View Full Version : Need some advice about making a custom Chapter from people who have done this.

03-10-2014, 05:42 AM
Inspired by this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FPj1u0gso4

Backstory : When you design a backstory for your army how do you go about it?

What Chapter Tactic to choose do I need to relate to it or can I just pick one?

Color Scheme : Does everyone have to be the same color scheme but can have little difference or do people paint them completely different based on there rank for example Everyone in the army is Purple with Black trim but the Librarian is Black all over with Purple trim?

For Sgt do you just paint there helmet another color or just paint him different?

I am not sure what else to ask because this is the first time I am attempting this.

Thanks for the help :)

03-10-2014, 05:57 AM
As long as you stick consistently to whichever army list you pick to play and dont mix and match it doesnt really matter how you paint it and justify it fluffwise.

03-10-2014, 06:03 AM
I think everyone does it their own way and certainly there is no "right way" to do the hobby.

With the backstory stuff. This comes from you, what are your experiances, what do you like? Is there a particular game that you played that you really enjoyed and can that be expanded in to a bigger fluff? Is there a historical campaign (either 40k or real life) that you could swap those involved to make a narrative?

For me, it is always nice when the back story and the chapter tactics relate to each other. I find it a little jarring that when a chapter whose history is about brutal close combat affairs have chapter tactics that focus on shooting for instance, but again there is no hard fast rules. I would say maybe choose a chapter tactic that relates to your playing style then use that the help inform the history of your custom chapter.

In terms of colour scheme, again this is all about how you want them to appear. I would suggest though if everyone had a radically different paint job then it might be hard to see them as a cohesive force rather than a collection of individual squads/units/characters.

Most commonly the ultramarine geneseed is used to make sucessive foundings so have a look at their colour schemes. The codex astartes suggests that each company will have a different trim

1st Company: White or Silver (members of the 1st Company should also paint their helmet the company colour).
2nd Company: Yellow or Gold
3rd Company: Red
4th Company: Green
5th Company: Black
6th Company: Orange
7th Company: Purple
8th Company: Grey
9th Company: Blue
10th Company: Nominally white, however the company colour is not displayed on their armour, because of their need to blend with their surroundings on reconnaissance missions.

But there is no reason to follow this directly, Blood Angels, for instance instead of displaying the squad markings (tactical, assault, devastator) on the shoulder have company markings instead.

So you might choose for a certain company to do a trim colour for the shoulder pad then do the inverse for the sargeants. Or paint the helmet a certain colour or whatever.

Traditionally, Librarians are blue, Chaplains are black, Techmarines are red, and Apothecaries are white, with their shoulder pads the colour of the chapter. But once again it is your own rules.
In my Blood Angel force all the Librarians wear red armour, though their tabards and other cloth are blue.

03-10-2014, 06:32 AM
Ok my Chapter what I have so far
Primed in black
Base coat Darkish purple using Naggaroth night
Trim will be Black
The mouth part up to the eyes of the space marine Sgt will be Khorne Red
Chapter Sgt use the Loincloth with the 2 purity seals on there Left shoulder pad
The Emblem I will use will be the imperial fist facing with the fist facing downwards
They will use the chapter tactics imperial fists

That's all I have at the moment thanks for the advice guys

03-10-2014, 06:51 AM
Something like this?:

03-10-2014, 06:58 AM
I must say I love it and yes just like that is there a program that does this?

03-10-2014, 07:02 AM
It is Bolter & Chainsword's Space Marine Painter with Wargear (beta)


That combined with a conversion chart of Citadel paints to hex values (http://smallworldminis.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/citadel-paint-hex-codes.html)

And hex a colour to work out complementary colours (http://www.colorhexa.com/)

03-10-2014, 07:08 AM
Is there a vallejo hex code chart out there?

03-10-2014, 07:09 AM
Thats odd because Naggaroth Night is not dark blue its purple but for some reason its showing up as dark blue is that a glich?

03-10-2014, 07:10 AM
I don't know I used #3E3355 for the naggorath purple

03-10-2014, 07:15 AM
ah right i did not put the # inside

03-10-2014, 07:27 AM

There ya go how my army will look :D

03-10-2014, 07:28 AM
I look forward to seeing them :) get painting!

