View Full Version : The fluffy Fluff fluff, new way of WH40K?

Lost Vyper
03-15-2014, 01:36 AM
Hello all!

Today, i just checked an intro, from the Blue Table Paintings Youtube -batrep. They are doing the third episode on the Man vs. Bugs series and these batreps are great!

This got me thinking about the gaming in general and where itīs gone in these past couple of months in the world of batreps in Youtube and in our own FLGC. New trend seems to be the narrative, story driven gaming, which is just fantastic! Matthew is doing his Necron vs. Tyranids on the Miniwargamingīs site and the outcome is just beautiful. Story time telling us the history and the outcomes of the matches affecting the next match, itīs just great gaming. We have done our own special scenarios and the reception of those batreps has been very positive. Our gamers (in our FLGC) have all been very keen to try out more fluffy missions, just for the sake of shaking thing a bit, but it has seem to become almost a standard now.
Last time, we had three players and we played all against each other. This time we dropped the First Blood, Line Breaker and we used just the special victory conditions from the BRBīs 2 vs. 2 game and it was the best Triple Threat Match ever! People deployed more boldly (no FB, remember :D ), and took chances more and it all got really more Gung-Ho and WE LIKED IT!

I had some downtime (quiet times at work, shh, donīt tell the bossman...:p), so i did a five mission special campaign for our Space Wolves player and he was so stoked about that. Iīm going to film all of those five missions and post them up, as we find time to play them all. I actually loved the experience to create missions, when thereīs consequences from your actions. I have done special Lost Vyper -missions for our club, just for that basic pick up game, but these were even more fun to do. My friend, who set up our Starfort and Hold The Line! -missions, is doing awesome work too (it shows, that both of us, has been a Dungeon Master in D&D ;)) in the field of narrative gaming.

I think people should create more things by themselves and not to rely on the whims of the "faceless corporation"...Thereīs a place for the competitive gaming, but for a FLGC experience, i highly recommend some fluffster action, because thatīs the thing iīm always looking for, that cinematic visions of (place your most hated enemy faction here) heads blowing sky high and fliers dropping to the ground due to awesome shooting by my Dark Reaper Exarch with Fast Shot on the Icarus...oohh...i seem to be rambling again...well, thatīs what it does, when you havenīt thrown a die in over a week...next monday, weīll have 2 vs. 2 AT LAST! Letīs see how that goes, again, weīll throw in some special rules and just THROW SOME DICE!

- Lost Vyper

03-15-2014, 02:38 AM
If you've never done a 2v2, you're missing out. We have regular doubles tournaments around here, and they're awesome.

Lost Vyper
03-15-2014, 03:29 AM
Yes, we have played those, fe. the best match so far can be found as a bat rep from our youtube-channel


but, itīs the first one in AGES...really looking forward to it!