it is nice to have that extra touch. Also for the acrylic parts we offer 30+ different colors so shipping that many options to stores is a problem.

After all the Kickstarter pledges ship we will have the whole set in our regular catalog.

- - - Updated - - -

Just a quick update we just posted update 3 for the Kickstarter -https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/burnindesignsceo/the-skyway-project-gaming-at-a-higher-level/posts

We are adding new apartment modules to the line. These will be available in April as part of our normal sales line. Here is the preview picture of one of the new designs.

- - - Updated - - -

Just a quick update we just posted update 3 for the Kickstarter -https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/burnindesignsceo/the-skyway-project-gaming-at-a-higher-level/posts

We are adding new apartment modules to the line. These will be available in April as part of our normal sales line. Here is the preview picture of one of the new designs.

03-20-2014, 08:04 AM
We hit our funding goal! Thank you all! We have allot of work ahead of us and we are ready.

- - - Updated - - -

We hit our funding goal! Thank you all! We have allot of work ahead of us and we are ready.

04-08-2014, 02:12 PM
We have added some new pledge levels and kits to the Kickstarter. There is still time to get your pledge in.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/794/917/a3af0a628dafc0334bc95a6af138bd30_large.jpg?1395761 229

https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/809/153/89cf6fc0976f8aab9abf1337dbbac979_large.jpg?1396029 041

Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/burnindesignsceo/the-skyway-project-gaming-at-a-higher-level/
Burn In Designs - http://www.burnindesigns.net/2014/03/new-products-iso-containers.html

04-11-2014, 09:50 AM
7 Days to go. 70+ backers and some great package deals inbound. Yes, the last 7 days are finally here and I figured what better way to make them stand out than to add some special packages for those of you sitting on the fence. We will be releasing new packages over the next few days. The packages are like mini pledge levels. Each package can be added to any pledge level or if that is all you want then just select it in your final pledge survey. We will take care of it from there.

The first package deals are for ISO containers. You can never have too many of these especially if you are playing any modern or future scifi game like Infinity. The containers are normally sold in packs of 2 for $25 but as an exclusive for the Kickstarter we are bundling them in packs of 6 with lander feet and mounting adapters for using them in place of apartment modules and a mega pack of 9 stand alone iso containers. In the case of the 6 pack you are essentially getting that third set for $5. The mega pack is even better. Trading in the lander feet gets you 3 additional containers and saves you $2 in the process.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/868/020/e9a5a68dba9460be898e77aa7dd0be1b_large.jpg?1397230 437
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/868/028/f316e22dd92bee564464e1efc27c876d_large.jpg?1397230 528

Quality terrain and tables make your dice work better. So what are you waiting for? Get your pledges in now.

Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/burnindesignsceo/the-skyway-project-gaming-at-a-higher-level/

04-15-2014, 10:02 AM
We just added a new update and more scatter terrain kits to the Kickstarter. The project ends on April 19th so time is running out.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/882/274/13951b99b8e76e527d3f47948fae235d_large.jpg?1397576 349

Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/burnindesignsceo/the-skyway-project-gaming-at-a-higher-level/

04-17-2014, 09:16 AM
Burn In Designs is charging forward into the final 48 hours of the Skyway Project Kickstarter. They are releasing the last of their stretch goals as general kits for everyone. The latest are designed specifically for painters with special packages of model holders and paint trays.

If you work on projects or paint on the go it is nice to be able to group just the colors you are using with a project instead of having to pull out all the paints each. Burn In Designs is releasing a smaller version of their paint trays to make things easier and take some of the hassle out of painting. The trays are about 5×8 so they take up a minimal mount of space. They stack together to keep with the minimalist idea of space saving. The trays are designed to fit GW or dropper style paints and in the combo you get to chose which trays you want to meet your painting needs.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/891/933/65926d28ed2d2e5c584f086126dc7f26_large.jpg?1397744 756

In keeping with this theme Burn In Designs is also adding model holder kits. These holders are designed to give a solid and stable platform for holding minis during painting. The combo includes a rack to keep minis from tipping while they dry. Grouped in set of 5 models per rack and 3 rack in the set this should cover most unit sizes.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/887/060/3ca62e0f47dc97853c275e188cc99850_large.jpg?1397660 697

Both sets are their own pledge level to make it easy for backers to select just the sets you want. Hurry up though the Kickstarter ends on April 19th at 3:00pm CST.

Find out more about the Skyway Project Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/burnindesignsceo/the-skyway-project-gaming-at-a-higher-level

Follow us on Twitter -https://twitter.com/burnindesigns

Follow us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/burnindesigns

04-19-2014, 07:16 AM
Final 6 hours of the Skyway Project Kickstarter

Today is the day we have been waiting for. The Skyway Project Kickstarter is coming to an end. We have one last kit to squeeze in before it all is all over. The tram set.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/899/882/60d9a0bbc4b77745c7cd659263df3db6_large.jpg?1397912 076

I had wanted to do a simple subway style system for the set but the tight turns made it difficult to fit larger cars into the set. I have plans for wider turns but ran out of testing time to get them in. To keep the tram system in the set with the current parts I made the cars smaller and it worked out perfectly. Now the cars all fit and give allot more cover options that didn’t exist before.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/899/902/98a5873ea91c49931c3a44973147b43c_large.jpg?1397912 616
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/899/904/9ea9b94b5e8986ddccc109a06749c4cb_large.jpg?1397912 634
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/899/907/180256391e767f886576c89695c8fee0_large.jpg?1397912 654

So this is it. Time to get those last second pledges in. We have a few hours left and plenty of options at all levels.

Find out more about the Skyway Project Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/burnindesignsceo/the-skyway-project-gaming-at-a-higher-level

Follow us on Twitter -https://twitter.com/burnindesigns

Follow us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/burnindesigns