03-10-2014, 07:41 AM
Its is going take a wile with work and all but so far I have to paint 1 rhino 1 razorback 1 pred 2 gunship's a speeder then I got 15 tactical marines 5 scouts 5 devastator models 2 librarian a Imp bastion and to finish off 5 vanguard vets.

03-10-2014, 07:42 AM
Since January 2013, I have painted 5 marines :D I sometimes worry about how fast I go.

03-10-2014, 08:33 AM
Now i need to come up with a name What does founding meen by the way?

03-10-2014, 08:36 AM
The "founding" is which batch they were created from, so the initial 20 legions were the first founding. Then when codex astartes was implemented and spilt the legions to chapters this was the second founding. In times of need the high lords can issue a founding of space marines and so they create a new chapter.
This explains it better I think

03-10-2014, 08:37 AM
The problem is the number of supposed existing chapters and number of foundings doesn't add up...

03-10-2014, 08:49 AM
The problem is the number of supposed existing chapters and number of foundings doesn't add up...

it's not like the Imperium now knew about everything it once did (quite possible to forget an entire Founding of chapters if the wrong data shack goes fubar... or maybe deliberately deleted, which is even more common probably *huh? Commissar? Nonono I didn't...* - *BLAM*), nor do all Chapters once founded still exist, so I'd be vastly more surprised IF those numbers actually added up... or am I understanding you wrong here?

03-10-2014, 08:58 AM
Well I want my chapter to be related to the imperial fists but more of a outcast one being that they was ordered to stand down but saw IG being killed and did a "**** the police" and went to support them so are now trying to redeem it self the reason why the imperial fists emblem is turned upside down.

03-10-2014, 09:10 AM
Apparently the 26th founding is the most recent.
And theres roughly a thousand chapters give or take.
There were only 23 created from the Ultramarines at the second founding.
And I'm sure one of the foundings on the wiki was listed as the largest since the second founding and there was about a dozen chapters named.
So how did they ever reach a thousand chapters?

03-10-2014, 09:19 AM
So how did they ever reach a thousand chapters?

When Mr and Mrs Emperor love each other very much...

Darren Richardson
03-10-2014, 10:49 AM
So how did they ever reach a thousand chapters?

there you go, Imperial Administrators for you, give them paperwork to copy in triplicate and they go and lose every known copy in the universe :p

Darren Richardson
03-10-2014, 10:56 AM
of course there is also the problem of the admin giving out the same name to several different foundings of chapters, as told in Codex:Space Marines....

It also makes you wonder if some idoit on Terra goes and approves renegade traitor chapters former names for re-use, imagine the problems that could cause as well :)

Darren Richardson
03-10-2014, 11:00 AM
to the OP

It sound like you want your marines to be on a penitant Crusade, I like the idea :)

03-10-2014, 05:05 PM
The name I came up with for my chapter is Imperial Redemption.

That is correct darren they will follow the god empire but they will not class anyone as useless or expendable after all what good is protecting the people of your god empire if there is no one to protect to begin with that means they dislike The Inquisition due to there actions when it comes to trying to stay hidden.

Chaos forceis
Dark Eldar

Natural unless provoked
Grey Knights
Sisters of battle
Dark Angels

Space Marines
Blood Angels
Imperial Guard
Space Wolves

All that is left to do now I believe is what planet they stationed on.
Sorry about spelling the spell checker is on the drugs again

03-10-2014, 05:55 PM
The most important things to consider when designing a space marine chapter are backstory, color scheme, and distinctive traits. Every “custom” or “DIY/Do it Yourself” Space Marine chapter is a successor chapter based off one of the original loyal legions. However, this doesn’t necessarily need to be reflected in their chapter tactics or appearance. The Black Templar are successors of the Imperial Fists Legion, and the two couldn’t be more different.

Some of the best ways to consider your chapter’s distinctive traits are cursed foundings (like the Black Dragons, Fire Hawks, Lamentors, etc.), minor mutations (like the Canis Helix of the Space Wolves), or a particular code of honor they adhere to (perhaps they eschew ranged combat? In which case you could use the Black Templar chapter tactics for their crusader…yness…or the Carcharodons chapter tactics to give your tactical marines twin close combat weapons).

As for color scheme, pick two contrasting or complementing colors that you really like. If you have a PC or video game console, go pick up Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine on the cheap and play around with its army painter- it works wonders for planning out a cool color scheme.