View Full Version : 1000 pt random partner tourney list

03-13-2014, 01:17 PM
on april 12th, my local GW is running their 2nd 1000 point, random partner doubles tourney.

im planning on bringing the following list using the blood angels codex.

Librarian (epistolary) 150

Assault squad (5) w/ razorback 120
Assault squad (5) w/ razorback 120

Baal Predator 115
Baal Predator 115

Knight Paladin 375


using the blood angels to provide the Anti-infantry while the knight is used for tanks/MC hunting.
the librarian and 5 guys sit outside their razorback so I can use his psychic powers before everything moves and starts killing.

I like the list because everything can move 12 and shoot normally, giving me a very aggressive list.

comments appreciated.

03-13-2014, 02:35 PM
Looks pretty solid. I feel like the Epistolary upgrade is a bit of a waste, though. And you have absolutely no Anti-Air (TL Assault Cannons won't get you far). I would consider an ADL with a Quad-Gun instead of the Epistolary upgrade and one of the Razorbacks. With random pairings you will be screwed if your ally doesn't bring anti-air.

03-14-2014, 05:03 AM
I just a recently fielded the Knight in a few games and was fully disappointed by the battle cannon. It doesn't have barrage, so the wounds it deals to enemy units (say bike squad) can be tanked by a 2+ armor character at the front. 2 shots is nice, but isn't as effective as it may seem. The melta cannon however... Holy crap! So useful for taking down vehicles, another Knight, or even infantry. Overall I'd say swap the weapon on the Knight if it's purpose is anti vehicle or anything greater than MEQ targets; once you try the melta, you won't go back :)

03-14-2014, 03:39 PM
gonna test this list this weekend.

Reclusiarch (MB) 135
Assault squad (5) w/ razorback 120
Assault squad (5) w/ razorback 120
Baal Predator 115
Predator 70
Predator 70

Knight Errant 370

think it will do a little better.