View Full Version : Power Armor Daydreams

03-11-2014, 08:19 PM
So something I've been kicking around for awhile is starting a space marine army. And while the IG, never calling them that faux latin bs..., will be my next investment as I return to them with their 6th ed release, I am considering adding some power armored allies.

Now, originally I was thinking of taking Salamanders because well, I love fire and meltaguns. However, these caught my eye... http://puppetswar.com/product.php?id_product=203 and my brain started turning.

First they were still going to counts as Salamanders with some drop pods to get them where I want them. Then I considered using them as Space Wolves for their sheer hard hitting close combat potential. Finally, I remembered that Samurai, before the advent of guns of course, were primarily a hard hitting horseback unit and it hit me that maybe White Scars would be the perfect fit.

My local meta is five flavors of marine. DA, C:SM, SW, BA and CSM, Daemons, Iyanden Eldar, SoB, Necrons, Dark Eldar, and finally Taudar.

Normally I'm the fluffy player with horde armies. Orks, IG, Tau (Heavy infantry leanings) and Nids. So this would be a departure from relying on numbers to carry me through and swamp the enemy.

So Which do you all think of the three would be good to take on my friends? Counts as Sallies, Wolves, or Scars? And if anyone has a good build suggestion I'm all ears.

03-11-2014, 09:02 PM
Well, Space Wolves are really cool and fluffy, but they aren't that good right now. If you don't care about that though go for it, they have some awesome models. Also Grey Hunters are still one of the best troop choices. They are like every other chapters tactical squads, only better. Like, a lot better. So much better it actually borders on the ridiculous when you play SW against other SM armies. If you like bikes, go for White Scars. And if you like appearing in the middle of your enemies ranks and burning them to death, then go with the Salamanders. All three of those armies, while still Space Marines, have very diverse play styles. As far as power goes I think that the Scars are the best, but I'm not sure. They would be good counters to some of the armies you play against, since it seems like you have to deal with fast moving forces.