View Full Version : Grey Knights as Fluffy as it Gets - 2000 pts

03-11-2014, 06:39 PM


5 Paladins
2 Psycannons

5 Paladins
2 Psycannons


Fill the remaining 85 points with whatever upgrades you desire and you have an army that actually fits the space marine fluff: 12 dudes and a Thunderhawk.

Does anybody have the hawk necessary to try it out?

Mad Cat
03-13-2014, 11:23 AM
OK the thunderhawk has to deploy in reserve as it is a flyer. You then have 4 units left and can only put half of them in reserve so a charachter and 5 paladins must deploy on table at the start and get killed off on turn one and you loose.

Even if the initial force survives you run the risk of the flyer not arriving on turn 2 or 3 and havent the firepower to kill the enemy in your remeining 2-6 turns. If you want a thunderhawk take cheap HQs and plenty of scoring bodies. Coteaz, 40+ henchmen and 5 or 10 GK termies could work ok.

03-14-2014, 12:48 PM
Just one more reason to hate that rule. I really miss my Crouching Trygon, Hidden Genestealers list, and would love to see 12 marines in a hawk try to take out a full army.

03-21-2014, 08:57 AM
Lets not forget that there is no reason to stop you tweaking the rules to allow you to do this... I'd maybe tell the person I was playing against...

As regards it being fluffy... I thought Drago was stuck in the warp and just appeared out of thin air when the going got a rough for his mates back in the real world! Whats he doing blasting about in an aeroplane?

03-30-2014, 09:09 PM
Let's just pretend the dude in the hawk isn't Draigo. He's mostly just there to make Paladins troops.

Lets not forget that there is no reason to stop you tweaking the rules to allow you to do this... I'd maybe tell the person I was playing against...

As regards it being fluffy... I thought Drago was stuck in the warp and just appeared out of thin air when the going got a rough for his mates back in the real world! Whats he doing blasting about in an aeroplane?

White Tiger88
03-31-2014, 01:54 AM
uh.....i would say don't play this that thunderhawk will be downed by a few Dreadnoughts with AA weapons.........plus it will be a pain to transport.