View Full Version : Which Dreadnought should I use?

03-15-2014, 03:16 PM
Hey all, a bit long winded but here we go:- I've just revisited my space marines and decided to expand on the current 1500pt base I have, taking it up to 2000. So far I have the following, using Iron Hands chapter tactics:

Captain:Relic blade, storm shield, storm bolter, artificer armour
Librarian: Lvl 2
8 Marines: Grav-gun, power sword, drop-pod (with both HQ)
2x10 Marines: Flamer, missile launcher, combi-grav, razorback (twin las)
2xStormtalon: Skyhammer missiles
Predator:Twin las + sponson las
2x Techmarine w/ servo-harness

To take it up to 2000pts I'm thinking of adding scouts, a whirlwind and 3 dreadnoughts. This should leave me about 130pts/dread, just wondering how to arm them? Personally I'm leaning towards assault cannon+heavy flamer, but what would other people suggest?

03-15-2014, 07:13 PM
You want Ironclad Dreads. They are pretty much the only dread worth taking anymore, sadly because it's pretty easy to 1-shot an AV12 dreadnought.

I would rather take 2 Ironclads, with 2x heavy flamers, pod, assault launcher for 180ish ea. then three regular dreads.

If you are looking for other advice on the above list, I'd be happy to provide some as well.

Also, if you can get the techmarines in the pods that come down near the ironclads, it could be a nice combo, maybe?

Instead of a Whirlwind, I'd look into the Thunderfire Cannon - it's amazing.

Dave Mcturk
03-16-2014, 12:50 AM
{You want Ironclad Dreads. They are pretty much the only dread worth taking anymore, sadly because it's pretty easy to 1-shot an AV12 dreadnought.} [or just plain glance it to death !

^ this.

Dave Mcturk
03-16-2014, 12:51 AM
{You want Ironclad Dreads. They are pretty much the only dread worth taking anymore, sadly because it's pretty easy to 1-shot an AV12 dreadnought.} [or just plain glance it to death !

^ this.

03-16-2014, 01:57 AM
The twin twin-linked auto cannon (rifleman) is a very popular route and it has the advantage of a much better range than the common 24" for space marines.

03-16-2014, 04:21 AM
I should elaborate, I already have 3 regular dreadnought models from when they were awesome, can swap weapons easy enough but don't really want to buy new stuff. Any advice on the other stuff would be welcome too. Is the general consensus to go with a thunderfire cannon over a whirlwind then?

03-16-2014, 04:57 AM
I should elaborate, I already have 3 regular dreadnought models from when they were awesome, can swap weapons easy enough but don't really want to buy new stuff. Any advice on the other stuff would be welcome too. Is the general consensus to go with a thunderfire cannon over a whirlwind then?

If you can only use regular Dreadnoughts, definitely go for the "Rifleman" builds for each of them, unless you have a Drop Pod or two handy. Either give them two twin-linked autocannons each on foot, or a multi melta in a Drop Pod. The other variants aren't really worth it.

The Whirlwind is decent but it isn't as effective overall as the Thunderfire Cannon, and the Whirlwind also starts to have diminishing returns versus Toughness 4 3+ and so on, where the Thunderfire beats it handily.

03-16-2014, 06:38 AM
full flamer dreads in a pod are decent enough as well, but don't do much that a Thunderfire won't do as well (except draw fire, which the TFC really shouldn't, small model and Barrage and all), so there you go...

Mr Mystery
03-16-2014, 06:57 AM
Depends what role you want them to fulfil.

I'm surprised that more people don't use them as back up for infantry squads. Makes for a decent unit for taking objectives, as the Dreadnoughts can wade into combat with relative impunity, with the squad providing a cover save escort.

This Dave
03-16-2014, 08:38 AM
Depends what role you want them to fulfil.

I'm surprised that more people don't use them as back up for infantry squads. Makes for a decent unit for taking objectives, as the Dreadnoughts can wade into combat with relative impunity, with the squad providing a cover save escort.

That's what I use mine for. Either landing in a pod to provide heavy weapon support to a nearby squad. Or sometimes dropped from a Storm Raven.

03-16-2014, 09:34 AM
That's what I use mine for. Either landing in a pod to provide heavy weapon support to a nearby squad. Or sometimes dropped from a Storm Raven.

on the other hand, for the cost of a Dread with a little equipment (say an Assault Cannon for some general purpose Dakka) in a pod you could just get another Tac Squad (albeit without a Pod to start off)...

Mr Mystery
03-16-2014, 09:47 AM
You could, but the Dreadnought offers good flexibility, and options a Tactical squad doesn't.

And you don't necessarily need a drop pod. Buddied up with a Tactical Squad for mutual support, and they're quite capable of waltzing across the board.

This Dave
03-16-2014, 11:11 AM
on the other hand, for the cost of a Dread with a little equipment (say an Assault Cannon for some general purpose Dakka) in a pod you could just get another Tac Squad (albeit without a Pod to start off)...

This is true. But the Dread still has some advantages over the Tactical squad. It can more effectively move and fire heavy weapons, making it good fire support. It can ride along with a squad in a Storm Raven, along with the SR itself making a rather shooty entrance. And it is completely immune to small arms from the front. I've had one with an Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer land and gank a Fire Warrior squad and laugh at their friends and their fancy Pulse Rifles nearby. The biggest advantage for me is that it's one model instead of ten. As slow as I paint the Dread is more likely to see the tabletop this year. :)

03-16-2014, 03:35 PM
well with it being that the op doesn't ant to buy any more models and wants to use the 3 he has it woudl be helpful to know the weapons options you have. as forgeworld as well as venerable dreads offer up some nice alternatives. 1. thing to consider would be what role you wanted your dread to fill. do you have access to drop pods and storm ravens for transport? I do like the multi melta and heavy flamer option its solid and dependable depending on who and what your routinely facing. riflemen dreads are a good option if your going to stand back and shoot. the drop pod assault cannon and heavy flamer also can work its tactically flexible and will deliver a world of hurt to your opponent until he is neutralized. so its not a bad option if your willing to be agressive with it and bully your opponents. everyone forgets even a single drop pod will make your opponent think 2x about his deployment and that my friends can make a world of differene. oh wait your opponent doesnt want his fire warriors to bunched up beause of that pod ok that works makies the unit more vulneable might make him spread out so that nasty supporting fire is mitigated which is helpful.

03-17-2014, 02:26 AM
I have all the weapon options that come in the dreadnought kit so switching loadout on them won't be a problem. I was hoping that the iron hands chapter tactics would help , make a cc dread more viable again as I hate to just copy everyone else and go for rifleman dreads, but I guess that's just because they're the best build for the points. Definitely going to consider switching whirlwind for a thunderfire cannon though!