View Full Version : Command Squad with Jump Packs?

12-28-2009, 11:43 PM
I don't have the Space Marine codex in front of me, but if I recall correctly Command Squads can ride bikes but can't take jump packs, which is weird given that a Captain can take either. Is this intentional or an oversight? Is there any way around it (e.g. a chapter or a special character)? Do anyone house rule this?

I'm primarily interested from a modeling perspective. I think an Apothecary with a Jump Pack would be a fun and cool looking conversion.

12-29-2009, 12:59 AM
It is rather stupid. Even worse is the rules for Honour Gaurd. They can't have bikes or jump packs, and they have to have bolt pistols and boltguns. Turns out some of the most vetern marines in the chapter arn't allowed to have plasma pistols or colse combat weapons.

Personally, my plan is to use the rules for honour gaurd from the Blood Angel codex as a command squad.

Little Brother
12-29-2009, 03:10 AM
Honour guard have a power weapon as standard as well as a pistol and bolter. They are the only unit in the marine codex to get uber grit.

12-29-2009, 03:58 AM
You're right, ignore me. I've read that entry hundreds of times and that's the first time I've seen power weapon in there :P

12-29-2009, 09:19 AM
I don't have the Space Marine codex in front of me, but if I recall correctly Command Squads can ride bikes but can't take jump packs, which is weird given that a Captain can take either. Is this intentional or an oversight? Is there any way around it (e.g. a chapter or a special character)? Do anyone house rule this?

I'm primarily interested from a modeling perspective. I think an Apothecary with a Jump Pack would be a fun and cool looking conversion.

for command squads the easiest solution is to treat them all like Vanguard\ Captain and use that point level to add Jump packs, while i haven't checked teh BA codex i think death company points may be included in there, also i don't think it's cool to use some rules from one codex and not all. it's a little too convenient and pick and choose. If you want you can run a "as BA army" but you'd get screwed bc of Death Co. points being dropped.

Anyway as for Honor guard i treat their JP's as a Chap Master cost. Levels out that way. I'm sure in IA:8 coming out next month FW will have brought back Shrike's Raven wing or something similar and we'll get a slightly more official form of doing things, but for now that's the most even solution i can find. Again i think the priority for overall point balance should be in keeping with the same codex.

I've been playing RG for a couple years now and as a set of house rules i find few people have a problem with this method. I also in my modeling thread have a converted apothecary with jump pack as a part of the RG 3'rd command squad. I'll be posting pics soon.