View Full Version : Sw/ig - 1,999

03-12-2014, 12:36 PM
Good day, my fellow loungers!

I have been working on a new list for a while now. One that has enough firepower to reliably destroy Wave Serpents at 48". There is a tournament in a few months that I plan on taking this to. The tournament is set at 1,999 - While I think this is a ridiculous points value and a lame way of disallowing two FOCs, I must adhere to the tournament specifications.

I would really like some feedback! I would also like some thoughts on how well this list would fare against Eldar or Tau/Eldar.

Primary Detachment - Space Wolves
Rune Priest 130
-Terminator Armor, Divination, Chooser of the Slain, Warlord
He will join the Lascannon equipped Long Fangs and cast Prescience every turn for additional reliability and backup anti-air. The squad will sit behind the ADL while he fires the Quad Gun (at BS5, thanks to the Chooser). The Terminator Armor is for added resilience, as he is my Warlord. He will be more aggressive if I play against Daemons or Eldar deathstar lists.

Lone Wolf 105
-Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield, 2 Fenrisian Wolves
Lone Wolf 105
-Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield, 2 Fenrisian Wolves
I didn't have enough anti-AV14 and anti-MC as I would like, which is a gap filled by these guys. They also are a great counter-assault unit.

3 Wolf Guard 54
-Bolt Pistol/CCW
Extra bodies for the Long Fangs.

10 Grey Hunters 195
-2 Plasmaguns, Rhino
10 Grey Hunters 195
-2 Plasmaguns, Rhino
Relatively durable scoring units that pack a bit of a punch in shooting and in CC. Very versatile. No points for Wolf Standards, I'm afraid.

Heavy Support
6 Long Fangs 215
-5 Lascannons
Great at taking out Riptides and Wraithknights, along with tanks.

6 Long Fangs 140
-5 Missile Launchers
6 Long Fangs 140
-5 Missile Launchers
Versatile firepower between the Frag and Krak Missiles.


Allied Detachment - Imperial Guard
Company Command Squad 165
-4 Plasmaguns, Chimera
They ride along with the Grey Hunters and provide fire support.

10 Veterans 155
-3 Meltaguns, Shotguns, Chimera
Meltaguns are essential in this edition, even though vehicles are less prevalent. The Shotguns are just for giggles - that's how they are modeled.

Infantry Platoon
Platoon command Squad 50
-4 Flamers
They ride in the Vendetta for late-game objective clearing.

Infantry Squad 60
Infantry Squad 60
These will likely become a single squad and sit on home objectives while adding additional long-range firepower.

Fast Attack
Vendetta Gunship 130
Mandatory anti-air.


Aegis Defense Line 100
-Quad Gun

TOTAL: 1,999

03-13-2014, 10:09 AM
I like all of it apart the Lone wolves. Any MC are just going to insta spank them and any AV14 is just going to move out of the way. I think another squad of Grey hunters is the way to go. With the extra points give them there banner and sprinkle around some melta bombs.

All that Krak, auto cannon and plasma fire should deal with the old MC and the Las, melta and the Melta bombs should dish it out to the AV14.

The more I read it the more I like it very nice list.

03-13-2014, 12:32 PM
With a 2+/3++ save and FNP the Lone Wolves are surprisingly durable against MCs. The re-rolls to hit against them really helps as well. I mostly use them for area denial - few units like taking a charge from a Lone Wolf and getting stuck in for a few rounds. I considered takiign grey Hunters instead but unfortunately I don't have any more of them to use!

03-17-2014, 10:43 AM
After some tweaking, I was able to find something better than a pair of Lone Wolves... A pair of Leman Russ Battle Tanks!

Primary Detachment - Space Wolves
Rune Priest 120
-Terminator Armor, Divination, Warlord

3 Wolf Guard 54
-Bolt Pistol/CCW

10 Grey Hunters 195
-2 Plasmaguns, Rhino
5 Grey Hunters 115
-Meltagun, Rhino

Heavy Support
6 Long Fangs 215
-5 Lascannons
6 Long Fangs 140
-5 Missile Launchers
6 Long Fangs 140
-5 Missile Launchers


Allied Detachment - Imperial Guard
Company Command Squad 165
-4 Plasmaguns, Chimera

10 Veterans 155
-3 Meltaguns, Shotguns, Chimera
Infantry Platoon
Platoon command Squad 50
-4 Flamers
Infantry Squad 60
Infantry Squad 60

Fast Attack
Vendetta Gunship 130

Heavy Support
2x Leman Russ Battle Tanks 300


Aegis Defense Line 100
-Quad Gun

TOTAL: 1,999

The pair of Leman Russ greatly improves my anti-infantry firepower at range. They will be a likely target for the Rune Priest's Prescience every turn. Who doesn't love accurate Battle Cannons?

Any thoughts on this list vs. the original?

Rory Wildwards
04-18-2014, 05:59 PM
Don't forget you get split fire on the longfangs.
Mix those weapons about, for firing angles and to prevent all of a certain weapon getting wiped out.

A bonus of lone wolves is they give you a victory point if (when) they die. ;)

04-21-2014, 02:01 PM
A bonus of lone wolves is they give you a victory point if (when) they die. ;)

Don't they simply deny a point to my enemy, and do not affect my victory point total?

Rory Wildwards
04-30-2014, 11:58 PM
Ah, yup. My bad. But still, opponent won't want to kill him. Depends on priorities, do they kill him and miss a point or let him run around smashing stuff. Giving your opponent more to think about and stress decision making skills can lead to errors.