View Full Version : Storm Troopers Wish List....

Blood Shadow
03-11-2014, 01:24 AM
I've been wanting to make a viable Storm trooper army for so long now, since the last version of Daemon Hunters codex became obsolete. Could never quite manage it with IG; what with expensive Elites or Vets with regular lasguns, couldn't manage it with GK or codex Inquisition either...with a carapace wearing, hellgun totting acolyte that costs more than a space marine, yet has sucky BS3...

....So wish listing things the storm trooper codex (if that's what it is):

1) have to be BS4, if a guy with flak armour and a hellgun is costed at around the same as a Space marine scout then he's going to need a stat boost.

2) no option for flak armour, these guys need carapace as standard or else no one is going to take it.

3) storm bolters if they're options need to be on the sprues, human sized storm bolters are horrible to convert and rarely do two look the same. Can end up looking like an Inquisitor has plundered an Ork Nobs arsenal.

4) 3x special weapons in a unit of 10, just an idea...same capability as guard (though think this might change)

5) Inqs to be able to share dedicated transports

6) If I'm really pushing it, Vendetta as dedicated transport, if not at least as a fast option

7) Infiltrate special rule as standard

Anyone else waiting?

03-11-2014, 02:20 PM
Option for Shotguns (preferably scout-style or with special rounds) for an Arbites option.

03-11-2014, 02:24 PM
Why not give them customizable options similar to Wolf Guard? instead of giving power-armor or terminator armor, let the models buy USR's, like Sniper or scout/stealth, etc... In addition to personally picking their weapons, limiting things like Plasma/melta, or Combi's, give them either special rounds or the ability to buy those rounds, special grenades, "air-strike-vox-caster" or something cool.

Blood Shadow
03-11-2014, 02:52 PM
Wow these are awesome ideas....love the shotgun special ammo as well as the air-strike option...

Special ammo for shotguns....web ammo, rad ammo, stun, blind? psychotroke bullets? What would you give it?

Air Strike, could be a one shot orbital or one deep striking unit or flyer in reserve may enter play immediately measured in from the unit....perhaps give the unit scout too!

Not interested in balance here just what would be amazing....

03-12-2014, 08:29 AM
Option for Shotguns (preferably scout-style or with special rounds) for an Arbites option.

Veterans in the IG dex already have that...

03-12-2014, 10:14 AM
I've always loved Storm Troopers as well. In fact as part of my Inquisition army I have 6 squads in Valks and Vends. My wish list would be:

All ST infantry and vehicles have BS 4 and LD 9 squad leaders


Inquisitor Lord - standard retinue with chimera, valk/ved transport or can join an ST squad. Also give him a once per game orbital bombardment.

Storm Trooper Captain - cause every army needs a leader from its ranks - upped stats in line with IG commanders - can take command squad

Command squad - similar to the current IG one - replace big obvious unstealthy banner with something that does the same thing but more appropriately sized to ST - can take chimera or valk/ven as dedicated transport.

Troops: standard 10 man st squads - 2 special weapons - can combat squad - chimera or valk/vend as dedicated transport

Fast Attack: standard 10 man st squads - 4 special weapons - must take valk/ved as dedicated transport

Heavy Support: Squadrons of Vultures - the lack of heavy weapons on troops is more than made up for with either these or the dedicated transport options in other squads

Elites: I saved these for last cause heres where the specialization comes in:
10 man squads - can take chimeras, valks or vends as dedicated transport
each squad can be optioned out for specific roles with specific equipment for that squad
Daemon Hunters - Fearless, rad grenades
Psyker Hunters - Adamantium Will, psyk out grenades
Anti Tank - Tank Hunters, melta bombs or haywire
Anti Infantry - twin linked on flamers
Close Combat - Rending or Shred
Arbites - Shotgun and grenade launcher special ammo or mauls/shields

I would love to see all that on a table. Apoc or not. I kinda picture it as an army formed and led by an inquisitor whos been tasked with a very specific type goal. Sort of like a poor mans Marine scalpel. Surgical strike, get in and get out kinda thing. Who knows. I might just try to hash out a playable house codex version for my gaming buddies. I can picture flights of valks/vends and vultures swooping in and around the battlefield supporting squads of STs. This was possible but not really feasible with STs always being metal. But now with the new plastic kits coming with much easier conversion possibilities, its making for a beautiful picture in this mind's eye. Cue the overture.

However since we also take turns using each others armies I better make it balanced for when I see it across the table from me. :)

Arkhan Land
03-12-2014, 10:21 AM
berets, i already know i got my wish

03-13-2014, 02:13 PM
Wow these are awesome ideas....love the shotgun special ammo as well as the air-strike option...

Special ammo for shotguns....web ammo, rad ammo, stun, blind? psychotroke bullets? What would you give it?
Well, for Arbites, the obvious first choice is Executioner rounds, their sort of seeker-bolt rounds that lock onto a target and seek it out. As I recall, the old rules from Citadel Journal (#26?) were Assault 1, twin-linked bolt-round (S4 AP5) with 6-18" range (so at <6" you'd only be able to fire standard shotgun rounds). Not saying it has to have that stat-line, but it would be awesome if it did. Alternatives are man-stoppers (S4/5 AP-), AP-slugs (Assault 1, S3 AP3?), electro-rounds (?), etc. Lots of ideas from the fluff, and from the Dark Heresy game (esp. Book of Judgement).

Options for Suppression Shield/Power Maul combo would also be awesome, as would ability to take Repressors as transports.

Veterans in the IG dex already have that...
See above. S3 shotguns are not really what I had in mind when I said scout-style shotguns and special rounds.

Tufty The Evil Goblin
03-13-2014, 03:59 PM
I'd agree with some of the points above.
Troopers really need transport (foot slogging is for Whiteshields), lots of special weapons (cheap meltas would be nice!) and ability to split squads.